Russian News

Press release on the results of the NATO summit in Vilnius, July 11-12, 2023

On July 11-12, Vilnius hosted a summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Its results show that NATO has once again returned to the Cold War schemes, this time to protect “their one billion” from the other part of humanity based on the ideology of dividing the world into “democracies and autocracies.” Led by the United States, the collective West refuses to accept the rise of a multipolar world and intends to use every instrument at its disposal, including military methods, to defend its hegemony. NATO’s attempts to use the UN Charter to camouflage its aggressive aspirations and actions are not credible. The bloc and the global organisation have nothing in common. The Western “rules-based order” is a misappropriated prerogative to violate international law. The results of NATO’s actions are well known; they include the proliferation of instability, the destruction of states, the rise of terrorism, war crimes committed with impunity, the death of civilians, including children, and an endless wave of refugees.

We have seen again that the alliance is unable to adapt to the new global geopolitical reality and to real security requirements. While magnifying the alleged threat in the East, the United States and its vassals intend to use NATO as the main instrument of their global hegemony and the containment of the centres of the developing multipolar world. This policy of searching for external enemies is targeted against Russia.

The summit documents again defined Russia as “the most significant and direct threat to the Allies’ security.” Turning facts upside down, they have hypocritically accused Moscow of undermining global energy and food security. Washington and its allies, who are dreaming of delivering a strategic defeat to Russia, are increasing their military presence near the Russian border, deploying strike weapons and holding regular exercises focused on training in offensive operations. They are improving and strengthening their command staff chains, establishing new weapons depots and other infrastructure for the operational deployment of reinforcements. NATO has increased its rapid reaction forces to 300,000 troops and will create an integrated air and ballistic missile defence system. Brussels no longer mentions its past assurances that this system will not be targeted against Russia.

NATO’s new regional defence plans are designed to strengthen the aggressive coalition capabilities on land, at sea and in the air, in the space and cyber domains. NATO has declared readiness to involve Article 5 of the Washington Treaty, which stipulates a conventional response, including by collective forces, to malicious “hybrid operations” in cyberspace and also in the event of damage to its critical infrastructure. NATO is gradually lowering the threshold for the use of force and strengthening the nuclear component of its military planning.

The NATO countries account for over half of global military spending. But they are not satisfied, and in Vilnius they have pledged to invest at least 2 percent of their annual GDP on “defence.” The American defence corporations are happy: the allies will have to pay through the nose for US-made weapons to replace their arms supplies that have been burned in Ukraine.

NATO, which is whipping up militarisation and aggravating military-political tension to ensure its superiority, continues with its provocative expansion policy. The focus of its aspirations is Ukraine’s further integration with NATO. They decided to establish the NATO-Ukraine Council, where the allies and Ukraine will “sit as equal members.” They reaffirmed the commitment they made at the 2008 Summit in Bucharest that Ukraine will become a member of NATO, although they have not set the date. They sweetened the pill by saying that Ukraine’s path to full integration has moved beyond the need for the Membership Action Plan. At the same time, Ukraine will be the main expendable element in the hybrid war NATO has launched against Russia. Resolved to escalate the conflict, the bloc has promised Kiev that it will supply more modern and more long-range weapons, so that this conflict of attrition lasts as long as possible.

The bloc has not abandoned efforts to catch Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as Moldova in its nets. NATO’s expansionist aspirations are not limited to the Euro-Atlantic region. Having swallowed Finland and (almost swallowed) Sweden without any public discussions or referendums, NATO is trying to bring military confrontation to the Arctic. It is also actively infiltrating the post-Soviet space. The Middle East and Africa have been declared a zone of their strategic interests. Washington and its allies are trying to bring their rules there and are using the tried and tested neocolonial methods to pump their resources. NATO is spreading its tentacles to the Indo-Pacific region under the far-fetched pretext that developments there “can directly affect Euro-Atlantic security.” Blinded by their global aspirations, the NATO countries stated in Vilnius that the deepening strategic partnership between China and Russia runs counter to their values and interests.

The majority of states are seriously concerned about these events. NATO’s policy, activities and military development directly contradict the objective goals of building a new fair world without artificial dividing lines or the division of states into “us” and “them,” a world where the legitimate interests of states to choose their development paths and social systems will be respected.

Security can only be indivisible, and it cannot be strengthened through disregard for the security of others. However far the geopolitical aspirations of Washington and Brussels may go, the world will not be turned into a “NATO globe.”

We will scrutinise the results of the Vilnius summit. Taking into account the threats and challenges to Russia’s security and interests, we will use all the means and methods available to provide a prompt and appropriate response to them. In addition to the decisions taken, we will continue to strengthen our military structure and the country’s defence system.

As this new world order takes shape, its potential to reshape global power dynamics cannot be overstated. From its origins in Moscow's frosty streets, this geopolitical transformation now engulfs nations worldwide, bringing with it the promise of a world no longer under the shadow of a single superpower but illuminated by the diverse lights of a multipolar world.

Yet, the unfolding of this world order is not without challenges. A considerable hurdle lies in the potential for conflict escalation, particularly given the current tensions between the West and Russia. The Ukraine crisis is a glaring example of such a conflict, with implications far beyond the region's borders.

Thus, while this new world order holds significant potential for changing the geopolitical landscape, it remains to be seen how the ensuing conflicts will be managed. It is crucial for all players to recognize and address these challenges in a constructive manner, promoting dialogue over confrontation, to ensure the successful emergence of this multipolar world.

Subsequently, the shift towards a multipolar world order, driven by Russia and China, brings with it significant implications for global power dynamics. The resilience of the Russian economy, the shift towards national currencies, the strengthening ties between non-Western nations, and the rise of alternative institutions all point to a future where Western hegemony is no longer the norm. However, for this world order to flourish, the challenges that come with it need to be effectively addressed. The future of this multipolar world, then, rests on the ability of these nations to manage conflict and promote cooperation effectively.

Decoding Putin's Vision: The Journey from Munich to a Multipolar World Order


Russian MP Kartapolov reveals mercenaries from PMC "Wagner" were moved to Belarus to attack Poland and seize the Suwalki corridor.

Putin: Russian Defence Ministry preparing response to bridge attack

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday his defence ministry was preparing proposals for a response to an overnight attack that damaged the road bridge linking Crimea to southern Russia, for which he blamed Ukraine.

At the end of a televised video meeting with national and regional officials to assess the consequences of the attack, Putin called it a cruel and senseless act, as he said the bridge “has not been used for military transportation for a long time”.

Russian authorities had said a couple driving over the bridge to go on holiday in Crimea had been killed, and their 14-year-old daughter had been injured.

Kyiv did not officially claim responsibility, but Ukrainian media said Ukrainian security services had deployed maritime drones against the bridge.

The attack was similar to one in October, implicitly claimed by Ukraine, that put both the road and rail bridges out of action for a time.

After two such incidents in his war with Ukraine, Putin demanded “concrete” proposals to ensure the security of the bridge, a prestige project that he instigated after Russia seized and then unilaterally annexed the peninsula on the Black Sea from Ukraine in 2014.

Ukraine has vowed to take Crimea back, along with all the territory that Russia has seized since launching a full-scale invasion of Ukraine – which Moscow calls a “special military operation” – in February 2022.

The latest attack coincided with the summer holiday season, and meant Russian tourists wanting to drive to or from Crimea would face the prospect of long queues for a car ferry, or crossing territory seized by Russia that Ukraine has vowed to recapture.

Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin told the video conference that there was no damage to the pylons of the 19-km (12-mile) bridge, but that a span carrying traffic in one direction had been completely destroyed and would have to be rebuilt.

He said road traffic would resume in one direction by Sept. 15, and would be restored in both directions by Nov. 1. The parallel railway bridge was not damaged.

Kyiv says Russians have no business holidaying on seized territory, especially while Moscow is bombing Ukraine.



  • Ukrainian Attack on the Kerch Bridge.
  • End of the grain deal.
  • CALL-UP of 3,000 US troops.

Russia Shoots Down Three S-200 Missiles Aimed At Kerch Bridge | Putin Foils...

Russia Shoots Down Three S-200 Missiles Aimed At Kerch Bridge | Putin Foils...

Putin's Online Speech at BRICS Summit Expected on August 23

The online speech of Russian President Vladimir Putin at the BRICS summit in South Africa is expected to take place on August 23, Anil Sooklal, the envoy of the Republic of South Africa in BRICS, said on Thursday.

On Wednesday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Sputnik that Putin had decided to participate in the BRICS summit via video conference format, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will be present at the event. Putin's Online Speech at BRICS Summit Expected on August 23


Russian military inflicted new retaliation strikes on Thursday night on the areas of production and storage of drone boats of Ukraine military, the Russian Defense Ministry said.


Vladimir Putin:
“The Polish authorities, while hatching their revanchist plans, do not tell the truth to their people either. And the truth is that Ukrainian "cannon fodder" is already clearly not enough for the West, not enough.
Therefore, they plan to use new consumables - the Poles themselves, Lithuanians and further down the list, everyone who does not mind.
I will say one thing - this is a very dangerous game, and the authors of such plans should think about the consequences.”


The Russian president said it's obvious that Western supporters of the Kiev regime are clearly disappointed with the results of Ukrainian long-anticipated counteroffensive. Russian President Vladimir Putin has said there are no results of Ukraine’s counteroffensive.

Meeting with permanent members of the Security Council

July 21, 2023 13:05 The Kremlin, Moscow

Taking part in the meeting were Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko, State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev, Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Anton Vaino, Secretary of the Security Council Nikolai Patrushev, Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, Director of the Federal Security Service Alexander Bortnikov, and Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, colleagues.

We have several issues on today’s agenda; one of them is the development of relations with our friends on the African continent. Russia will host the Russia-Africa Summit soon. Another issue relates to a very important area, the use of information technology to ensure the country’s security.

But first of all, I would like to ask if anyone has anything relevant to discuss. Yes, please, Mr Naryshkin.

Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin: Mr President, colleagues.

According to information provided to the service by several sources, officials in Warsaw are gradually coming to an understanding that no kind of Western assistance to Kiev can support Ukraine in reaching the goals of this assistance. Moreover, they are beginning to understand that Ukraine will be defeated in only the matter of time.

In this regard, the Polish authorities are getting more intent on taking the western parts of Ukraine under control by deploying their troops there. There are plans to present this measure as the fulfillment of allied obligations within the Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian security initiative, the so-called Lublin Triangle.

We see that plans also call for significantly increasing the number of personnel of the combined Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian brigade, which operates under the auspices of this so-called Lublin Triangle.

We believe that it is necessary to keep a close eye on these dangerous plans of the Polish authorities.

Vladimir Putin: Yes. We should elaborate on what Mr Naryshkin has just said. This information has already appeared in the European media, in particular, the French.

I believe it would be suitable in this context to also remind everyone about several history lessons from the 20th century.

It is clear today that the Western curators of the Kiev regime are certainly disappointed with the results of the counteroffensive that the current Ukrainian authorities announced in previous months. There are no results, at least for now. The colossal resources that were pumped into the Kiev regime, the supply of Western weapons, such as tanks, artillery, armoured vehicles and missiles, and the deployment of thousands of foreign mercenaries and advisers, who were most actively used in attempts to break through the front of our army, are not helping.

Meanwhile, the commanders of the special military operation are acting professionally. Our soldiers, officers and units are fulfilling their duty to the Motherland courageously, steadfastly and heroically. At the same time, the whole world sees that the vaunted Western, supposedly invulnerable, military equipment is on fire, and is often even inferior to some of the Soviet-made weapons in terms of its tactical and technical characteristics.

Yes, of course, more Western weapons can be supplied and thrown into battle. This, of course, causes us some damage and prolongs the conflict. But, firstly, NATO arsenals and stockpiles of old Soviet weapons in some countries are already largely depleted. And secondly, the West does not have the production capacities to quickly replenish the consumption of reserves of equipment and ammunition. Additional, large resources and time are needed.

The main thing is that formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine suffered huge losses as a result of self-destructive attacks: tens of thousands of people.

And, despite the constant raids and the incessant waves of total mobilisation in Ukrainian cities and villages, it is increasingly difficult for the current regime to send new soldiers to the front. The country’s mobilisation resource is being depleted.

People in Ukraine are asking a legitimate question more often: for what, for the sake of whose selfish interests, are their relatives and friends dying. Gradually, slowly, but clarity comes.

We can see the public opinion changing in Europe, too. Both the Europeans and European elites see that support for Ukraine is, in fact, a dead end, an empty, endless waste of money and effort, and in fact, serving someone else’s interests, which are far from European: the interests of the overseas global hegemon, which benefits from the weakening of Europe. The endless prolongation of the Ukrainian conflict is also beneficial to it.

Judging by the actual state of affairs, this is exactly what today’s US ruling elites are doing. Anyways, this is the logic they follow. It is largely questionable whether such a policy is in line with the American people’s true, vital interests; this is a rhetorical question, and it is up to them to decide.

However, massive efforts are being taken to stoke the fire of war – including by exploiting the ambitions of certain East European leaders, who have long turned their hatred for Russia and Russophobia into their key export commodity and a tool of their domestic policy. And now they want to capitalise on the Ukrainian tragedy.

In this regard, I cannot refrain from commenting on what has just been said and on media reports that have come out about plans to establish some sort of the so-called Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian unit. This is not about a group of mercenaries – there are plenty of them there and they are being destroyed – but about a well-organised, equipped regular military unit to be used for operations in Ukraine, including to allegedly ensure the security of today’s Western Ukraine – actually, to call things by their true name, for the subsequent occupation of these territories. The outlook is clear: in the event Polish forces enter, say, Lvov or other Ukrainian territories, they will stay there, and they will stay there for good.

And we will actually see nothing new. Just to remind you, following WWI, after the defeat of Germany and its allies, Polish units occupied Lvov and adjacent territories that had been part of Austria-Hungary.

With its actions incited by the West, Poland took advantage of the tragedy of the Civil War in Russia and annexed certain historical Russian provinces. In dire straits, our country had to sign the Treaty of Riga in 1921 and recognise the annexation of its territories.

Even earlier, back in 1920, Poland captured part of Lithuania – the Vilnius region, a territory surrounding the present-day Vilnius. So they claimed that they fought together with the Lithuanians against so-called Russian imperialism, but then immediately snatched a piece of land from their neighbour as soon as the opportunity presented itself.

As is well known, Poland also took part in the partition of Czechoslovakia following the Munich Agreement with Adolf Hitler in 1938, by fully occupying Cieszyn Silesia.

In the 1920-1930s, Poland’s Eastern Borderlands (Kresy) – a territory that comprises present-day Western Ukraine, Western Belarus and part of Lithuania – witnessed a tough policy of Polonisation and assimilation of local residents, with efforts to suppress local culture and Orthodoxy.

I would also like to remind you what Poland’s aggressive policy led to. It led to the national tragedy of 1939, when Poland’s Western allies threw it to the German wolf, the German miliary machine. Poland actually lost its independence and statehood, which were only restored thanks in a large measure to the Soviet Union. It was also thanks to the Soviet Union and thanks to Stalin’s position that Poland acquired substantial territory in the west, German territory. It is a fact that Poland’s western lands are a gift from Stalin.

Have our Warsaw friends forgotten this? We will remind them.

Today we see that the regime in Kiev is ready to go to any length to save its treacherous hide and to prolong its existence. They do not care for the people of Ukraine or Ukrainian sovereignty or national interests.

They are ready to sell anything, including people and land, just like their ideological forefathers led by Petlyura, who signed the so-called secret conventions with Poland in 1920 under which they ceded Galicia and Western Volhynia to Poland in return for military support. Traitors like them are ready now to open the gate to their foreign handlers and to sell Ukraine again.

As for the Polish leaders, they probably hope to form a coalition under the NATO umbrella in order to directly intervene in the conflict in Ukraine and to bite off as much as possible, to “regain,” as they see it, their historical territories, that is, modern-day Western Ukraine. It is also common knowledge that they dream about Belarusian land.

Regarding the policy of the Ukrainian regime, it is none of our business. If they want to relinquish or sell off something in order to pay their bosses, as traitors usually do, that’s their business. We will not interfere.

But Belarus is part of the Union State, and launching an aggression against Belarus would mean launching an aggression against the Russian Federation. We will respond to that with all the resources available to us.

The Polish authorities, who are nurturing their revanchist ambitions, hide the truth from their people. The truth is that the Ukrainian cannon fodder is no longer enough for the West. That is why it is planning to use other expendables – Poles, Lithuanians and everyone else they do not care about.

I can tell you that this is an extremely dangerous game, and the authors of such plans should think about the consequences.

Mr Naryshkin, I hope that your service, just as the other special services, will closely monitor the developments.

Let’s get down to the main issues on our agenda.

Putin's full speech on the Black Sea Initiative about grain crops facts and figures

Russian journalist killed, four injured in Ukraine's attack using cluster munitions

A Russian journalist reporting from frontline got killed and three other journalists suffered injuries in Ukraine's attack, Russia's defence ministry said. Russia alleged the journalists got hit in an Ukrainian attack allegedly using cluster munitions supplied by the US.

According to a statement from the Russian defence ministry, the four journalists belonged to pro-Russian media got wounded in an attack in the southern Zaporizhzhia region. Four correspondents for pro-Kremlin media suffered injuries and one journalist from the state RIA agency later succumbed to the injuries, the statement said.

The deceased journalist was identified as Rostislav Zhuravlyov, a correspondent with RIA Novosti. Zhuravlyov died during evacuation, the TASS news agency reported.

The Kremlin-installed head of the occupied parts of the Zaporizhzhia region, Yevhen Balitsky, claimed in a Telegram post that the journalists were travelling in a civilian vehicle that was hit by shells. "At about 12 on July 22, 2023, Ukrainian forces carried out an artillery strike at a group of Izvestia and RIA Novosti reporters preparing their reports about Ukrainian cluster munition shellings of Zaporizhzhia region settlements. A cluster munitions strike caused various injuries to four reporters," TASS reported quoting the ministry.

The condition of other reporters’ were reportedly stable, the publication reported.

Russia closes prized bridge after Ukraine drone strike on ammo depot in Crimea: authorities

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s prized bridge — the Kerch Strait Bridge connecting Russia and the Crimean Peninsula — was forced to shut down Saturday following a Ukrainian drone strike on a nearby ammunition depot, Russian-backed authorities said.

Ukraine said that its army had destroyed an oil depot along with Russian military warehouses in Russian-occupied Crimea with the strike.

Video on social media showed a plume of thick black smoke rising from the site of the attack.

Sergei Aksyonov, the Moscow-installed governor of the peninsula, confirmed a drone hit the ammunition depot, which prompted an evacuation order for everyone within a roughly 3-mile radius, along with suspending traffic and rail services on the Kerch bridge “to minimize risk.”

There were no immediate reports of casualties.

Full article

Visual representation of the Russian blockade in the Black Sea.

Commercial ships have been warned if they attempt to port in Ukraine, they will be considered hostile and destroyed.


The information disseminated by the Kiev regime regarding the destruction of the Cathedral of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Odessa as a result of the use of high-precision weapons does not correspond to reality.
All the facilities designated for defeat and destroyed on the night of 23 July this year, where the Kiev regime, together with foreign specialists, were preparing terrorist acts against the Russian Federation, were located at a safe distance from the Transfiguration Cathedral.
The planning of strikes with precision weapons against military and terrorist infrastructure facilities of the Kiev regime is carried out on the basis of information carefully checked and confirmed through several channels, knowingly excluding the civilian facilities, as well as cultural and historical heritage sites.
According to footage of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Odessa published by local residents, the most probable cause of its destruction was the fall of a Ukrainian anti-aircraft guided missile as a result of the incompetent actions of the operators of air defence systems, which the AFU deliberately places in residential areas, including Odessa. :small_blue_diamond: Russian Defence Ministry.

Somalia says Russia grants relief on debt worth $684 million

Russia has granted debt relief on over $684 million owed by Somalia in a deal finalised on the sidelines of a Russia-Africa summit in St Petersburg, officials from the Horn of Africa nation said.

Putin promises free grain to six African nations after collapse of Black Sea deal

Vladimir Putin has promised free grain supplies to six African nations as Moscow seeks to capitalise on the collapse of the Black Sea grain deal.


Ukraine Terrorist Drone Attack on Moscow Thwarted - Russian Defense Ministry

An attempt was made by the Kiev regime overnight to launch a terrorist attack in Moscow using three drones, the Russian Defense Ministry informed on Sunday.

"On the morning of July 30, an attempt of a terrorist attack by the Kiev regime using unmanned aerial vehicles [UAVs] on objects in the city of Moscow was thwarted. One Ukrainian UAV was destroyed in the air by air defense over the territory of the Odintsovsky District of the Moscow region. Two more drones were suppressed by means of electronic warfare and, having lost control, crashed on the territory of the Moscow-City non-residential building complex," the ministry said.

Earlier on Sunday, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said on Telegram that Ukrainian drones attacked the Russian capital overnight, damaging the facades of two office towers in the Moscow-City business center; there were no casualties.

Traffic was blocked along Testovskaya Street in the Moscow-City area, where the two office buildings were damaged, the city transport department said on Sunday morning.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Ukraine also attempted to attack Crimea overnight using 25 drones, all of which were destroyed. The ministry specified that there are no casualties or damage as a result of the attempted terrorist attack.

On Friday morning, the Russian Defense Ministry said that one Ukrainian drone had been shot down overnight while attempting to attack facilities in the Moscow region; there were no casualties or damage.

On the morning of July 24, the defense ministry said that the Kiev regime attempted to carry out a terrorist attack in Moscow using two drones. There was no serious damage or casualties.

Dmitry Medvedev, a former Russian president and Putin ally, has warned there is 'simply no other way out' and said that Kyiv should 'pray to our warriors' that they do not 'allow the global nuclear fire to flare up'.