Male-Female/ General/ Communication

The most beautiful book in the B.I.B.L.E.


The simplicity of the answers
from the most knowledgeable,
noble, refined, and righteous men.

Can wisdom be taught?

'The soul is so constituted that it is able by the divine power to receive all the good and reject the contrary.'

Men of honor
Men of piety
Men of humility and holy, respectful -
Being quiet and thoughtful -
Reserved -
For their devotion and reverence to The Lord and Ruler of the Universe -

This was first and foremost their guide, their goal, and mission

All this for the "I Am" in the pursuit of goodness
To Be "One"

Not to be unreasonable - to allow your deeds to give a lie to your words

Always showing magnanimity -
Kindness and generosity towards all -
Especially someone you oppose or have defeated
Being Unselfish

Not like the Pagans are
Causing derision -
In opposition of piety
Malcontent - suspicious
Smug and disaffectionett
Always questioning
Humanizing with an uneasiness

When a man comes from a place of righteousness
The Law!
His purpose, through Almighty Gods will - comes fulfillment to fruition

Only with a pure mind and justice seeking - with clarity
and wisdom, and in agreement
with God's purpose, is the mind set free from its own thoughts to benefit the whole

If you give a kindly attitude towards all then worthy are your endeavors

To be a problem solver
It's best to espouse
the middle course with
The Law
This is always the best course to pursue
God will allow things to happen - when you are above pride - and not having an air of superiority
Ready to listen (with one ear)

When your not always questioning and you absorb and listen carefully as you refrain from tyranizing others, you can see your own view from a virtuous point rather than prideful

Don't listen thoughtlessly resorting to injustice
making a mockery of oneself and a dirision amongst a group

Take for example the weasel class
A defiling characteristic -
It conceives through the ears and brings forth through the mouth
And for this reason that a like practice is declared unclean in men
For by embodying in speech all that they receive through the ears - they involve others in evil
and works
No ordinary impurity being themselves altogether defiled
by the pollution of impiety
And The King destroys such men

The Law forbids to watch for mens destructions or to injure by words and deeds

Be mindful of God always and not under the influence of arrogant self - conciousness

Some of the most profound and simple answers through lifes journeys can be found in this book

Here are just a few:

8:9 The king praised the answer and then asked the next man, How he could do everything for the best in all his actions? And he replied, 'If a man maintains a just bearing towards all, he will always act rightly on every occasion, remembering that every thought is known to God. If you take the fear of God as your starting-point, you will never miss the goal.

8:17 The king expressed his agreement with the answer and enquired of the next guest, How he could bear with equanimity whatever befell him? And he said, 'If you have a firm grasp of the thought that all men are appointed by God to share the greatest evil as well as the greatest good, since it is impossible for one, who is a man, to be exempt from these. But God, to Whom we ought [always] (unceasingly - Eph. 6:18) to pray, inspires us with courage to endure.'

9:5 The king received the answer with great delight and looking [at another] said, 'What is the Teaching of Wisdom?' And the other replied, 'As you wish that no evil should befall you, but to be a partaker of all good things, so you should act on the same principle towards your subjects and offenders, and you should mildly admonish the noble and good. For God draws all men [to Himself] by His benignity.' (Matt. 7:12).

9:6 The king praised him and asked the next in order, How he could be the friend of men? And he replied, 'By observing that the human race increases and is born with much trouble and great suffering: wherefore you must not lightly punish or inflict torments upon them, since you know that the life of men is made up of pains and penalties. For if you understood everything you would be filled with pity; for God also is pitiful.'

9:8 Having signified his approval, the king said to another, 'What is the true mark of piety?' And he replied, 'To perceive that God constantly works in the Universe and knows all things, and no man who acts unjustly and works wickedness can escape His notice (Sura 28:69). As God is the benefactor of the whole world, so you, too, must imitate Him and be void of offence (Matt. 5:48).'

9:13 So far as it is possible for me to decide, I have reached the following conclusion. You must in every possible way, O king, govern your words and actions by the rule of piety, that you may have the consciousness that you are maintaining virtue and that you never choose to gratify yourself at the expense of reason and never by abusing your power do despite to righteousness.

10:9 The king in the most gracious way applauded the answer and asked another, How, if he were to fail, he could regain his reputation again in the same degree? And he said, 'It is not possible for you to fail, for you have sown in all men the seeds of gratitude, which produce a harvest of goodwill, and this is mightier than the strongest weapons and guarantees the greatest security.
10:10 But if any man does fail, he must never again do those things which caused his failure, but he must form friendships and act justly. For it is the gift of God to be able to do good actions and not the contrary.'

11:4 The king expressed agreement and asked the next, How he could become an eager listener? And he said, 'By remembering that all knowledge is useful, because it enables you by the help of God, in a time of emergency, to select some of the things which you have learned and apply them to the crisis which confronts you. And so the efforts of men are fulfilled by the assistance of God.'

11:6 The king acknowledged the man's answer and said to another, 'What is the advantage of kinship?' And he replied, 'If we consider that we ourselves are afflicted by the misfortunes which fall upon our relatives and if their sufferings become our own - then the strength of kinship is apparent at once, for it is only when such feeling is shown that we shall win honour and esteem in their eyes.
11:7 For help, when it is linked with kindliness, is of itself a bond which is altogether indissoluble. And in the day of their prosperity we must not crave their possessions, but must pray God to bestow all manner of good upon them.'

11:11 Having bestowed praise upon him, the king asked the tenth, How he could recognise those who were dealing treacherously with him? And he replied to the question, 'If he observed whether the bearing of those about him was natural and whether they maintained the proper rule of precedence at receptions and councils, and in their general intercourse, never going beyond the bounds of propriety in congratulations or in other matters of deportment.

12:3 After listening to this man, the king asked the next in order, How he could live amicably with his wife? And he answered, 'By recognising that womankind are by nature headstrong and energetic in the pursuit of their own desires, and subject to sudden changes of opinion through fallacious reasoning, and their nature is essentially weak.
12:4 It is necessary to deal wisely with them and not to provoke strife. For the successful conduct of life the steersman must know the goal toward which he ought to direct his course. It is only by calling upon the help of God that men can steer a true course of life at all times.'

13:8 The king said that he had given a fitting answer, and asked another, 'How is reputation lost?' And he replied, 'When pride and unbounded self-confidence hold sway, dishonour and loss of reputation are engendered. For God is the Lord of all reputation and bestows it where He will.'

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I said book when it is a letter.

Military Men

8:13 The king praised the man warmly for his answer and asked the next in order, How he could be invincible in military affairs? And he replied, 'If he did not trust entirely to his multitudes, or his warlike forces, but called upon God continually to bring his enterprises to a successful issue (Deut. 1:29-30), while he himself discharged all his duties in the spirit of justice.'
8:14 Welcoming this answer, he asked another how he might become an object of dread to his enemies. And he replied, 'If while maintaining a vast supply of arms and forces he remembered that these things were powerless to achieve a permanent and conclusive result. For even God instills fear into the minds of men by granting reprieves and making merely a display of the greatness of His power.'
8:15 This man the king praised and then said to the next, 'What is the highest good in life?' And he answered:''To know that God is Lord of the Universe, and that in our finest achievements it is not we who attain success but God, Who, by His power, brings all things to fulfillment and leads us [to the goal].'

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8:20 When all had signified by their applause their agreement with the answer, the king said to the philosophers (for not a few of them were present), 'It is my opinion that these men excel in virtue and possess extraordinary knowledge, since on the spur of the moment they have given fitting answers to these questions which I have put to them, and have all made God the starting-point of their words (Deut. 4:6).'
8:21 And Menedemus, the philosopher of Eretria, said, 'True, O king - for since the Universe is managed by providence and since we rightly perceive that man is the creation of God, it follows that all power and beauty of speech proceed from God (Jer. 1:6-10).'

10:14 With loud voice the king greeted them all and spoke kindly to them, and all those who were present expressed their approval, especially the philosophers. For they were far superior to them [i.e. the philosophers] both in conduct and in argument, since they always made God their starting point.

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The spur of the moment

Is that a fact, woman?

Please provide a logical explanation why these Letter of Aristeas paragraphs have been placed here.

And one of your messages seem like a mix of your own writings and Aristeas with no clear distinction of what is what?

I am not seeing a strong relation and they seem like a red herring to divert away attention from the conversation and the ignored and unanswered questions.

I don’t recall any women in The Letter

Dear JF,
Thank-you for your insight and personal experience.
When observing humans as they interact with each other, when looking through the lens of The Lord's Revelations about the self (ego) and it's incessant need to be right, or have the last word, it serves us all well to keep our eye on the goal... To look at how The Lord acts (or doesn't react) and to maintain a balanced clear perspective of what's really going on. People who have not yet separated their human's brain from their spirit or worse, allowing their human's brain to rule over their spirit, will allow their human's brain to want to continue wasting people's time with endless useless dialogue (babble), just for the sake of "being heard". This is the opposite of humility which is one of The Lord's primary Teachings.
It's unfortunate that you allow people's arguments to rise hate in you. This is not an "unruffled" state. We all are here to work through our past traumas and to let go of the self who is the one who is really hating the activity (overcoming).
By allowing others to "hash it out" (their ego's desire to express their opinions to always want to be right as opposed to humbly acknowledging that they may actually be wrong or that the opinion being expressed doesn't really matter) and staying out of it, rather than get triggered, shows balance and poise. Fallen angels will always find reasons to disagree with others if for no other reason than to want to express their opinion (which is self desire/ego).
The Lord doesn't play these games. He knows the root cause. We need to learn to be like Him and see as He Sees.

The hour is late. Wasting time with endless arguments just for the sake of arguing is Satan trying to detour people from learning and practicing living "The Way".
Kudos to you for not responding to the rhetoric/rebuff.
Live in love,


Could it be any more clear that no man, but One, is fit to judge?

James 4:11 Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of [his] brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of The Law, and judgeth The Law: but if thou judge The Law, thou art not a doer of The Law, but a judge.
4:12 There is ONE Lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another? King of kings' Bible - James


Thank you for your replies.

Verse 5:4 from the Gospel of Thomas just came to mind, and I realized it belongs together with the mote/beam parable because it reminds us of the motivation for the rest of the parable. This parable has been quoted on this forums a few times and most recently by @adam (He was paraphrasing, actually).

5:4 Jesus said: Love thy brother as thy soul, guard him as the apple of thine eye (Enoch 99:2) .
5:5 Jesus said: The mote (darkness – evil) that is in thy brother’s eye thou seest, but the beam (evil) that is in thine eye, thou seest not. When thou castest the beam (evil) out of thine eye, then thou wilt see clearly to cast the mote (darkness – evil) out of thy brother’s eye (you cannot show people how to solve their problems unless you first learn how to solve them yourself. Then you will see clearly, understand and be able to help other people solve their problems).

Peace be upon you,



Thank-you. Likewise.

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First of all I would like to thank everyone for the interactions here and for your time and effort, lessons learned and much more.

And I wish apologise for any selfish and/or stupid behavior, bluntness and sloppy writing that I may have produced, and any possible waste of time.

The Lord told me over 20 years ago that arrogance is my stumbling block, and I'm battling that ever since.

When you say explained further it sounds as though you had that additional explanation in mind all along, instead of you changing your mind about me.

Below I'm quoting an older message from you before you had changed your mind just to point out the words judgmental/judgments:-

I believe it is a good idea for us to look at the definitions of the words judge, judgements and judgemental, as I believe they have two different meanings, as you all probably are aware of and it would make no sense if all forms of judging is forbidden.

to form an opinion about through careful weighing of evidence and testing of premises

to form an estimate or evaluation of

to hold as an opinion : GUESS, THINK

to determine or pronounce after inquiry and deliberation

To decide as a judge

the process of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing

A formal utterance of an authoritative opinion

a proposition stating something believed or asserted

too quick to criticize people

tending to form opinions too quickly, esp. when disapproving of someone or something

Also let us look at the word Justice.

fairness in the way people are dealt with:

the maintenance or administration of what is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishments

the quality of being just, impartial, or fair

especially : a judge of an appellate court or court of last resort (as a supreme court)

a supreme court justice

Here are some citations from The Way home or face The Fire concerning these words and also some of the motivations for my contributions to this forum.

1:13 The twelfth COMMANDMENT, also given later, by Jesus, is: “YOU shall NOT judge.” He who judges another, condemns himself (Matt. 7:1). This applies to ALL of you, especially in your courts. God has given HIS Judgements and Laws, as well as THE COMMANDMENTS, and anyone else’s judgements and laws are TOTALLY UNLAWFUL

2.Do not judge, so that you will not be judged (Matt. 7:1-2 & Luke 6:37). If you judge anyone, by any judgement other than those that God gave to Moses, you will be judged in the same way, by God. Let him, who is not a sinner, throw the first stone. No-one threw a stone, because all human+beings are sinners (Matt. 7:11). Why?

2:42 Judge no-one! Who does man think he is, that he thinks he has the right to judge another, when he himself is bad and a fellow prisoner?
2:43 ONLY God can judge, because only God knows what is good, and can therefore judge justly. Men are only relatively good or bad, one to another, likewise their judgement, because there is noone good, here in prison. All the good souls have gone home to heaven. It was false judgement, that sent Jesus the Nazarite (see Numbers ch.6), to the cross.
2:44 If everyone kept and enforced GOD’S Laws and JUDGEMENTS, there would be no problems.

3:17 Don’t fight for selfish-reasons, and stay calm, because your human emotions (fear; anger; aggression, etc.) will cloud your judgement, and block God’s messages and “The Force”, and you will lose (“The Force” can only be used for knowledge and defence, not for aggressive physical attack). You will lose, because Satan will use your anger and aggression against you, by causing you to say things, that you do not really mean, to people who may have helped you, if you had not insulted and alienated them, with your anger and aggression.
3:18 Once you have established who is friend, and who is foe; fight your foe, no-matter what position he may hold - remember that “ALL men were created equal”, and still are, in God’s eyes. Don’t make people into false gods and worship them (you have been COMMANDED not to - 10 COMMANDMENTS), if you do, you will defeat yourself, before you start.
3:19 If you fight with human emotions, you will block-out “The Force”, and then Satan can sidetrack you, lead you off in another direction, and keep you bogged-down, arguing with someone who could probably have helped, and speeded you on your way.
3:20 Fight with your spirit and determination, NOT with your fists, except in self-defence. Keepcalm and smiling, at all times; listen to God’s guidance; then go forward and CONQUER.
3:21 It is that simple, “these things are sent to try (test) us.”
3:22 You have to fight for G(o)od, against evil, to pass tests, and to PROVE to God that you have genuinely changed sides, and can be trusted. Fighting with Satan, against God, is what got you sent here, so the ONLY way you can PROVE to God, “beyond any shadow of a doubt”, that you have GENUINELY changed sides and want to be good, is by fighting, here and now, for God (good), against the Devil (evil).

If anyone believes that there is no injustice in this forum that needs fighting against, and that we are one well-functioning team and that the forum is holy because of our behavior (and not because of it being JAH's, which it is, holy) and that Satan does not influence us too, one way or another; I believe that you are wrong.

As to activity here refered to as arguing, babbling, useless dialog, time wasting, for the sake of "being heard" etc.

The correct word I wish to use is fight.

A driving force for my activities here are paragraphs about fighting in TWH.

Specifically these definition:

engage in a [spiritual] war or battle.

to put forth a determined effort

to use a lot of effort to defeat or achieve something, or to stop something happening:

to strive to overcome a person by blows or weapons

In the film The weirding Way is demonstrated by speaking deeply and using a technique involving sound and L ight [God's Truth - the Sword of the Spirit - the "Light-sabre" of Starwars ] and motion to set Fires (baptise people with "Fire" [the Holy Spirit] and therewith burn out the evil from within the hearts and minds of human+** Beings); paralyze nerves; shatter bones (of contention); suffocate the enemy or burst their organs (of government - governmental organ -isations) and totally destroy all opposition to the Laws and The Covenant of God and His TRUE Justice that is for ALL men and FREE . source

@JF Apologies if this is something you don't wish to talk about. Are you aware of the fact that being subjected to such an environment can sometimes induce a kind of 'conflict avoidance' tendency as an adult? This is something different from conflict resolution, which is what I'm hoping for.

Harmonious conflict resolution. (click to expand)

Harmonious conflict resolution is a method of addressing and resolving disagreements or conflicts in a manner that promotes mutual understanding, respect, and cooperation among the parties involved. The goal is to reach a solution that satisfies all parties and maintains or even strengthens the relationships between them.

Matt 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a "Sword" (Rev. 1:16).

Do you think we should not be "hash it out"?

"hash it out"
to talk about something with someone else in order to reach agreement about it:

Or how do you recognize the difference between someone talking about something in order to reach agreement about it and someone doing it for their ego's desire to express their opinions to always want to be right etc etc?

Can you point ouf some tell-tale signs in this thread, please? For the sake of education and understanding.

Always? It sounds a little pessimistic. Can there not sometimes be other reasons? For instance to point out falsehood, injustice, lies and to help, educate (which is the opposite of self desire/ego).

What are the distinguishing qualities of a game versus what I've been striving to explain above about what I'm striving to do, please?


I was not completely sure what this means until some investigation:

definitions of the words (click to expand)

*Kudos to you
This is a way of giving praise or congratulations. "Kudos" is a term derived from Greek, meaning praise or acclaim.

Rhetoric This often refers to persuasive or influential speaking or writing, sometimes with a negative connotation implying insincerity or exaggeration.

Rebuff: This means a blunt or abrupt rejection or refusal.

Did you mean the following?

Praise to you for not responding to the insincere arguments/abrupt rejection.

And I belive it is concerning my reply to JF?

If I've interpreted your sentence correctly, could you please explain how you identified my reply as insincere and as an abrubt rejection? Again, in the spirit of helpfullness and teaching.

Thank you.

You're welcome, and thank you.

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Thank-you, and I think we can all fit into one or more of these categories, at least at some point or other ... and in the future; so my apologies too.

It's not only you obviously: if I quote the Lord correctly when He was asked what the problem with this planet is He said something to the effect, "One word: arrogance", and just about everyone I know around Him has been (maybe still are) guilty of it; including me (probably still am).

[Whoever has heard Him say that or something similar are welcome to correct me please. But actually it's all over the place in The Way home as well]

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I meant of course stumbling block, not stepping stone.


But I think there's more than the arrogance at play in the communication

We've been told that "ignorance is the flipside of arrogance", and I think it's fair to say that we're all ignorant; definitely not enlightened, at least. So the default postion is arrogance?

So what else? because there's obvious disliking of some of the communication.

So, if I may offer a bit more for thinking about:

Intellect and its analysis is like a cutting edge. You know, people say someone has a sharp intellect; and it seems to lean to the male side.

So it's a useful tool. Very handy when you need it; survival etc.

But if someone wants to shadow box (boxing by oneself - in pubic: forum in this instance; venting their frustrations), so to say, or engage in some fencing with someone else (willing parties; pre-defined rules; protective gear head to foot, and a flimsy sword with a ball tip to avoid injury), and someone confronts them with a sword, they'll feel a bit annoyed.

And especially if it's a lady. I'd hazard a guess and say the ladies won't comprehend where it's coming from: being confronted with a sword or even a fencer's foil when they feel they've offered a bunch of flowers (e.g. B1 with Aristeas), or something else; whether in context or not.

So, I think, it's like everything, balance, striving to give and take equally, matching like for like, but without being fake etc., and without being boring.

I personally find it to be the most challenging thing; and I really mean that: very hard to do: figuring out what is equal interaction and then delivering on it. I mean, isn't this one thing the cause of so much unnecesary chaos in the world?

This planet has been all about huge taking with little giving in return.


Obviously confronting with a sword might be necessary sometimes.

And, maybe if a discussion or debate is desired then to ask up front if the other party would like to engage, might be a good starting point, and then fence from there.

It should at least keep us on our toes (practice) and might be a good thing from that point of view??

And it will eliminate the boredom!!!!! I think everthing in the universe dislikes boredom - just a wild guess.

And there are obviously a myriad of other ways that people interact with each other.


These are just thoughts. I think I'm shadow boxing in this instance.

So, obviously, just go ahead with whatever everyone feels like doing.

Actually, I've just remembered a very interesting take from the Lord, "You can do anything except break The Law". Isn't that just so profound!


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts with us. I liked those thoughts and found them to be honest and helpful. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes, it is obvious. More specifically, disliking of the person posting it? Should not the debate/s be with the content and not personalised with the member/s posting it? Sort of like: (paraphrasing) "I don't like or agree with your opinion, therefore I do not like you."

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Dear JF,

Your thoughts (you the being) are worth a lot. I was saddened after reading your post above because obviously the past (painful) emotions were brought to the surface. As uncomfortable as that may be, it may actually be a good thing because those emotions, feelings were obviously lurking (possibly hidden) until triggered. The past is no more, it is done; but, those feelings, emotions the past created must be dealt with so that they no longer effect the present and continue on into the future. Why is this important? Because those negative feelings and emotions are attached to the 'self'. What a wonderful burden released when those negative feelings, emotions are crucified (daily)! No longer will they have a hold and then true spiritual freedom can be achieved to live as Father Commands.

Most importantly, forgive me if this sounds like teaching/preaching. It is not, but rather my own personal experience in having to deal with an uncomfortable, sometimes painful past.

In addition, since I remain perplexed, would the the three people who responded with the "laughing" emoji to your post, please explain? I can guess, but remain unsure as to why.

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This (below) is funny, because it's so true. I'm also reading and prefer peace.
Hence getting involved in the discussion. The communicaiton is somewhat unbalanced, as described above.


Dear NancyDrewberry,
Thank you for your reply.
That was very kind, thoughtful and considerate of you.
I do agree with what you wrote. I guess, I'm just really tired of it.
After years and years of it and having to be around it, eventually it just gets old. However, if people want to hash it out amongst themselves, then that is fine. I just prefer at this point to leave them to it, especially if it feels like it has nothing to do with me. It's my present belief that there are just better things to do with the time. I would just rather get away from it, at this point. People can unfortunately easily become very toxic and negative to be around. I don't necessarily mean the posters here, it can happen in any situation. I've spent years trying to help "fix" these situations with and among various people, along with my own problems. The good thing is that it can spur a lot of personal growth. It can be painful, but that's how we gain. No pain no gain. I'm just tired of it now, and feel no longer interested.
Because I have seen that people do not change, unless they want to change themselves. That can come from inspiration or a good example, or just seeing how another person is and what their energy is like. If someone is positive (not faked, but really positive from their own growth from within) then it can be a powerful motivator for someone else. I guess I'm just more interested in that at this point. However. I should just also leave people to it, if they have issues to sort out among themselves. So, this is my hope to do if/when it happens in future. Today, I was able to go for a nice walk and get out into nature and "touch grass" as some might say. Please don't mind me too much, for having said what was said. Usually I keep such thoughts to myself, and maybe should have done that. Or perhaps, since it's led to what seems like a positive discussion it's not bad that it was shared. I appreciate this forum and the people who are here and everyone's contribution. Thank you to everyone for your thoughts on this. I hope no one was seriously offended. I hope everyone here has a great day. Love, JF.