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(Russian) State TV pundits are distraught over new sanctions

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"Total war" NATO-Russia: NATO pilots of Ukrainian F-16, Stoltenberg said "by mistake" - Permission for "Deep Strike" raids inside Russia!

Green light from Holland and Denmark

The Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg is determined to take the situation with Russia "to the extreme". After his statements about the operational readiness of NATO's nuclear weapons, he revealed that the pilots of the Ukrainian F-16s will be... NATO.

Commenting on the delivery of F-16 fighters to Kiev, Jens Stoltenberg described the Ukrainian Air Force as "NATO Air Force" and added that "NATO pilots" will be the ones to operate the F-16s.

Stoltenberg immediately corrected his statements, but the bottom line is that he probably accidentally revealed the "fine print" of the NATO plan.


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Ahh, North Korea, such... je ne sais quoi!

Do you @ThePrisoner, if I may ask, usually watch the Borzikkman videos completely?

What are some defining characteristics of them?

How are you enjoying them, and what are some of the motivations behind posting them?

Geez, did I just write that? I sounded like a robot. I meant, What do you think of them and why are you posting them?

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00:50: Western journalist were shocked by how solemnly the North Korea greeted the Russian president.

Were they? How shocked? "Borzikkman-Stoltenberg- shocked"? Source?

6:34 The Ukrainian deputies took the words of the leader of North Korea very painfully

Did they?

2:12 However, back in 2000 the Kremlin was literally crawling with CIA-agents, well known as Russian liberals

well known, or also known as?

Is that so? I have not looked into it.

2:40 However after all the well-known events in Ukraine in 2014. Vladimir Putin gradually began to to get rid of Russian liberals. By february 2022 when the special military operation in Ukraine began, a large number of liberals had fled russia, and those who had not managed to escape ended up in Russian prisons.

Were the events really well-known? No fog-of-war?

Back in 2000 the (all of them) Russian liberals were CIA agents (?) Were they in 2014?

Moreover Washington's major mistakes allowed Pyongyang to break through the sanctions regime, and beging rebuilding North Korea's economy. Thanks to this, in 10 years, North Korea will become one of the world's most powerful and prosperous countries.

Rebuild? He, or it [Borzikk-bot] probably means build and not re-build...

It will be quite something. Wow...

Just reporting on what's happening, or would you prefer the standard western MSM approach, as to how the Ukrainians are winning and western military equipment is far superior to Russian? This despite the obvious evidence on the ground. You are aware why they hate Putin right? Because he kicked out the corrupt Jewish oligarchs who looted Russia after the fall of the USSR. You should try viewing Telegram sometime you can see what is actually happening, they even have Ukrainian channels there as that is your preference. You seem kind of frustrated, just ignore them and stick with your CIA twitter bots..... :slightly_smiling_face: Did Putin just go to North Korea? Did he come back with an agreement? Did North Korea once fight the USA? Did the USA win? Is this relevant to the expansion of ww3? Can you answer any of these questions? If you can you will know why I posted it. Thanks

Well known to those of us following the events at the time. A complete mystery to 95% of the brainwashed pubic as with everything else.

Instead of watching Borzikman you can watch this instead : this will be much more to your liking. It's what you want to hear. Perhaps you can give us regular updates from this source?

"citing an undisclosed Finnish military intelligence source".

You mean of course; just reporting on what borzikkman claims is happening?

Apologies but this sounds a bit like that "whataboutism" fallacy.

I just wished to direct attention again to the Borzzik channel with it's AI voice and quite a lot of blatant propaganda tell-tale signs.

It's probably best to strive to follow the situation from various sources, including that one.

But to support it without any commentary or caveats I feel might be unwise.

No I don't prefer the blatant propaganda of the west either. The Ghost of Kyiv was cool though :wink:

Quite a multifaceted topic. I can't say.

I will use the whataboutism here myself and say and then Putin and his cronies looted it instead.

I have a lot of material on Russia and it's oligarchs in my todo pile...

Sure, if you have the time and interest recommend some channels.

Do I?

To help both me and any potential readers learn to recognize and counteract frustration, which is a harmful emotion (TWH: 3:17, 3:19, 3:31, 3:148, 12:54, 13:28) ; could you please explain what specifically I wrote that made it seem like I am frustrated?

feeling, showing, or characterized by frustration such as

  • a) : feeling discouragement, anger, and annoyance because of unresolved problems or unfulfilled goals, desires, or needs

  • b) : having an ambition that has not been realized

Haven't noticed that I've linked to any real bots, if you mean software run personas or "troll farm" workers. Pro-western propagandists, sure, probably.

Probably to show how the East is banding together against the West as

Doesn't it depend on how and from what sources those who followed the events were getting their information?

I would assume that the deeper you delve into either pro-Russian or pro-Western propaganda, the more they claim the events were 'well known.' However, someone who reads from both sides and everything in between might feel that the events were not well-known at all. Do you agree, please?


Is it? You are making the wrong assumption.


Probably a wise thing to keep military intelligence sources secret, don't you think?

Satellite imagery obtained by Yle confirmed certain changes.

No, it was a CIA led coup, and the Snipers in Maidan were CIA employed Georgians.

Its what the MSM usually say when they make stuff up.

Am I?

Might be best to keep your replies in one post for the sake of simplicity and readability....

Do you think the satellite images confirming it could be faked?

Like I said. Yes.

I could tell you what I would like to hear but the odds of that happening are very low.

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