PhD Chemist Whistleblower, Worked 17 Years Developing Chemtrails: 90% of Chemtrails Designed to Alter Emotions/Mood/State of Mind and Provoke “Flu-like Symptoms”

Good evening @cybe - I hope that all is well with you.

Yes it does make sense, I hadn't read the book referred to so thank-you for your (..and chatGPT :wink: ) analysis on it.

In your summary post you mention that Kirby points out historic patents and government documents (which presumably can be verified and checked to see if they actually exist) - so, if they do truly exist, this seems to me to at the very least to imply some form of historic intent... so correlation as you say but not necessarily causation today.

The author himself replied this when I mailed him and showed him what I've written:-

Oh, that was you? Your assertions are so obviously such a giant load of horse manure that they are not worth addressing. I'm not wasting any more time here. Bye.


That's a shame that he refuses to talk because I'm curious which assertions (all?) and why?

I mean, if he were right and I'm wrong and misguided, how does he automatically know that there's no use in trying to show me and teach me why he is right?

Yeah... various intents depending on the document...

I still believe that this discussion and analysis that I've posted before is something that can't just be disregarded:-

The spooky soundtrack added to the video is pure brainwashing tactics in my opinion.

The ESTABLISHMENT side again.....just saying.

If, for instance, the “chemtrail movement” is wrong about something, which you probably agree they sometimes must be (?), is it ok to point it out, or should one just ignore it and “let it slide” because even if it’s not true it’s probably (?) just good for the movement and the fight against “them”?

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I don't see a circular rotation pattern on original video, so not that then, certainly nothing like in your given examples.

Nothing? Do you mean that not a thing is the same in the video as in what I posted?

I disagree.

So that we understand and agree on what is being said:-

Do you mean "certainly" as in indisputable or inevitable?

("Certainly" can also mean "of a specific but unspecified character or degree," as in "the house had a certain degree of charm," rather than assured or inevitable, as in "I am certain they are right.")

'Is it then pointless for me to argue and highlight other variables such as altitude, humidity, speed, and temperature, which might cause this phenomenon to behave differently?

What of the trails formed behind those wind turbines, which I've pasted before, and IIRC, no one has ever addressed them.

How are they formed, please? Are they spraying chemtrails from windturbines, please?

If you are unable to reply to these questions if you feel they weaken your position in this discussion please just ignore them, thank you.

And please, if anyone reading this believes I am arguing as I was accused of in another thread here, merely wishing to be heard and/or win an argument for the sake of winning, or something similar, please point this out and explain it to me for the sake of understanding and learning. Thank you.

"If a Tree Falls in the Forest, and There’s No One Around to Hear It, Does It Make a Sound?"

Is it possible that in Finland where Cybe resides there are not chemtrails? Hard to believe, but is that a possibility, hence Cybe has not had the experience of witnessing a chemtrail?
What he sees in those images does not compare to what he has witnessed in his own life?

Perhaps someone who has researched chemtrails worldwide could provide insight about the locations, specifically if there are locations that have not had chemtrails in their skies.

Thank you for your reply Nancy.

Can you answer any of my arguments in my previous message, perhaps solve the windfarm "chemtrail" conundrum?

Here we have the very same varying degree of trails depending on atmospheric conditions.

As explained in this post and this post

Did you know that you can look at a weather forecast, specifically the forecasted humidty at 300mb and predict whether the contrails from airplanes will be persistent or whether they will fade away quickly? It's not 100% certain as there are also other factors as play such as other layers of air/humidity, though.

The term "300 millibars" (mb) refers to a specific pressure level in the atmosphere, and it corresponds to a certain altitude above sea level. In meteorology, the atmosphere is often analyzed at various pressure levels rather than specific altitudes, because pressure levels provide a more consistent reference point for studying weather patterns.

I look at those 300mb charts almost daily when looking at these trails to understand and verify that the trails persist depending on the humidity at 300mb.

Today, directly south of Finland where the Kalingrad planes fly the air is dry so trails should not appear. But it's not very dry like it is for instance in the UK where trails right now should not be very persistent. To the north in Finland they might appear:

Or the other service that has the forecast, a little later today,

I recommend anyone interested in this phenomena do the same.

I've studied and documented these trails in Finland since about 2003, and for the past few years actively daily. I am also able to observe quite well because I spend a lot of time outside in the wilderness and archipelago.

Russian planes were forbidden to fly over Europe to reach Kaliningrad in 2022 so they now have to take a longer route there over the Baltic sea and there are now sometimes massive trails over the Baltic sea quite often, depending on atmospheric conditions.

That's what I said. "I don't see a circular rotation pattern on original video, so not that then, certainly nothing like in your given examples."

PS I have never seen wind turbines behave like that, yet I observe chemtrails all the time...and can see 20 plus wind turbines if I walk 50 meters from my house at some 8 km distance.

We can read what you said. You don't have to repeat it.

But since you said nothing like it's clearly wrong, in my opinion. Even though the quality or the trails differ there is something in them that are a-like.

Do you agree please with the possibility of other variables such as altitude and the humidity and temperature at these altitudes and speed of the plane, which might cause these trails to behave differently, please?

Me neither. Special atmospheric conditions are needed for this to happen and they probably don't exist everywhere at sea altitude.

"The case of fog formation at the Horns Rev 1 wind farm that occurred 12 February 2008 at 10:10 UTC and was photographed from a helicopter is examined. The special atmospheric conditions are characterized by a layer of cold humid supersaturated air that re-condensates to fog in the wake of the turbines. The process is fed by humid warm air up-drafted from below and adiabatic cooled air down-drafted from above by the counter-rotating swirl generated by the rotors. The wind speed is near cut-in and most turbines produce very little power. The condensation appears to take place primarily in the wake regions with relatively high axial wind speed and high turbulent kinetic energy. The large-scale structure of the fog has an imprint of rotational spiraling bands similar to wake flow characteristics deduced from CFD DES modeling."


Very dry air at 300mb in the south of Finland. No trails here.

Same with parts of Britain.

On Thursday evening Britain should have even dryer air at 300mb so probably very little persistent contrails.

If anyone here wishes to reveal their location we can look at these forecasts together and see if they match up with persistent contrails or not.

Dear @cybe,

I looked outside for a few moments earlier this morning (Southern GB) - the sky is clear, blue, bright and beautiful.

I witnessed 7 planes pass over whilst I was outside. 5 planes were at very high altitude with very little/short trails behind them, 2 planes were much lower and had no trails. I will keep checking through the day.

Thank you, are you checking that/those 300MB forecasts too to see if there is a relation, please? Flightradar 24 is also handy.

here and here

This isn't very important but I'm sure a few seconds now and day a day can be used for this whilst doing more important things...

Thank-you @cybe