Grow your own food


I’m curious, and I’m not saying this to troll or anything, but did you realize that this is probably an AI-generated image?

There are a few tell-tale signs.

My square foot gardening/hugelkuktur/mulching tests (optimal resource usage experimentation) are going quite ok here



I love greens.

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I think her message is the most important here.

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Soon eating corn and peanuts

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Even though it is late in the season I tested sprouting some of my own old (5+years?) borlotto beans and they seem to have sprouted.


It's a beautiful thing and a gift to eat our own grown food in this error of a mess of things.

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Do you need to shield your plants from the sun? Here my beans were having a hard time in the harsh sun.

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Nope, Father has blessed us with both rain and sunshine so they balance.


Here it was tough when the sun rises at 4 and sets at 22 and a very high UV index I believe partially because of the hole in the ozone layer, so some young leaves just couldn't handle it so I had to give them some shade.


Kindly share who knows when the sun heats mine too, so that I just implement though in most cases I mulch bananas during hot season from December onwards.

Mung beans and green lentils sprout well together.

When I’m on longer wilderness trips I have two different containers with speouta in different phases so I always have fresh ones ready to eat.

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I have failed to recognize lentils, I don't know if it's what we call cowo here.

Love gardening. The signs are all around us. Is the process of physical labor (overcoming our lay selves) teaching us spiritual lessons like planting seeds so someone else waters them, de-weeding (facing our sins that chock out or block good growth)? Keep the soil/soul soft using hay and wood mulch, till it (pray) so seeds take deep root and grow producing fruit. De-weed constantly (uprooting self for more growth) Matthew 13:1-44).

Several volunteer Pecan trees are growing now on this rock hill thanks to the "Back to Eden" gardening technicians applied.

Trees were protected by Law in Medieval Ireland


Wow, beautiful :heart_eyes::pray::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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