PhD Chemist Whistleblower, Worked 17 Years Developing Chemtrails: 90% of Chemtrails Designed to Alter Emotions/Mood/State of Mind and Provoke “Flu-like Symptoms”

According to the forecast, on Thursday there should first be a period of trails forming but then dry up, then Friday and Saturday plenty of trails should be forming, if I've read the data correctly.

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Of course one can theorize that

a) these models are fake and made to hide chemtrailing or

b) they are only doing it when the air is moist, for instance,

but these theories would need some meticulous investigating to see if they are credible...


No trails today, as forcasted?
According to the forecast looks like the more moist air will arrive in the south of GB in the evening and then trails should start forming...

9 posts were split to a new topic: Mathis - Wright Brothers? Or Wrong Brothers?

Some incredibly naive rubbish in this Vobes video (I believe you Nancy posted a video by him earlier).

At one point the guy claims he can get rid of “chemtrails” with vinegar. Then also with playing a sound of a certain frequency.

Then at one point they wonder what a normal lens flare is that is visible when he films the sun.

Vibes doesn’t seem very impressed but replays along half enthusiastically and he’s probably just happy to get someone on his $how, I guess. Easy money.

Vobes has been banned from YT for 3 months.