I am striving to be ever more unselfish, humble, kind, loving and considerate to everyone - including my enemies, and willing to sacrifice my own human life for the benefit of all.

Father I ask for your strength and courage - to be calm, and collective at all times...
So when the enemy does rear his ugly head - I can respond with your guidance and loving spirit - and Your Truth...
Even if it's a simple yes or no

I am striving to be total Truth and honor in thought word and deed -
As I point others toward You and Your Universal Laws of Liberty for perfect peace and harmony
And succeed in my testimony

I am striving to be even more unafraid to go anywhere on this planet spreading the Gospel of Truth
And testifying to Your presence here on earth and Your purpose for being here in person, knowing that You and The Force protect me.

Thank You for the gift given to all the fighters for the truth
I believe it I accept it and I will use it as I strive for spiritual perfection

Father please help me to succeed in my mission with The Master
and not to strive in vain


Thank you R and C


A post was split to a new topic: The Force of Love

Another Lesson, from another soldier...
(You know who you are)

I've been learning a lot
Words cannot explain

Satan's been having a go at me again

Receiving messages from Father
On the telepathic uplink channel
Which cuts out all the flannel

23 The Lord is my Shepard
The Force of Father - not a dream

To be centered in the storm
is exactly what we mean

To be balanced in mind -
Relaxed and ready to use the
body for The Lord

To do His Father's orders

When wickedness shows his
smiling face

Don't forget our soul death sentence fate!
Suspended for now - Fathers
conditions to state

It's the lessons of my Masters traits -
Which I must learn to control the body -
which satan uses his wicked ways to shoddy

Father's with me and is my best friend -
Listen out for His telepathic send -
The enemy cannot jam or intercept
If T.H.E.Y. hassle Muad' Dibs
He is taking their name my friend

Thank Y/you


May 10 – Talk To Me

Talk to Me about the world’s misunderstanding of Me. Tell Me that your Love will seek to comfort Me for that. Tell Me your life shall be devoted to bringing about an understanding between Me and those you meet who love Me not.

As one who knows a prisoner has been wrongly convicted devotes a lifetime to the vindication of that loved one’s name, and counts all the trials and troubles, misunderstandings, and hardships encountered in so doing as nothing, so that his object is accomplished — let it be thus with you, longing to make Me known.

     Friendly Reminder

True lasting values of heaven

Love and Un"Self" ishness -

Jesus used the Force to work His Miracles

When you have blind faith -
100% total faith in God
with your spiritual and human eyes wide open
All the angles which Satan can and does use people to
attack you...

You can then become a channel for the Force

If you don't have blind faith
you block the channel
and the force cannot flow thru you or heal you.

The Force comes from God
Faith is the key to the magic door
and a God guided life
Walking always in the healing light

Must do and live Lords Prayer


The attack can be very severe.

Job 1

Jobs faith was resilient because it was fixed on God and not himself.

When you are going through your own trials and tribulations in this life, save your energy in trying to explain the experience because someone's understanding of it
doesn't solve the problem
As Job poured his heart out to God, who is the Only one who can fully comprehend, understand, and relieve your suffering.

To trust God fully, even when we don't understand, nor can we reason the circumstances
was Jobs "ticket" to freedom.
He never gave up, and endured like a true righteous champion.

Job still prayed, even for those who were opposed to him, and it benefitted them all in the long run.
We can never really see the big picture, but God can and does as He is always more than one step ahead of us.

Trust God, even in your most severe hardships and losses, as He is all seeing, all knowing, who when you fall will catch you.

You have the power to endure hardships, even without understanding, as God is guiding you behind the scenes

Patience and perserverience with an abundance of determination will move mountains...If you believe.

Jobs long-suffering produced a fruitful spirit, replenished and worthy of righteousness.

Job said,
"Naked I came from my mother's womb,
And naked I shall return there.
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord."

Job 1:21

Even so he still blesses The Lord

Be still and know that I am God
as we are the clay in the potters hand, and He is Omniscience.

Blessings and thank you

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Psalm 23

23:1 The "I AM" [is] my shepherd; I shall not want.
23:2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters.
23:3 He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in The Way of righteousness for His name's sake.
23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou [art] with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.
23:5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
23:6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in The House of the "I AM" for ever. King of kings' Bible - Psalms

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It is not I who lives but Christ.


Thank You/you.

They are good lessons.

No giving up.