Let's put "what you [referring to me] said" in context. That statement I made was explaining the report that was shown in the video/article I posted after you questioned the validity of the video/ article.

Here is the statement in context:

I do not have the expertise either, but perhaps it is a matter of deduction to not come to a definitive conclusion, but an assessment of some sort. Russians are capturing Ukrainian soldiers and offering them aid, keeping them alive, etc. ... basically, not torturing them. In return, the Ukrainian soldiers are providing information to benefit the Russians in warfare. That is being reported. The Ukrainian military knowing that if one of their soldiers is found surrendering, as this one is purported to be doing, that they risk military information being provided to the Russian; thus, a motive (indeed awful) for the Ukrainian military to kill one of their own. Seeing a surrender to the Russians could be viewed as a reason to kill him.

The sources you listed in defense of the Ukrainian side are propaganda media outlets.

If I am understanding it correctly you mean that you are specifically referring to that one video and the events in it only, and not about Russians not torturing in general when saying:

"Russians are capturing Ukrainian soldiers and offering them aid, keeping them alive, etc. ... basically, not torturing them."

Well, I'm wondering in general, not just only about that one case, if Russians are torturing? Or if Russian prison circumstances can be terrible and include torture

I do not believe that his is a factor great enough to make a proper conclusion about the matter, and brush it aside.

I believe that the Russian and Soviet prison and gulag culture being absolutely abysmal have been widely reported.

Are you able to provide us with what you believe are credible articles about what Russian prison culture is like, please?

If the articles I posted are merely propaganda then I wonder if you have any proof of it, or explanations as to how they were produced.

I also wonder; who are these extremely emaciated persons in the photographs and how did they become that way, please?

There are eight question marks in your post addressed to me.

I’ve modified my post to remove them and perhaps make it less connotative and hopefully less interrogative, as I’ve been described as being.

I admit to sometimes possibly appearing as I'm interrogating but not to the parts colored in red.

To ask someone a lot of questions for a long time in order to get information, sometimes using threats or violence:

to ask questions about something as a way of analysing it or finding out more about it:

to question formally and systematically

to put a question or questions to

as in to examine

a formal and systematic questioning

It is a complicated matter, and I believe they are all relevant.

If there are any questions that you believe are useless, please point them out and why they are useless, thank you.

As to them taking up your time, I apologize. There's no hurry, nor do you need to answer them, but pondering upon them for anyone reading might be a good idea.

Another thing to keep in mind is the filter bubble thing I pointed out earlier.

If you are able to discern the links that I posted as all being propaganda media outlets defending the Ukrainian side are you also able to discern which aren't and can you provide us with those, please. Specifically about the treatment of prisoners. Thank you.

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I see you have your dictionary out. AI, is it? Perhaps, you will ask it, or look-up the word pedantic as it relates to your questions or questions turned into comments. I have already answered your questions (turned to comments), but you seem to have an agenda to sway my opinion. At this point in time, I sway defending Russia on this topic of prisoners/torture.

No, Merram-Webster and Cambridge dictionaries.

Can we not all gree that it is wise to know the definitions and meanings of words to avoid confusion, don't you think?

one who is unimaginative or who unduly emphasizes minutae in the presentation or use of knowledge

: one who makes a show of knowledge

a formalist or precisionist in teaching

giving too much attention to formal rules or small details:

I strive for precision and belive the utmost attention should be given to a certain set of rules.

I hope I don't appear to "make a show of knowledge" (for the sake of showing), unimaginitive or that I unduly emphazise minutae, though.

If you believe that my questions are pedanting I believe you are wrong.

As for them being changed from questions; I realized that perhaps they might be seen as being too interrogative, and that I should perhaps have written them in that format instead to start with.

I have not seen your answers.

Seeing you demonstrate what appears to be strong cognitive dissonance about this issue saddens me. That is a motivation for my agenda...

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That is obvious to my reference to pedantic and stance regarding Russia and the prisoners.

What saddens me is the hoopla that comes forth if I do not agree with you. Now you have accused me of "strong cognitive dissonance" because my view is different than yours. It might be easier to just pacify you all the time and say "thank-you" endlessly. But, I will not.

Hoopla, thank you.

If one recognizes problematic issues in something that someone here claims or posts then yes, I believe it would be best to "raise some hoopla" about it, gently and intelligently, which I'm striving to do. Apologies if I' not doing a good job.

For instance this, you telling us your belief in this matter.

Can I please ask for you to show us what believe would be better sources of information that you don't believe is propaganda so that we can look at them?

I did not mean to accuse you to make you feel bad but point out something to you.

It was not because our views are different that I pointed it out...

It looks to me like you are doing something which can clearly be seen here in the discussion, for instance how you brushed aside all the articles that I provided concerning Russian prison culture / ukrainan prisoners of war and claimed that "The sources you listed in defense of the Ukrainian side are propaganda media outlets." and say that you sway defending Russia on this topic of prisoners/torture.

No, I would not wish for that.

I find it very hard to belive that reports of widespread torture in Russian prisons is just propaganda.


The video shows Russia using a new FAB-3000 heavy aerial bomb against Ukrainian positions. The giant bomb was dropped by Russian armed forces on posts in Donbass (New York). Among those bombed by Russia on Sunday was a Ukrainian command centre. The three-ton high-explosive bomb equipped with a guidance module struck the Ukrainian command center, killing at least 60 troops and destroying several vehicles.

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