Gene-edited Agriculture And Flouride Call Into Question Witty's Commitment to Public Health

Looks to be an "overturning of current EU law regulating new gene-edited crops, or GMO.2."...

Farm to Fork: How the EU and the Davos Cabal Plan to Control Agriculture

By F. William Engdahl

Whenever we hear the word “sustainable” we would be well-advised to take a critical look behind the nice sounding words. In the case of the globalist Agenda 2030 with its 17 sustainable goals by 2030, the one for creating a “sustainable agriculture”, when looked at closely, will destroy a huge part of EU agriculture production and drive already rising global prices for food far higher.

In May 2020 the EU Commission released its Farm to Fork Strategy. The official Brussels rhetoric makes it sound like a food nirvana is coming. They state, “The Farm to Fork Strategy is at the heart of the European Green Deal.

They then get to the real agenda: “We need to redesign our food systems which today account for nearly one-third of global GHG (Green House Gas) emissions, consume large amounts of natural resources, result in biodiversity loss and negative health impacts…” This is a clever way of demonizing farmers and our food production as CO2 violators.

(They plan to do it ) by forcing farmers to go bankrupt by demanding new costly inputs to production and radical new genetic manipulated patented plants with unproven safety.

The key to the Davos and EU Farm to Fork Agenda is a radical reduction in pesticides to be replaced by gene-edited crops allegedly able to replace pesticides.

Read entire article.


The Real Reason Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Google Want You to Eat Lab-Grown ‘Meat’

Where’s the meat?

GREAT RESET: Klaus Schwab and the great fascist reset. The diet aims to decrease global meat and dairy intake by up to 90% and replaces it with lab-made foods, GMOs, and oil.

Terry Wolfe: From Covid Lockdowns to Climate Lockdowns