Monkeypox / Mpox

Danish Drugmaker Ready to Cash In with 10 Million Monkeypox Vaccine Doses Set for Production Following WHO’s Global Health Emergency Declaration


Danish pharmaceutical giant Bavarian Nordic announced on Thursday that it was prepared to produce up to 10 million doses of its mpox vaccine by 2025, Barrons reported.

The news outlet added that Bavarian Nordic had the infrastructure to manufacture an additional two million doses in 2024 and a total of 10 million doses by 2025. The company, however, is awaiting orders from concerned countries before ramping up production.

“We need to see the contracts,” Rolf Sass Sorensen, the vice-president of Bavarian Nordic, stated. Meanwhile, the company boasts a stockpile of 500,000 doses ready for deployment.


The Insane MonkeyPox Plandemic - In The Air Tonight (music)

Shingles revisited?

I noticed this thread was started in 2022 - so the crisis been in the works for some time.

Monkey Pox, Public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC)? Dr. John Campbell weighs in

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Monkeypox Tabletop Exercise Document from 2021 Looks Just Like COVID Preplanned Event 201.

-Monkeypox Tabletop Exercise Document from 2021 Looks Just Like COVID Preplanned Event 201. Please Read The Gameplan |

With the upcoming novel monkeypox plandemic, please read the show manuscript planned to invoke greater population control measures via Big Brother initiatives just in time for the election. The plot reads like a redo of previously successful theatrics that devastated world economies and induced such fear, that 2/3 of the known world accepted a COVID19 biological weapon of mass destruction to be injected into them without informed consent. Here you can read the full exercise designed to scare you into accepting more self assembly nanotechnology “safe and effective vaccines”, so you will eventually meet the UN quota to get your 500 vaccines per person by 2030. PCR tests will be deployed again, which gave even unvaccinated people the last time around the self assembly nanotechnology to emit MAC addresses in 1/3 of cases, as Dr. Pedro Chavez from Comusav found.

Continued at link.


Clade X - Clade X | Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security

Mpox 'highly likely' to be imported to Europe after outbreak declared global health emergency - There are two subtypes of the mpox virus. Clade I, which is endemic in central Africa, is thought to cause more severe illness and higher mortality than clade II, which caused the 2022 global mpox outbreak and continues to circulate in EU countries.

Towards A Worldwide Monkeypox Pandemic? Big Money behind “Fake Science”

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Dr. David Martin Reveals Truths About This New "Monkeypox" SCAMdemic Being Pushed on Us Now

Thank you. The first 14.5 mins is recent and informative and definitely worth the watch. The remaining part of the video is from The Great Setup Part 2, mentioned with Part 1 on Gibraltar Messenger - Dr. David Martin reveals irrefutable proof mRNA injections are bioweapons and is a good reminder.

I have just listened to another phone 3.5 min interview and he repeated some information. This video (below) was 7 months ago - again showing everything is planned.

Martin: Clade X is not just the brand name of a tabletop exercise with was funded by Dustin Moskowitz, the co-founder of FaceBook and the one who has been the ghost check writer behind all of the actions recently. It's important for you to realize that Clade X is not only the table top exercise, but it's actually a venture partnership between Moskowitz and the Wellcome Trust... The fact of the matter is what they are doing in Davos is the dry run of the exercise to get ready for the passage of the IHR WHO Treaty reform, which is intended to take over a supra sovereignty on any declared emergency, which is the reason why my organization continues to maintain vigilance on all 64 scheduled and funded pathogens that are that are in the queue for release against humanity... What's happening in Davos is the planning phase not unlike the Bretton Woods Summit... what they are doing right now they're planning the sequence of events where they can actually cascade another terror campaign, which then triggers not only the need for allegedly another medical countermeasure, but it also this time is going to involve the other piece that they failed to achieve with the covid campaign, which is the eradication of cash-based transactions in commercial interaction because it turns out that one of the things that they desparately need to do is to make sure that they have central control on the flow of value exchange and the mapping of the networks associated with that. And because of that, it's critical that they plan better than they did with covid because they blundered their way into covid. And unfortunately they did not do the full control takeover that they wanted, which is exactly what's on the agenda for Davos this week.

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Yes. Agreed.

Thank-you and you're welcome.

Looks like VAIDS (Vax-induced AIDS)

WHO Monkeypox PHEIC Press Conference

Road To Nuremberg 2 - PCR FRAUD: The Evidence With James Roguski and Interest Of Justice

Road To Nuremberg 2 - PCR FRAUD: The Evidence With James Roguski and Interest...

Why they call it money pox.


Look at people profiting from making other people ill.

Mpox Vaccine Maker's Stock Price Soars After WHO Declares Global Public
Health Emergency

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How the Monkeypox Scam Mirrors the COVID Scam – unbelievable

by Meryl Nass

CDC began a study of the Jynneos vaccine in the DRC in 2017 and finished recruiting by September 2020, according to the required notification in The idea was to vaccinate people most susceptible to monkeypox and see how many got monkeypox, and what the side effects were. CDC has a lot of data.

US Government has created a fake shortage of vaccine

Well yes, of course, they always do that to fan the flames of demand.

But this is a lot bigger than that. The USG already owns 16 million doses, stored frozen in Denmark, and had spent well over $1 Billion on Jynneos vaccines before Moneypox was identified in the west.

Despite the Denmark factory's "fill and finish” facility being completed in 2021, and despite the USG allotting $44 million for “qualification” of that same facility in January 2019, the FDA only got around to finishing its inspection on July 27, 2022.

Because of the "vaccine shortage", existing vaccine will get a liability waiver

Jynneos is licensed, and is being used for its labelled indication (prevention of Moneypox) so the manufacturer is liable for injuries. The USG might also be liable, if it steered you wrong about the safety or efficacy of the vaccine…or if it hid a study it had conducted, for example.

But since we have a shortage, the USG in its benevolence and wisdom is going to dilute it and give recipients instead a 20% dose, administered intradermally instead of subcutaneously. But in order to make this kosher (kosher for whom?) the DHHS and FDA are issuing the vaccine an emergency use authorization, and we all know what that means. You can’t sue anybody even if the vaccine kills you. They must have been planning to do so for awhile, because on August 9 FDA rolled out a “Fact Sheet” for the EUA’d Jynneos, which will supercede its label.


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WHO declares mpox an international emergency; on what grounds?

By Rhoda Wilson on August 18, 2024

For the second time in two years, WHO has declared mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, a public health emergency of international concern. Below we look at whether WHO’s grounds for declaring an emergency are valid and what they will do next.

*Qur advice is do not comply and do not take the vaccine.

Continued at link...

Karen Kingston – Monkeypox, VAIDS, WHO Global Enslavement & Future Lockdowns

Karen Kingston – Monkeypox, VAIDS, WHO Global Enslavement & Future Lockdowns

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John O'Looney Update on MPox | 20th August 2024


Follow the Money Pox