'No desire for truth' in Spain Catholic church over child sex abuse

The Way home or face The Fire
9:79 Your “so-called” christian priests have mis-interpreted the whole thing, and twisted it, and used
it as a license, to commit all the abominations of the Earth (Rev. 17), supposedly with my blessing,
even though I told sinners to, “GO AND SIN NO MORE” (John 8:11).
9:80 I also said that I had come, not to destroy The Law, but to fulfill (fully preach) it, and that The
Law would not change AT ALL, until the end of time (Matt. 5:17-20)(Malachi 4:4-6).
9:81 Stay away from priests, and follow MY teachings. How many times do I have to tell you?
9:82 If a church is really the house of God, then no-one has the right to put a lock on the door, never
mind lock-it. You should not go to church (Matt. 6:5-6), go into your closet or bathroom, or
anywhere private, and speak to God in thoughts (telepathy), and He will answer you by telepathy,
with your “good” voice, but not words.
9:83 Learn the new language (to you) — telepathy. Stop giving money to the church, or hoarding it.
Use it to do good in the world, and fight evil with it, YOURSELF, and keep only what you
REALLY need. Hoarding money shows a lack of faith in God, and that He will supply all your
needs, both spiritual and physical.
9:84 The Roman Catholic church is probably the richest organization in the world, in money; land;
property; shares and jewels. How can they represent God, when they are obscenely rich, and there
are millions of people starving to death? Jesus had nothing except his clothes, and taught the sharing
of everything, so that there would be no poor, or crime.
9:85 How can the religions be working for God, when they are teaching the hoarding of gold and
money (serving mammon)? Isn’t it obvious that they are working for the devil? They are hypocrites,
just like the scribes (lawyers) and Pharisees (politicians), and they devour widows’ houses and say
long prayers, for a pretence (Matt. 23:14). They wear silly clothes and revel in salutes in the streets.
2000 years and NOTHING has changed. How can someone who is a fellow prisoner and bad, and
who is blind to the truth, teach you how to be good? God is the ONLY one who can teach you.
Open your eyes! (Isaiah 42:16-25)
9:86 The catholic priests told soldiers to murder in God’s name, when God Himself says that you
must not murder (10 COMMANDments). They are not the only priests to do that, as you well know.
How can they represent God?
9:87 All the priests throughout history have been conned by Satan, and have actually been working
for him, NOT for God.
ARMAGEDDON SURVIVAL-KIT CD available from http://JAHTruth.net/ask
9:88 Once the devil had created christianity, he then divided it, into lots of different sects, to make it
even more efficient, at dividing and deceiving the world, into believing that organized-religions
belong to God, just because they use and abuse His name (Rev. 12:9).
9:89 Jesus taught charity; and the hoarding of NOTHING material; and giving to the poor; so what
excuse can a Christian church have, for hoarding material treasures? They should be setting a good
example, by DEEDS NOT WORDS, instead of which they are setting a bad example, teaching by
their example, the hoarding of worldly treasures.

Why Christ is NOT a Christian