How can one identify him as being Ukrainan from the video. I do not have the expertise to recognize the difference in their uniforms.

If he is following the drone that is filming him towards the Russian positions to surrender then why does the drone that then attacks him also appear to come from that side, and not from behind him?

The X posts have an abnormally high amount of comments just saying almost the exact same "That’s a Ukrainian drone." (How does one tell the difference?)

Did anyone see that horrifying video from a few days ago where a Russian was dropped by a drone whereafter he is wounded and requests a fellow Russian soldier to shoot him in the head? I won't post it.

I do not have the expertise either, but perhaps it is a matter of deduction to not come to a definitive conclusion, but an assessment of some sort. Russians are capturing Ukrainian soldiers and offering them aid, keeping them alive, etc. ... basically, not torturing them. In return, the Ukrainian soldiers are providing information to benefit the Russians in warfare. That is being reported. The Ukrainian military knowing that if one of their soldiers is found surrendering, as this one is purported to be doing, that they risk military information being provided to the Russian; thus, a motive (indeed awful) for the Ukrainian military to kill one of their own. Seeing a surrender to the Russians could be viewed as a reason to kill him.

I do not have the expertise either, but perhaps it is a matter of deduction to not come to a definitive conclusion, but an assessment of some sort. Ukrainans are capturing Russians soldiers and offering them aid, keeping them alive, etc. ... basically, not torturing them. In return, the Russian soldiers are providing information to benefit the Ukrainan in warfare. That is being reported. The Russian military knowing that if one of their soldiers is found surrendering, as this one is purported to be doing, that they risk military information being provided to the Ukrainans; thus, a motive (indeed awful) for the Russian military to kill one of their own. Seeing a surrender to the Ukrainen could be viewed as a reason to kill him.

Ha, ha! The problem with your reversed assessment is that I have not found one report of the Ukrainians behaving as you have explained, and many reports to back-up the behavior I have stated.

I have seen such reports and videos of Russian war-prisoners being treated well.

I highly recommend carefully and constantly checking that you're not stuck inside a kind of "information bubble" or "filter bubble".

A filter bubble or ideological frame is a state of intellectual isolation that can result from personalized searches, recommendation systems, algorithmic curation, and self-imposed choices.

This often occurs when individuals actively seek out certain lists of sources that align with their preexisting beliefs, opinions, or interests, while avoiding or dismissing information that contradicts them.

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Good advice.

This should have said "apparently being treated well / claiming that they have been treated well".

I've also seen plenty of videos of Ukrainian war-prisoners testifying having been tortured and (and obviously) starved by the Russians.

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I wonder how credible is what the of Russian Military of Defense are saying about things such as these?

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What is your assessment of the following articles and in relationship to what you said, please?