Keep Waters Clean Around Gibraltar

Down by Europa Point today, a brown substance could be seen spreading into the sea - is this sewage or something less worrisome?

Does any one now what this brown substance is?

All of us here on planet earth should be taking good care of everything, cleaning up, not littering, like we are doing it for someone we dearly LOVE, Father, Ruler of The Universe, Who is Pure LOVE. Furthermore, these green lies, are helping destroy the planet but are posed as helping save the planet. What do you believe lies or truth? In light of the truth, it's just one more scheme to line the pockets of the filthy rich.

BRIGHT GREEN LIES – Green now means sustaining a destructive way of life

The reality is that Gibraltar belongs to Christ - ALL of it - NOT the fake queen’s fraudulent government

What does The Law say about raw sewage?

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Sun 9th Jan, 2022

Sewage Treatment Plant Press Call 30-01-2018 (Photo John Bugeja) View from Trade Winds Building Ocean Village

31st January 2018

Gibraltar is finally pushing ahead with construction of a sewage treatment plant, with the Gibraltar Government signing a contract for the final design of the facility and construction work set to start within months for completion by 2020.

Gibraltar’s lack of a wastewater treatment plant has been the subject of controversy in recent years, even leading to infraction proceedings by the European Union.

Although this project has been on the table since 2014, progress has been complex because of the need to develop special bacteria able to survive in the salt water used to flush Gibraltar’s toilets.

At a press conference at No.6 Convent Place yesterday, Chief Minister Fabian Picardo and the Minister for Environment, Dr John Cortes, announcement the project was now ready to move to the next phase.

The Gibraltar Government has awarded an Advanced Works Contract to the joint venture between NWG Commercial Services Limited [Northumbrian Water] and Modern Water.

The contract covers the design and survey work required for final planning and environmental approvals as well as preliminary site works.

"I am very happy to see that our detailed work in respect of this matter is now going to see progress in the treatment of wastewater,” Mr Picardo said.

“It has taken us time to be able to progress this as we had to start literally from scratch and the technical aspects of the work required were extraordinarily complex and challenging.”

The odourless plant will be located at the Brewery Crusher site near Europa Point. The plant will be “covered and not impact negatively and probably provide some new opportunities for the area,” Dr Cortes said.

Addressing concerns over the impact, if any, it would have on the UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Chief Minister said: “The design of the facility is going to be very sensitively done, it is not something that needs to have much height and it is going to be very easy to blend into the environment around the area.”

He added that Dr Cortes has done a lot of work on all the areas around the UNESCO site “which is hugely important to the Government, a huge recognition of Gibraltar’s contribution to world heritage.”

The uniqueness of Gibraltar’s salt water system meant that a special bacteria had to be developed that will break down the sewage but also survive the saline content. Most of the world uses fresh water in their waste systems.

Modern Water, which is listed on the London Stock Exchange, made an announcement on the contract to investors yesterday morning.

The contract marks the start of the final steps before work can commence on the overall project, which is for the design, build and operation of a wastewater treatment plant, capable of treating urban wastewater as well as storm flows.

Dr Cortes took pride in making the announcement.

"I am delighted to be able to announce this important step forward for this vital project, which honours the commitment made by this government,” he said.

“On a personal note, as an environmentalist, I take huge pride in being a part of leading the further development of Gibraltar's environmental credentials and the delivery of Gibraltar's wastewater treatment works."

In October 2014, the joint venture between the two companies was announced following a tender process...

Inside one of Gibraltar's sewer- Wastage Products

ESG - sewage | The Environmental Safety Group

Half of the World’s Coastal Sewage Pollution Flows from Few Dozen Places

An analysis of roughly 135,000 watersheds reveals that large amounts of key pollutants come from human wastewater, not just agricultural runoff

Half of the World's Coastal Sewage Pollution Flows from Few Dozen Places In this picture taken on August 7, 2020, researchers wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) collect samples from a pipe dumping raw sewage into the Manohar River in the Balakumari area of Lalitpur, Nepal, near Kathmandu. Credit: Prakash Mathema/AFP/Getty Images
All around the world, sewage gushes out of pipes into rivers and the sea, threatening the health of humans and aquatic ecosystems. Though some individual sites have long been known to be major sources of coastal pollution, “we’ve never had a global understanding of how big the problem is,” says Cascade Tuholske, a geographer at Columbia University’s Earth Institute. He and his colleagues took a broad look at the issue by calculating the amounts of fecal pathogens and nitrogen—which can fuel harmful algal blooms and create oxygen-deprived dead zones—flushed into the ocean in human wastewater at nearly 135,000 sites around the world. They found that they could attribute about half of the nitrogen pollution to just 25 locations and that around half of the pathogens also came from 25 sources, in some cases the same ones.

The researchers say these findings, published this week in PLOS One, could inform international collaborations and help policy makers choose the most effective sewage treatment strategies for contaminated areas.

Many scientists examining human impacts on coastal ecosystems have focused on agricultural runoff, Tuholske says, because fertilizers that wash into the sea carry massive amounts of nutrients and pathogens that can harm marine environments. But the impacts of human sewage receive far less attention, says Joleah Lamb, a marine scientist at the University of California, Irvine, who was not involved in the study. Part of the reason may be that, unlike trash or oil spills, sewage can be invisible in the water. “I’ve been taken to beaches that look beautiful and clean,” Lamb says. “But then we start testing the water, and there are significant levels of human pathogens in the water.”

There are many ways to treat sewage, each with advantages and disadvantages, Tuholske explains. For example, wastewater treatment facilities thoroughly filter pathogens but are less effective at removing nitrogen They are also costly to build, operate and maintain. Septic systems are cheaper and can capture most of the nitrogen, yet they are less effective at preventing pathogens from entering the environment. Identifying places where sewage-borne nitrogen and pathogens are separate or combined problems can help policy makers identify the most effective solutions, Tuholske says.

Seeking to address this information gap, Tuholske and his colleagues analyzed demographic data for urban and rural communities around the world. They also looked at the access those communities had to different types of wastewater treatments, along with national statistics of protein consumption, which helped them calculate how much nitrogen people’s waste would likely contain. The researchers used this information to build a global grid showing where nitrogen and pathogens in sewage were coming from and how that sewage had been treated. They then combined this sewage-source grid with mapped boundaries of watersheds (areas that drain into a body of water such as a river) and with the locations of reefs and seagrass beds that are sensitive to pollution.

The team found that, globally, sewage entering the sea contains about 40 percent as much nitrogen as global agricultural runoff pollution does. This figure indicates that even though sewage is less visible, it contributes a significant amount of nutrient pollution. Moreover the researchers showed that nitrogen from human sewage reaches about 58 percent of the world’s coral reefs and 88 percent of seagrass beds. Both these coastal ecosystems are important wildlife habitats and can help mitigate climate change by sequestering carbon.

Tuholske and his colleagues also found that sewage pollution was a highly concentrated problem. Half of the watersheds analyzed flushed virtually no sewage nitrogen or pathogens into the oceans. Just 25 watersheds—dispersed across nearly every continent and spanning multiple countries—contributed about 46 percent of wastewater nitrogen. The same number of watersheds contributed 51 percent of sewage-borne pathogens in the sea. Top sources of sewage nitrogen included the Yangtze River watershed in China, which contributed 11 percent of the total, the Nile River in northern Africa, the Mississippi River in the U.S., the Paraná River in Argentina and the Danube River in Europe.

Nitrogen and pathogen contributions did not always correlate, the researchers noted. For example, they found that large amounts of sewage pathogens were flushed down the Brahmaputra River in Central and South Asia, but when compared with the Yangtze River, the former’s nitrogen contribution was much lower than expected. Differences in existing sewage treatment practices in the two regions may partially explain this, the team says.

The results of the study are “really exciting because we can start pinpointing where we have sewage nitrogen and pathogens entering the environment,” Lamb says. “That helps conservationists, wastewater managers and sanitation specialists work together to develop these interventions that can mitigate nitrogen or pathogens entering the environment, or both. It teases these problems apart and shows where you will get the most bang for your buck.”

Tender for Sewer Rehabilitation Works Line Wall Road MH12 to MH16 2022
Maybe this is a move in the right direction.

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Home » GibViews » Not two, but three players attempt checkmate

Not two, but three players attempt checkmate

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Monday, September 23, 2019 - 09:45 Carmen Gomez

As Gibraltar moves closer to the new sewage plant being in action.

Spanish divers taking water samples from the sea in Palma say there are so many fecal remains it actually smells. “But it’s okay” someone says “the fish eat this”. So now we have reduced the fish diet to fecal remains and plastics. Because in Spain they are used to discarding their residues into their rivers and surrounding waters, and the regional municipalities are not for spending money clearing or purifying its rivers, they are now paying a hefty price for it. Due to recent heavy rainfalls many regions in Spain have sadly suffered not only the loss of lives; including that of hundreds of livestock; but of properties all through a lack of maintenance of their rivers.

The well known Rinconcillo beach in Algeciras visited by Gibraltarians, not only regularly finds itself covered in black soot, but its neighbourhood citizens have just denounced a few days ago, that its beach were covered in condoms, sanitary towels and cotton buds. This all rolled in from the sea; proof that in Spain there is a total lack of proper management in the treatment of sewage and residual waters.


The coastal salt water lagoon “El Mar Menor;” located in Murcia; supposedly preserved as a special protection area for bird life and of Mediterranean importance, finds itself contaminated with nitrates proceeding from agro industry activity like zinc, or lead from the mines. In 2016 after eighteen years of neglected warnings, it was close to ecological collapse, due to contamination which brought about the proliferation of toxic algae. In 2018 they were asking themselves “are we in time to remedy this?” the immediate answer was Yes! Today 48 desalination plants and 25 wells have been sealed due to the spills which have turned it into it a green soup; depleting oxygen from the sea. They say that a high percentage of its waters do not reach the treatment plant.

Then again the construction industry is once more out of control; because in Spain nobody listens and nobody learns, and no one remembers the bubble that burst bringing with it an economic crisis from which Spain has yet to recover. Corruption in municipalities is rife, and the infrastructure is something they do not pay much attention to. Its culinary delights have also come under certain scrutiny of late; only because yearly environmental inspections are not carried out in most meat processing plants.

There have been 70 deaths reported per year in Spain from listeria since 2009. This year seven pregnant women have lost their unborn babies; three adults have died and 200 people are hospitalized. Subsequent inspections of sites carried out at the processing plants, has discovered bacteria flourishing in all corners. It has come to my attention that locally some people have been suffering from intestinal problems, after having eaten out across the way. I urge you to practice caution. Furthermore, this is exacerbated by the report that when you bathe in certain areas in the sea in Spain, you can get your skin covered in ten minutes with a fresh coat of bacteria from polluted waters, which can also cause infections and stomach aches.

Already in Canarias, Spain, there are nine beaches which have been intermittently closed to bathers, two of which have a suspension order going back to 2014. It is believed that the problem, also visible in their rivers, originates from the poor sanitation network of their military base. Irresponsibility prevails, plus a lack of political goodwill.

Spain finds itself among the worst offenders when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions. In June this year, there was a demonstration staged from those who live in the Campo because the people there had had enough! They complain of deaths caused through contamination; they demand renewable energies; an epidemiological study and the reduction of CO2 emissions. But what they fail to understand is that in a country where money talks, their demands will walk.

This year, Cepsa oil refinery; mostly owned by the company Mubadala of Abu Dabi, Sovereign Wealth fund, and recently by the Carlyle group with a 40% acquisition; offered an investment of 2,500 million Euros between now and 2023, to enhance the amplification of the network in the Andalucian region and be able to process the heavier parts of the crude oil which are now destined to tar and contaminating products.

Some Spaniards might believe that what Borrell has in mind when he says that after brexit he wants to make sure that the Campo receives the attention it needs to thrive and be on par presumably with Gibraltar; may be deluding themselves. No doubt coming from someone who is no friend to Gibraltar and a hardliner, his intentions clearly are to make things as dire as possible at the frontier after brexit, so that Gibraltar’s tourist industry; its incoming fresh produce; its construction materials etc will suffer such delays that will cripple our economy, with el Campo reaping the gains? Spanish politicians delude not only themselves but their own.


Spain is a country steeped in unsavoury and cruel traditions which they defend as if life depended on it. They appear to pretend to bow under pressure when the going get’s tough, but after a couple of years when the heat has died down, they return to their old haunts. They are never going to let up on their intent to recover Gibraltar. The thing is I am not sure at this point who will be the player to move the next piece on this particular chess board where curiously not two, but three players attempt a checkmate.

Spain blames 80 tonnes of sewage 'ruining' its beautiful beaches on Gibraltar

A mountain of wet wipes weighing the same as "20 African elephants" have been left untreated, a campaigner said.

By Charles Harrison, News Reporter
Feb 19, 2024

Playa de los Junquillos near the Rock of Gibraltar

Playa de los Junquillos near the Rock of Gibraltar, where untreated sewage spreads to nearby coasts (Image: Getty)

Beaches in the south of Spain and Gibraltar are becoming inundated with untreated sewage - with the blame being squared on the British Overseas Territory.

The peninsula has been accused of failing to introduce an effective sewage purification system. Carlito Buhagiar, of Wastage Products has been leading a campaign to introduce a new water treatment facility as well as encouraging locals not to flush away wet wipes.

He told a local radio programme that his workers removed 80 tons of wet wipes while cleaning just one of the pumping stations in Gibraltar.

“To put that into perspective, that’s 20 African elephants of wet wipes,” he said.
He said that Gibraltar residents “need to take some civic pride about what they throw down the toilet”.

Ecologistas en Acción (EA), a Spanish confederation of 300 ecological groups, has blasted Gibraltar for the waste’s impact on the Bay of Algeciras, where the overseas territory meets mainland Spain.

The group said: “Gibraltar has no system for the purification of sewage and discharges it along the beach in the Bay of Algeciras and by the lighthouse of Punta Europa.
Continued at link...

Deuteronomy 23:12-14

Thou shalt have a place also outside the camp, where thou shalt go forth abroad [to do thy toilet]:
And thou shalt have a paddle upon thy weapon; and it shall be, when thou wilt ease thyself abroad, thou shalt dig therewith, and shalt turn back and cover that which cometh from thee (thy excrement):
For the "I AM" thy God walketh in the midst of thy camp, to deliver thee, and to give up thine enemies before thee; therefore shall thy camp be holy: that He see no unclean thing (which includes litter and pollution ) in thee, and turn away from thee.

Daily updates on the status of Gibraltar’s sewage flow into the sea, if you wish to submit photos of the sewage, tweet us or DM your pics


Is Gibraltar’s untreated sewage being pumped directly into the sea? Yes


Is Gibraltar’s untreated sewage being pumped directly into the sea? Yes


Is Gibraltar’s untreated sewage being pumped directly into the sea? Yes

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