A movie based on the true story of Whitley Strieber's (played by Christopher Walken) unexplained encounter with abduction. The film explores his journey, as well as the skepticism and controversy surrounding his story.
Irish revolutionary Michael Collins, the man who led a guerrilla war against the UK, helped negotiate the creation of the Irish Free State, and led the National Army during the Irish Civil War.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German theologian, is a Christian hero for many. Executed by the Nazis just days before the end of WWII for his participation in a plot to assassinate Hitler, Bonhoeffer is hailed as a 20th-century martyr. But Bonhoeffer struggled with a moral dilemma – his religious views were in stark contrast to the evil he saw all around him. He chose to face possible imprisonment and execution and to remain faithful to the principles of his belief in God. Across the political and theological spectrum, Bonhoeffer is celebrated as an icon of true Christianity and his theological writings are classics throughout the Christian world.
Lawrence of Arabia: the challenge and heartbreak of being a Man of Destiny, an Extraordinary Man. **It takes great talent to bring unfocused elements together for a great purpose.
Remember that the forces of evil are always ranged against you. They know the power you can become as a channel for God-Power (The Force).
I had to conquer them in the wilderness before My Life of Healing and Helpfulness could be all-powerful.
Not by great falls but by little stumbles does evil seek the downfall of My friends. Your Mountain of Transfiguration can only come after your conquest in the wilderness. Temptations at which your whole nature would shudder are no temptation for you.
Beware the smiling face of evil, its seeming innocence, its hand of feigned friendliness. Walk the path I trod. YODA - JEDI Master
All About Eve (1950) - When Evil Smiles. Idol Worship
Movie synopsis:
From the moment she glimpses her idol at the stage door, Eve Harrington is determined to take the reins of power away from the actress Margo Channing. Eve maneuvers her way into Margo’s Broadway role, becomes a sensation and even causes turmoil in the lives of Margo’s director boyfriend, her playwright and his wife. Only the cynical drama critic sees through Eve, admiring her audacity and perfect pattern of deceit.
The factthat a satanic cult, Freemasonry, controls society is confirmed by the fact it is rarely mentioned in the mass media. And if it is, never portrayed in its true light.
A 1970 made-for-TV movie "Brotherhood of the Bell" is a rare exception. It shows what happens when a successful university professor disobeys his vow of secrecy. It is available here.
Andrew Patterson, played by Glenn Ford, is ordered to blackmail a close friend and colleague. When the colleague commits suicide, Patterson is consumed by guilt and vows to expose the Brotherhood.
Patterson has the air of a self-made man. But when he goes public about the suicide, he discovers that his success is largely due to his 20-year membership in the "fraternity."
(Pope Francis has made a fetish of signalling his fealty to Satan)
Money that supported his academic department is cut off, and he finds himself unemployed. His father's engineering company is suddenly audited and accused of fraud. His wife rages at his silly "honor" and packs her bags.
In a wonderful scene, he realizes that not only did he own his success to this cult, he owed his wife to it as well. Her father is a member of the Brotherhood. "You were part of my reward," he tells her. "Get the hell out."
The film captures Patterson's naivety. He was a member of this group for 20 years but apparently doesn't realize its true satanic nature or the extent of its power. He doesn't realize that the President of the US and everyone else of importance is involved in this conspiracy.
The film was written by David Karp (The Untouchables, The Defenders) based on his novel; and directed by veteran TV director Abraham Paul Wendkos (Ben Casey, Dr. Kildare.)
It got made because they spun the Brotherhood as being wholly WASP. When a member of a TV audience (left) tries to connect it with the "Jewish Conspiracy" she is wholly discredited and hooted down.
In fact, Freemasons represent a ruling class of Gentile traitors put in power by the Jewish central bankers to carry out their pernicious agenda. For some reason, in spite of betraying their countrymen in the most egregious way, Opponents of the "Jewish Conspiracy" rarely mention them.
Otherwise, the movie is pretty realistic. It sizzles with the intensity characteristic of the Golden Age of TV drama, and captures the helplessness of the individual against a shadowy, well organized and financed conspiracy.
Patterson is able to recruit one other member of the Brotherhood to his cause, and the movie ends on this positive if dubious note.
If humanity goes the way of the dinosaurs, or continues to descend into a comatose slave state, it will be because men didn't stand up, like Andrew Patterson does. This is because they never grew up.
Instead, they chose the easy way: Personal gain by betraying their community and their culture to an alien satanic conspiracy.
Now all that is left, is for us all to reap the whirlwind.
FULL free movie of Minority report, not as link below indicates Whitney Webb.
Three clairvoyant humans ("Precogs") receive psychic impressions of an impending homicide, and officers analyze their visions to determine the location and apprehend the perpetrator before the crime can occur.
John works with the PreCrime police which stop crimes before they take place, with the help of three 'PreCogs' who can foresee crimes. Events ensue when John finds himself framed for a future murder.
Mrs Caldicot's Cabbage War. 2002 (Full Movie) ( Standing for truth in the smiling face of evil.)
Mrs Caldicot's Cabbage War is a British comedy-drama film from 2002, directed by Ian Sharp and starring Pauline Collins, John Alderton and Peter Capaldi. It is based on a 1993 novel with the same name by Vernon Coleman.
It is the story about a woman, Thelma Caldicot, who is coerced by her manipulative son Derek and daughter-in-law to move into a run-down nursing home, owned by Derek's employer, after the death of her bullying husband. Derek also gets her to sign over her house to him. However, she doesn't like it at the nursing home and shows her frustration. After having been medicated by the staff to stay calm, she finally incites her fellow inmates to revolt.
Film about a curse linked to a town, a fog and a ghost crew. It tells the story of a strange, glowing fog that sweeps over a small coastal town in Northern California.
Do you think it's more likely that James Cameron, possibly tasked by "higher-ups" to create this movie as predictive programming, or that he was simply deeply attuned to the cultural and technological zeitgeist of the time, drawing on those influences to envision and craft a plausible future? (Not to mention, he reportedly had a high fever and was inspired by an old Outer Limits episode written by Harlan Ellison.)