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I'm curious @ThePrisoner, did this video make the rounds on your sources a few weeks ago when it happened?

I didn't see it if it did...

Thank you. Interesting, but not surprising. It made the rounds elsewhere. Terrible. And terrible, but not surprising, that some Russian media is now claiming it's Ukrainians.

Well the Ukrainians are known for this, usually they claim Russian strikes as their own. I can see see why people could be conned into thinking the Ukrainians are winning watching such footage. However results on the ground tell a different story.

Quick question: Who here, looking and listening to the video can discern if this is filmed in Ukrainiane or Russia? I cannot.

Note the patches on the Ukrainian Cop:

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I think these are highly exaggerated. Best independent estimates I have seen are a 8:1 kill ratio in favour of the Russians, so if the Ukrainians have over half a million killed. Also this 8:1 ratio is the amount of artillery shells being fired in favour of Russia, for every shell Ukraine is firing it gets 8 back.