ERS visits stopped again as 45 new Covid cases detected in four days, none hospitalised

Sad to see some Gibraltarians want to PCR test themselves back into lockdown - soon.

The Working-Class Man .

“...Another day, another dollar...” he says to himself, as the worker makes his way from his humble abode to his place of “employment” . . .

No matter what time they tell him to be there, he obeys. No matter what they tell him to do while he’s there, he does it without question. No matter how long they tell him to do it for... He is at the mercy of their bidding and finds himself putting their wishes and demands before his and his family’s affairs and even, at times, risks his own and other people’s physical health and well-being and the environment too, for them and their demands.

“Why?” he says, “Because it pays his bills that’s why.” and they have led him to believe that if he doesn’t spend time serving them, he will not be able to keep himself and his family and he won’t have the “freedom” to do what he likes to do, in the small amount of time that they allow him to do as he pleases.

Has he ever stopped to wonder how this “tread-mill” came to be his lot in life? Does he ever question why it is them who reap the fruits and rewards of his labour and not him?

Most of us haven’t even thought to ask these questions. In these times, in this world, it seems so “normal” for us, the majority, to simply be servants of the materially rich.

It is commonly known that more than 95% of the world’s wealth and resources are in the hands of less than 5% of the world’s population and that every night, two-thirds of the world’s population goes to sleep hungry. How has this come to pass? and how did it come to be so “normal”?

Continued at link.

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