MASSIVE Pro Palestinian Protests Around the World

Christian churches that advocate for Israel’s mass killing of Palestinian civilians are serving SATAN, not Christ

by Mike Adams | Sep 10, 2024

Mike Adams – Natural News Sept 1, 2024

From a spiritual and Biblical perspective, there are few things more disgusting than seeing a leader of a church openly advocate for genocide in the name of Christ.

Colossians 3:15 says: Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.

Today, we see numerous churches with all variety of pastors — some wildly animated and fast-talking — claiming that since the Zionists claim their Old Testament God gave them the monopoly right to murder human beings and take their land, therefore Christ must have also endorsed such a practice in New Testament times. This bizarre reasoning is enough, they say, to justify Christians today applauding the mass genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, where quite a few Christians, Catholics, Mormons and Jews still struggle to survive, by the way (they’re not all Muslims).

Were Christ alive today, he would loudly condemn the blasphemous invocation of his name to justify mass murder and genocide.

How do we know it’s genocide? Because Israel’s Zionist leaders tell us so in their own words, repeatedly calling for mass exterminations and displacement of the Palestinian people. This evidence was entered into the International Court of Justice proceedings initiated by South Africa and endorsed by many other nations, including Colombia. There are a multitude of videos circulating online that show Israel’s current leaders openly advocating genocide and the mass extermination of Palestinians. This is not debated except by those who are ignorant. The genocide of Palestinians is so self-evident and grotesque that many Jews themselves are speaking out against it, including Norman Finkelstein found in this video.

The use of words to deceive… the mass slaughter of women and children… the attempted extermination of indigenous people… the mass theft of land and property… these are not actions of Christ but of demons.

Those who condone such actions are agents of Satan, and those church leaders who use their churches to espouse such mad violence and despicable, anti-Christ behavior are, themselves, anti-Christ agents who have rejected the teachings of Christ and the New Testament.

Christ taught forgiveness, coexistence, love, compassion, generosity, humility, morality and kindness. Yet these so-called “Christian” churches pushing Israel’s genocide are rooted in violence, hatred, theft, destruction, suffering, anger, death and vengeance. They are steeped in spiritual circles of the demonic while pretending to be teachers of Christ.

Christ himself warned us about “false prophets.” And now those false prophets have announced themselves for the whole world to see: They’re the ones advocating Zionist genocide in Gaza. If you follow them, you follow them to Hell.

Continued at link

NORMAN FINKELSTEIN Zionism, Israeli society, Gaza, Genocide smartcookiespodcast

Christian churches BETRAY Christ by endorsing GENOCIDE in Palestine

The Case for PALESTINE – Author Daniel Kovalik interviewed by Mike Adams

The DECEPTIVE language used by ZIONISTS to justify mass murder and GENOCIDE


Why Christ is NOT a Christian...

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