12:98 No criminal is really afraid of human police, who can not be everywhere at once, or on the
spot, and who do not have the help of the public, because they have alienated them. If criminals were
afraid of the police, they would not be criminals.
12:99 Guns were originally invented for hunting food, and for protection, against wild-animals, and
also for self-defence against evil aggression, because a small, or old person, could not defend
himself/herself against a stronger aggressor. Guns are an equalizer.
12:100 NO-ONE has the right, to take away the rights that God gave to YOU; one of which is your
right to self-defence, against evil, and aggression (real and NOT imaginary); unless they can replace it with something better.
12:101 The police, because of their own cowardice, have made it illegal to own a gun, and to defend yourself, and have given you nothing in return, because they can not possibly be with you, all of the time, and they are so busy chasing honest people, for money, that they do not have the time to protect the public from, and to catch, REAL criminals.
12:102 Prevention is always better than cure, and a young thug would think twice, about attacking an old lady, or gentleman, if that old person possibly had a gun, and could shoot them, LAWFULLY,
in accordance with GOD’S Laws (Exodus 22:2).
12:103 Given a perfect situation, in a society, if you were to disarm anyone, you would disarm the
criminals; wouldn’t you? So what does man do, with his stupid illogic? He decides to disarm The
Law-abiding public, who are no danger to anyone, and leave violent and vicious criminals with
weapons, and then, to make the situation even worse, he does away with the only other deterrent to
criminals - “the DEATH-Penalty”.
12:104 The harmless, Law-abiding public, are then left, totally defenceless, against armed, vicious
criminals, whilst the police are busy STEALING money from motorists, under unlawful human
Do you think THAT makes SENSE? - Totally insane!!!
12:105 YOU voted for these lunatics, and their insane, unlawful laws/legislation (human
government-policies: enforced by police), so you are now suffering all this violence and crime -
Divine Justice (Isaiah 3:12-15).
12:106 It is now illegal to defend yourself, your family, or the weak, and, the way it is going, it will
soon be illegal to be a man.
12:107 The police say that, “We cannot have the public taking The (its) Law into its own hands.”
The Law belongs to the PUBLIC, not to the police and should never have been taken out of the
public’s hands.
12:108 The police’s job is only to ensure that the public; in executing ITS Laws; do not exceed, or
break those Laws themselves, and to help the public, both to investigate crimes, and maintain Law
and order.
12:109 Unfortunately, they no longer act as public servants, but as human government-licensed
thieves, and a law unto themselves. Instead of the public telling the police what to do, the police now “dictate” to the public. The police (policy-enforcers, NOT Law-enforcers) have become a big stick,
that the rich use, to beat the poor.
12:110 You all have a voice and a vote, and can change the laws, to be for your benefit, NOT the
benefit of the criminals. Man’s unlawful and unjust laws/legislation punish the innocent, whereas
God’s Laws punish the guilty. Legal-precedents MUST be abolished, and EVERY case heard on its
own merits, with other cases used ONLY as a guide (if necessary), NOT as a pre-set rule, so that
JUSTICE will be done, instead of injustice in the name of precedents (Amos 5:7, 10, 24 & 6:12 &
Habakkuk 1:4).
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