Legislation prohibiting the importation of COVID vaccines is published

Legislation prohibiting the importation of COVID vaccines is published

Legislation has been published prohibiting the importation of COVID vaccines, or anything purporting to be a COVID vaccine, without the written approval of the Medical Director of the Gibraltar Health Authority. The Government says that at present, the suppliers of both the Pfizer BioNtec vaccine and the Astra Zeneca vaccine only supply to Governments so the origin of any such vaccine in Gibraltar supplied by anyone other than through the GHA would be questionable.

The Minister for Health and with responsibility for Civil Contingencies, Samantha Sacramento MP, said “The UK Government have been extremely generous with the provision of vaccine in Gibraltar in terms of volume, frequency and speed so that there is no need for these to be made available privately."

The GHA continues to have vaccines available and Ms Sacramento urges any member of the public who has not yet taken up the offer of the vaccine to register their interest online.

Here is the Real Law regarding vaccines: https://defending-gibraltar.net/t/how-to-lawfully-decline-a-vaccine-other-pharmaceutical-frauds-e-g-masks-tests/289

Perhaps Ms Sacramento would like to familiarize herself with them.

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