RGP continues to fine people, despite the real evidence MASKS DON'T WORK. Why?

What the government is getting away with the help of its foot-soldiers (RGP) is literally a crying shame.

At first, facemasks did not provide adequate protection (scientific studies back that claim up, although the elite propagandists went into overdrive to cover those facts; and scientific journals were pressured to remove these type of studies).

Then, the official line morphed into facemasks “may help” to prevent the spread. Now, governments around the world, like Gibraltar, are taking that conjecture, formed by elites, and using it as a basis for legislation; now even, deeming school children should wear them – and are ignoring opposing voices of expert doctors saying “HOLD ON A MINUTE.”

A strict BAN on masks for children and adolescents is therefore indicated until scientific studies can sufficiently prove their harmlessness,” wrote the World Doctor’s Alliance - -Literature research: Are there Risks associated with the use of a mouth-nose-cover (MNC 1) in children and adolescents? - World Doctors Alliance

This group was also part of the Portuguese case - Portuguese Appeals Court Deems PCR Tests Unreliable

Doctors, scientists, and nurses are being relieved of their positions because they won’t walk the party line. This happened in Nazi-Germany – so don’t tell us that the Nazis don’t have a plan now to ruthlessly instill their ideology on the world. Hitler started by firing teachers, professors, civilian workers who didn’t fit their mold or walk the line. History is repeating itself, and just like in Nazi-Germany, people are “pretending” to go-along with it to survive. How did they turn out for them? (Life in Nazi Germany)

Nazi-Germany started criminalizing behaviors, dissidents, opposition parities. They even asked children, family members and neighbors to rat each other out. Why has British Intelligence been called in to counter anti-vax movements? We’ve already learned that Nazi-Germany was evil, so why are UK police forces and RGP going along with the evil Nazi-like plans to quiet all opposition?

There are plenty of independent doctors questioning the narrative; and some saying herd immunity already exists. Thousands say the pandemic was planned.

The government cannot prove the claims it makes for this “emergency” power it has used to set up its totalitarian-state. The PHE has admitted it hasn’t even isolated the virus.

Instead, a set of well-paid and select group of doctors, scientists and psychologists, like those in SAGE, PHE, WHO are dictating how governments should respond. The Nazis enlisted the help of physicians and medically trained geneticists, psychiatrists, and anthropologists to develop health policies. Do you see any parallels here? Nazi-ideology is alive and well and has infiltrated organizations through agents to further the agenda.

“Giving the government free rein during the coronavirus pandemic is eroding our civil liberties. The Coronavirus Act is producing ugly consequences and is detrimental to many people.” The Coronavirus Act might as well be Hitler’s Enabling Bill.

The lockdowns and facemask mandates are crimes against humanity; and something else is at play – follow the money; follow the shareholders; and the “little crony map.” Also, all those loans come with strings and/or conditions.

It’s happening in Gibraltar on RGP’s watch; or maybe they refuse to see, hear and speak the Truth, turning a blind eye to what's really going on.

:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: