Male-Female/ General/ Communication

They all seem to be playing Satan's game don't they - hook line and sinker:

Protocol 5 (from Protocols of the Elders of Zion)
Despotism and Modern Progress
5. For a time perhaps we may be successfully dealt with by a coalition of the goyim of all the world: but from this danger we are secured by the discord existing among them whose roots are so deeply seated that they can never now be plucked up (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43). We have set one against another the personal and national reckonings of the goyim, religious and race hatreds, which we have fostered into a huge growth in the course of the past twenty centuries. This is the reason why there is not one State which would anywhere receive support, if it were to raise its arm, for every one of them must bear in mind that any agreement against us would be unprofitable to itself. We are too strong – there is no evading our power. The nations cannot come to even an inconsiderable private agreement without our secretly having a hand in it.


[quote="cybe, post:17, topic:6108“]
Tiring and irritating to the "self" of the Being?
That’s exactly the point.

[quote="cybe, post:17, topic:6108“]
Yes, of course, we're talking about exclusively this forum, did I mention some other?

I believe the word should is missing from your sentence, otherwise you are contradicting yourself as you yourself agree that unkind things have and continue to be seen here.

Yes, we should be motivated by the two Great Commandments, but unfortunately it doesn't seem that way always.

[quote="cybe, post:17, topic:6108“]
I believe that things like these should be pointed out and rectified, as gracefully and logically as possible, not ignored. Especially on a special forum like this with more potential for understanding than elsewhere.
I understand what you mean. However, disagreements could also be clarified in private dialogue.

I follow a Twitter account of a well-known German government critic who is attacked every day in an extremely rude manner. He doesn't respond once to any insinuations, impertinence or insults and doesn't block any users. He simply continues with factual educational work and presents irrefutable, solid facts. All attempts to report his account always come to nothing because he does not make himself vulnerable in any way. I really like this approach.

[quote="cybe, post:17, topic:6108“]
[quote="Ayesa, post:9, topic:6108“]
and secondly it's unfortunately quite „normal“.

Appeal to Normality. This fallacy occurs when someone justifies or dismisses a behavior simply because it is considered "normal" or typical, rather than evaluating the behavior on its own merits or consequences. Essentially, it is an argument that suggests something is acceptable or doesn't need addressing because it is commonplace.
Just replace the word "normal" with "explainable" and you'll get what I meant. I was in no way condoning or judging the behaviour. Why would I need a logical fallacy just to talk about a model of group psychology?

[quote="cybe, post:17, topic:6108“]
The question that arises in my mind is whether we're talking about human+Being (inmates) strictly or also free Beings.

Is what is outlined in this Tuckman's clock what we are seeing in this thread? Especially the part about nuclear bombs into the sun, and not the meta discussion we're having now?
We are discussing here, as you correctly called it, the meta-level of human communication, in this case our communication in the DG forum, outside of a specific thread topic.

(I must confess that I don't like to talk about it anymore because it's part of the professional past that this human has long since finished with. Since reading TWHOFTF, I have realised that there is not much to be said for the so-called human sciences.)

This being said, nobody in the world of group or mass psychology makes a distinction between a human and a being. All findings therefore always refer to humans in the conventional worldly sense.

Secondly, it can be said that not all the findings of mass and social psychology about the dynamics of group processes are wrong. On the contrary, the plandemic has shown that T.H.E.Y in particular have a superior command of this field.

The Tuckman clock can easily be applied to our online community in order to understand that we too are on a dynamic development path and need to find our own culture of discussion and conflict.

Next - which I don't want to do - would be to talk extensively about the roles, tasks, authorities and responsibilities in the team. And finally about the management/leadership of the group. While the Tuckman clock is basically only informative for the individual group members, it provides valuable and urgent recommendations for action, especially for the management/leadership. However, there is no management or leadership in the classical sense here, everyone is more or less subject to the rules from within, just as The Law is something that does not rule from outside, but from within.

I would suggest that we stop psychologising too much now.

I can't say much about the original thread topic about nukes into the sun or on the way to the sun because I am faced with many questions that only the thread author could resolve.

What is?

Apologies, I had made a typo.

it was meant to say:-

Tiring and irritating to the "self" OR the Being?


Sounds good, and sounds like he's methodical and careful what he says.

I've seen people gently and expertly point out and defuse such things quite skillfully too. It can be useful to show others that hot air doesn't work.

So you originally meant explainable and not normal? The two words don't mean the same thing. Say what you mean. I could not see that you meant "explainable" with the word "normal".

We know that kind of behavior is explanable, and unfortunately it is now the norm, so it's easy to believe that you were somehow atleast mildly condoning such behavior.

I have a feeling psychology might very well acknowledge the difference between animalistic behavior and a disciplined mind...Although not sure about mass-psychology....

Yes, go ahead. I felt a bit of a distonnect between the small communications issue with a mere almost handful of participants and such extensive things as the Tuckman stuff in comparison

This I didn't quite understand:-

I wonder why the nutters haven’t tried to cancel the word “Manager” yet

I’m glad you looked past the video title.

1 Like

I had understood it the way you have now corrected it.

[quote="cybe, post:23, topic:6108“]
Sounds good, and sounds like he's methodical and careful what he says.
He only talks about things he knows a lot about and always stays within the limits of what is (still) legally permissible.

[quote="cybe, post:23, topic:6108“]
I've seen people gently and expertly point out and defuse such things quite skillfully too. It can be useful to show others that hot air doesn't work.
However, this is totally hopeless with the forced vaccination advocates, lockdown activists, child abusers, immigration promoters and climate maniacs from the left-green spectrum.

[quote="cybe, post:23, topic:6108“]
So you originally meant explainable and not normal? The two words don't mean the same thing. Say what you mean. I could not see that you meant "explainable" with the word „normal“.

We know that kind of behavior is explanable, and unfortunately it is now the norm, so it's easy to believe that you were somehow atleast mildly condoning such behavior.
In the language in which I naturally think, there are well over 600 synonyms for the word "normal". The vast majority of them do not contain the slightest judgemental positioning. Most of them revolve around the meaning of normal = usual, familiar, widespread, common, standard, expectable, expected, not strange, commonplace, ordinary, conventional, etc. etc.

[quote="Ayesa, post:22, topic:6108“]
I can't say much about the original thread topic about nukes into the sun or on the way to the sun because I am faced with many questions that only the thread author could resolve.
I simply do not understand what this was all about:

Ok, does this mean that you also agree with me about how spock-like figures (especially if they are truly logical and without emotion) can be irritating to the "self" and how this is actually a good thing?

Yes, still. Soon, if not already they will probably have even more free hands to interpret things as they see fit.

Well, I've seen quite a few sucessfull takedowns where they argue for a while but are then contronted with an impassable piece of fact that they just make a fool out of themselves and leave....

600? Are there even that many words in the English language? Well now I understand the saying that everything is normal.

And I did not mean that the word "normal" in any way contained judgemental positioning,

It's just that if I point out problematic behavior here on the forum and someone then tells me to consistantly (In every case or on every occasion; invariably) ignore it...

...and further says that it's normal (which usually, according to my experiences implies; "it's just the way the world is, it's normal, there's nothing we can do about it") then I see this as another problem that needs to be adressed...

Is explainable a synonym to the word natural in the languge in which you think? I doubt it.

Don't you think anyone else can look into it and see if it is likely or not?

Yes. I am convinced that Spock-like characters are perceived by the "self" as irritating and exhausting. The "self" prefers to be given free rein. It loves small talk without much depth. This side of a human-being is forced to think and reflect by Mr Spock. This can lead to a higher level of discussion culture.

[quote="cybe, post:27, topic:6108“]
Well, I've seen quite a few sucessfull takedowns where they argue for a while but are then contronted with an impassable piece of fact that they just make a fool out of themselves and leave....
Of course, there are also such cases. This professor has decided against one-on-one battles. It is more important to him to maintain and extend his reach.

[quote="cybe, post:27, topic:6108“]
Is explainable a synonym to the word natural in the languge in which you think? I doubt it.
As I said, there are well over 600 synonyms. Then there are all the variants that correspond to the meaning of the word. I have chosen one such word (author's choice), it is certainly not in the active vocabulary of most native speakers, but it corresponds fully to the word "normal“.

[quote="cybe, post:27, topic:6108“]
Don't you think anyone else can look into it and see if it is likely or not?
In principle, someone else can do it too. But I also believe that the original author has a certain duty to provide information.

I think the original thread Corona and The Eclipse is being referred to here and I started it.

I don’t know anything about the two or if they are related.

And I’m sorry if it lead to any arguments

This is meant, @Gareth

Chemical reactions

Good. I'm glad we cleared that up and now know that we agree on it.

Yes, you already said it. 600 synonyms.... and variants (have a close similarity; match or agree almost exactly) to the word normal, huh.

The words normal and explainable, I believe they are quite common and used words. I do not believe that they mean the same thing. Sure something normal is often more easily explainable and vice versa...

Both versions I believe are problematic:-

You're right, unkind things have been and continue to be seen here, but firstly you could just consistently ignore them and secondly it's unfortunately quite „normal“.

You're right, unkind things have been and continue to be seen here, but firstly you could just consistently ignore them and secondly it's unfortunately quite „explainable“.

Do you think it would be worthwhile to look into these things and see if they really can be understood and explained, and that this would be helpful?

I agree. And what I'm seeing quite often on this forum is something I don't like:-

  1. OP writes a message, a claim or a bunch of claims.
  2. Someone else reads it, studies it, looks into it, and carefully replies to the claims, perhaps refuting them successfully with multiple points/arguments and questions.
  3. OP, probably unable to come up with anything good replies only to the weakest question or even worse, does some kind of so called logical fallacy.
I let ChatGPT rewrite the above a bit smarter, click here to see it:

First, the original poster (OP) presents a message or series of claims. Then, another user carefully examines these claims, conducts research, and responds thoroughly, often providing multiple counterarguments and posing questions. Finally, the OP, likely struggling to formulate a strong response, either addresses only the weakest point or resorts to logical fallacies.

Here are three common fallacies often used in such scenarios:

  1. Straw Man Fallacy: Misrepresenting the opponent's argument to make it easier to attack.
  2. Ad Hominem: Attacking the character of the person making the argument rather than the argument itself.
  3. Red Herring: Introducing irrelevant information to distract from the actual issue at hand.

Whoa, chemical reactions..... far out

[quote="cybe, post:32, topic:6108“]
The words normal and explainable, I believe they are quite common and used words. I do not believe that they mean the same thing. Sure something normal is often more easily explainable and vice versa...

Both versions I believe are problematic:-

[quote="cybe, post:32, topic:6108“]
Do you think it would be worthwhile to look into these things and see if they really can be understood and explained, and that this would be helpful?
For the third time, we have 639 synonyms for normal in German, sorted into 27 word groups. Some of these word groups contain words that can also be found in other word groups. So if we were to subtract these duplications, we would end up with fewer words.

However, it would be wrong to delete duplicate words because each word in each word group conveys its own context.

It is the context that is decisive and only the context that determines whether a word is appropriate or not. It is solely up to the author/speaker to use the word that fits the context. It is not for you to comment on my choice of words.

In the context of my transitional sentence, both the word normal and the word explainable fit. And I guarantee you that not a single fellow countryman would have a problem with my choice of words.

Are you seriously trying to lecture me in my mother tongue? Especially when it comes to semantic subtleties?

Please turn to the actual context instead. I hope it was informative and that you learnt something new.

I will be happy to answer any questions regarding the content. You can leave stylistic questions to me.

Do you mean that you thought in German using a word synonymous to both the english word "normal" and "explainable" and then erroneously used the English word "normal" without realizing it isn't synonymous to the word "explainable" in English?

Ich habe ein bichen Deutsch in schule gelernt aber ich bin.. uhm, sheisse :smiley: <- no ChatGPTs were harmed in creating that sentence.

By focusing on the number of synonyms in German and the complexities of translation, you are diverrting attention from the main issue of whether "normal", which you wrote, was the appropriate word and whether "normal" and "explainable" are synonyms in English. This is called a Red Herring.

If you would have just said something like:

"Sorry, I made a mistake; I didn't mean "normal", I meant "explained", I made a a German<->English translation error there"

it would have been a normal occurance compared to the complex and illogical thing that you've done in this situation.

You chose the word "normal".

Not up to me to comment on the choice of it? Why not?

As for the unknown German word in your thought process... I have no idea what it is and can't comment on it.

Which German word were you thinking of?

Seriously. You've misunderstood if you believe that. I didn't even know your mother tongue was German so it wouldn't be very smart of me trying to do that. Alternatively you are creating a bit of a Straw Man fallacy by framing me as having attacked your linguistic competence.

For whatever it may be worth.
I find people, who seem to want to keep arguing, just for the sake of arguing, when it could have been ended a long time ago, to be behaving in a way that is quite frankly, socially retarded.
Always having to be right, is also a sign of an inferiority complex at work.
I hate arguments.
I hate it when people around me want to argue.
It reminds me of my parents, who argued when we as kids were growing up.
And then I, as the kid, had to try and be the peacemaker between them.
Frankly, I find it to be childish and also, it pisses me off.
So, you all have a good day now.
I will go and read something else, elsewhere.


Phithx and I already discussed the problem with the word argue/argument here

Do you believe that there anything wrong with 1, please?

Are you seeing this discussion as 2? arguing in a heated or angry way? Are you seeing it in this particular message, please?

If you are accusing me of it, which it seems, and of being socially retarded, always having to be right, being childish etc, etc, please, prove it to me by citing which of my words you believe is heated or angered.

Do you not believe someone accused deserves that?

And can you figure out some other motivation for my behavior here, please?

And please, to show that you've (laughers @ThePrisoner, @phithx, @Nathaniel too, please) been paying attention, do you believe @Ayesa's explanation of normal <-> explanable is truthful.

I hope you are willing to return and continue the discussion after such a drive-by-message.




(*Who is mentioned in Rev. 23:9)

11:4 The king expressed agreement and asked the next, How he could become an eager listener? And he said, 'By remembering that all knowledge is useful, because it enables you by the help of God, in a time of emergency, to select some of the things which you have learned and apply them to the crisis which confronts you. And so the efforts of men are fulfilled by the assistance of God.'

Have already sent nuclear bombs to the sun "to see what
would happen"
Maybe they have something bigger planned


I liked Aristeas.

I remember thinking how good it was and it was the first book I read in The King of Kings Bible.

Did The King return to The Law?

One is positively surprised how well, and in such an advanced way, and politely it is written. Compared to say, bro-speak and manners of today…

But can anyone please tell me how Aristeas 11:4 specifically relates to this discussion and to what in it, please?

So let it be written, so let it be done……