Monkeypox / Mpox

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Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection

By The Exposé on June 10, 2022

Do you not find it curious how in the space of 50 years, monkeypox has never really gotten off the ground outside of a couple of countries in Africa, but then within two years of the alleged emergence of Covid-19, monkeypox is suddenly in every Western nation and being hyped up by public health authorities, the mainstream media and the World Health Organization?

If you don’t, you won’t want to read this because you may miss the latest episode of BBC News at 6 pm. But if you do, you may or may not be surprised to find that evidence suggests the alleged monkeypox outbreak could actually be a result of the Covid-19 vaccination programme.


Well, it has something to do with herpes, shingles, auto-immune blistering disease and the fact that Covid-19 vaccination greatly damages the natural immune system.

You can see where this is going, can’t you?

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John O'Looney Update on MPox | 22nd August 2024


South African group refutes WHO’s declaration of an mpox emergency and warns the public about the risks of the vaccines

By Rhoda Wilson on August 22, 2024

The South Africa “Vaccine” Injury Medico-Legal Study Group (“SAVIMS”) has released a press statement to say that it does not support the Africa CDC and World Health Organisation declaration of a global health emergency for monkeypox, now known as mpox.

Additionally, they have warned about the recommended live virus vaccines, Jynneos and ACAM2000: The vaccines are experimental use for monkeypox, as they were originally intended for smallpox; there are reported serious adverse effects; and, they contain live viral strains, which may potentially instigate a resurgence of the eradicated smallpox virus.

“We warn members of the public about the inherent risks of taking any vaccine, including those proposed for mpox, of which the effectiveness and safety have not been reliably determined … There can be no justification for a vaccine with unknown adverse effects,” SAVIMS says.

Furthermore, SAVIMS emphasises the need for independent auditing of the collated monkeypox data in the Democratic Republic of Congo (“DRC”) and other African countries, as provided by the WHO, to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the statistics and analysis.

SAVIMS is a voluntary multidisciplinary association whose purpose is to follow the evidence, to gain and communicate knowledge about vaccine injuries. Its objectives are to promote human health and human rights as enshrined in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. SAVIMS’ website is not yet live. Yesterday, James Roguski published the press statement below from SAVIMS.

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German doctor says monkeypox is a SCAM – it’s just COVID “vaccine”-induced shingles under a different name


-German doctor says monkeypox is a SCAM – it’s just COVID “vaccine”-induced shingles under a different name –

Physician, pulmonary specialist, and epidemiologist Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg revealed that one of the known side effects of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" is a rashy, blistery, severe pain-filled condition that looks a whole lot like monkeypox, which the media is now calling "mpox."

Attorney Aaron Siri made public some 390,000 reports from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System showing that shingles is a common side effect of COVID "vaccination." Roughly one out of every 450 people who gets jabbed for COVID will develop shingles.

Like some kind of Pandemic 2.0 repeat, the stage is quickly being set to make monkeypox the next COVID, complete with lockdowns and PCR testing, which Dr. Wodang says are bogus just like they were the first time around.

PCR tests are nothing more than expensive ruses produced by the pharmaceutical industry... The new narrative is that these PCR tests are necessary to detect the presence of monkeypox inside people's bodies.

As for monkeypox, one can only imagine the number of "fully vaccinated" individuals who will eat up whatever gets dispensed concerning the disease and do whatever they are told. This includes taking PCR "tests" that whitewash the truth that monkeypox is a side effect of COVID "vaccination."


Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg has been featured on DG multiple times ie - DEPOPULATION BY ANY MEANS! – Dr. Bryan Ardis, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich & Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg. With Dr. Michael Yeadon, he also submitted a petition for a stay of action in the EU, concerning Covid jab trials to the European Medicines Agency Committee for human medicinal products (CHMP)COVID-19 EMA pandemic Task Force (COVID-ETF).



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Its even worse than that:

Karen Kingston: "...if we don't act quickly it's the end of America, it's the end of freedom as we know it, and it's the end of the flourishing of humanity as we know it."

Karen Kingston: The covid-mpox-HIV supervirus

They are attempting to develop a virus that combines RNA from SARS-CoV-2, mpox and HIV. The aim is to have a “supervirus” that can be aerosolised and then from the resulting mpox infections, HIV can be transmitted to others through direct skin-to-skin contact, Karen Kingston says.

Why do they want to develop HIV that is skin contagious? Because the aim is to weaken our immune systems; all of our immune systems, not only those who have been vaccinated.
On Wednesday, Karen Kingston joined Brannon Howse to discuss the US House Committee questioning the alliance of the Biden-Harris Administration alliance with the Chinese Communist Party (“CCP”) and the US biopharmaceutical FDA trials being conducted by the Chinese military.

They also followed up on a discussion they had in June 2022 about how HIV and mpox are encoded into the SARS-2 mRNA virus and its mRNA injections.

“It appears that the NIH has been funding the creation of a highly debilitating immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that can be transmitted via an injection, or even via skin-to-skin contact during herpetic skin lesion breakouts (“mpox”),” Kingston said.

During her interview with Howse, Kingston explained that NIH has given several grants for viral or vaccine research. With these grants, “all they’re doing is trying to figure out: ‘How can I take a virus that’s normally not that infectious (so it cannot spread) how can I take a skin-to-skin contact virus and aerosolise it, and also how can I make it make the entire immune system stand down so [the virus] can actually get into human cells’,” she said.

She explained that US and Canadian scientists filed a patent for mpox in China. The patent shows that the “monkeypox mRNA” was encoded as a latent virus into the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA found in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s covid-19 mRNA injections. In other words, a multi-species mpox was being used as a vaccine delivery vehicle for SARS-CoV-2.

“So, they’re saying that mpox is a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2. It makes no sense,” she said. “And now the NIH is funding ways to aerosolise this.”

In some people, the covid injections cause vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (“VAIDS”)*, which weakens their immune system. And, Kingstone explained, because the sequences for pox-like viruses are embedded in the mRNA sequences contained in covid injections, those who develop VAIDS are likely to present with shingles and other herpetic (herpes virus) outbreaks, and herpetic cancer which is called Kaposi Sarcoma.

*Note: Kingston refers to VAIDS as an acronym for vaccine-associated autoimmune disease or syndrome but refers to the condition as weakening someone’s immune system; which is a bit confusing. VAIDS is recognised as an acronym for vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, a vaccine-induced form of AIDS, and the acronym for vaccine-associated autoimmune syndrome is VAAS. VAAS is used to describe new-onset autoimmune conditions after vaccination; conditions which include immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia, autoimmune liver diseases, Guillain-Barré syndrome, IgA nephropathy, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.

The herpetic outbreaks are directly related to the monkeypox RNA encoded within the mRNA in the covid vaccines because, as Kingston explained in interviews with Stew Peters and Maria Zeee in 2022, mpox is various forms of herpetic lesions such as shingles, herpes and even Kaposi Sarcoma.

The human immunodeficiency viruses (“HIV”) are one of the causes of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (“AIDS”) and are not transmitted through skin-to-skin contact.

What’s scary, Kingston said, is that they are attempting to combine mpox, HIV and SARS-CoV-2; to make “a virus within a virus; [a] supervirus using nanoparticles technology to strengthen it so that there could be skin-to-skin transmission of a virus that is similar to HIV,” she said. This means it will be able to spread in a similar way that chickenpox spreads, through touching blisters or the liquid from blisters.

“It appears what they are trying to do is: within the pox virus family incorporate HIV mRNA strands so that there can be human-to-human transmission to just continually weaken our immune systems,” Kingston said.

Below is the video clip of the monkeypox section from Kingston’s interview with Howse on which the text above is based. You can watch the full interview HERE.

Below are some of Kingston’s articles that were discussed during the full interview. Unfortunately, most of Kingston’s articles are behind a paywall, and non-paying subscribers can only read the introductions.

Biden-Harris Admin’s alliance with the CCP, US BioPharma FDA trials being conducted by the Chinese Military


Open letter from Christine Anderson to the public warning about monkeypox conspiracy theories

By Rhoda Wilson on August 27, 2024

Christine Anderson, a Member of the European Parliament, has penned an open letter to her fellow citizens.

“The following text contains some premium conspiracy theories on the subject of ‘monkeypox’,” she warned. “Because almost all of the old conspiracy theories have come true in the meantime, we are now getting a new supply.”

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Meryl Nass & Andrew Bridgen - Monkeypox & Other Matters

Video and transcript at link.

Nass - Now, their focus seems to be it might hurt the young: “it might hurt the young”. To me, it feels like propaganda, Meryl. It feels like whipping up hysteria.

Bridgen - We don't have much detail about if it were as dangerous as it is, we'd be seeing the real science behind the symptoms and the casualties. But I am very worried about the WHO and their director general announcing another public health emergency of international concern, a pandemic and seeking to influence our governments.


Monkeypox?: Shingles? Sudden Adult Death Syndrome? Hepatitis? Somethingis very wrong and it’s due to the COVID Vaccines


PCR tests cannot diagnose mpox infections


“Mpox” virus is almost identical to smallpox virus; smallpox was never eradicated

By Rhoda Wilson on September 3, 2024

The psychological operations continue to ramp up to create a sense of urgency and fear required to market smallpox vaccines to Africa as mpox vaccines. But all is not as it seems, not least of all when it comes to distinguishing between the virus that causes “mpox” and the virus that causes smallpox.

Mpox and Smallpox are 97% Identical

The following is Jikkyleaks response to EMRO’s tweet above.

That awkward moment when the WHO accidentally reveals that smallpox was never really eradicated, by declaring a mpox “PHEIC.”

97% identical genome.

That’s why your “mpox” vaccine is a smallpox vaccine.

Changes things a bit doesn’t it?

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