00:50: Western journalist were shocked by how solemnly the North Korea greeted the Russian president.

Were they? How shocked? "Borzikkman-Stoltenberg- shocked"? Source?

6:34 The Ukrainian deputies took the words of the leader of North Korea very painfully

Did they?

2:12 However, back in 2000 the Kremlin was literally crawling with CIA-agents, well known as Russian liberals

well known, or also known as?

Is that so? I have not looked into it.

2:40 However after all the well-known events in Ukraine in 2014. Vladimir Putin gradually began to to get rid of Russian liberals. By february 2022 when the special military operation in Ukraine began, a large number of liberals had fled russia, and those who had not managed to escape ended up in Russian prisons.

Were the events really well-known? No fog-of-war?

Back in 2000 the (all of them) Russian liberals were CIA agents (?) Were they in 2014?

Moreover Washington's major mistakes allowed Pyongyang to break through the sanctions regime, and beging rebuilding North Korea's economy. Thanks to this, in 10 years, North Korea will become one of the world's most powerful and prosperous countries.

Rebuild? He, or it [Borzikk-bot] probably means build and not re-build...

It will be quite something. Wow...