Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger - PART 2: Zombies, CERN Opening Demonic Portals, & How to Remove Nanotech from the Body!


Following technical difficulties, Dr. Stuckelberger covers the bodies of injected people displaying MAC addresses after death, CERN opening portals, how to remove nanotech from the body and much more!

Watch Part 1 of our interview covering important information on the WHO below:


Watch at link.


Oxide Graphene has electromagnetic fields and is found to be linked to Zombie preparedness document at link [Preparedness 101; Zombie Pandemic

(Preparedness 101 : zombie pandemic)What on earth is it and why does it exist? CDC published this document for their military.
Claiming everyone has those nanotechnology inside of them. They spray them in the sky, forms network within 15 minutes. They think an ID won't form without taking the kill shot, boi-weapon jab.

Dealing with atomic dimensions of reality.

They are trying to change time.

Graphene COVID Kill Shots: Let the Evidence Speak for Itself

Dr John Diamond Reveals How the Covid Vax Will Usher in a Zombie Apocalypse

Thank-Y/you both. Very informative. Another aspect of zombies is the technology of clones. Just how many clones are out there is anybody's guess. Someone is likely keeping track of it.

According to a survivor of the Montauk Project, Ryan Gosling (singer/actor) may be a clone with an alter personality transferred from Max Spiers. Max Spiers (survivor of MKUltra) is thought to have been murdered for speaking-out about satanism in high-places. He was about to call out a top military general who practices/d satanism as part of the NWO.

Lyrics from a song titled "My Body is a Zombie for You" was sung by Ryan Gosling in a band named "Dead Man's Bones":

I can't fit in this skin
It's worn and useless thin
The size of the eyes
And the flies in the sky
My body's a zombie for you

My body's a zombie for you

My body's a zombie for you
The smell of my breath
From the blood in your neck

Oh I hold my soul
From the lands unknown
So I can play the strings of your death
My body's a zombie for you

My body's a zombie for you

My body's a zombie for you

My body's a zombie for you
I'm a Z-O-M-B-I-E, Zombie

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@NancyDrewberry ,
You're welcome.

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You're welcome.



CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is once again making headlines for their recent discoveries that could potentially change everything we know about the universe.

Scientists are building tunnels under South Dakota for a $3 billion experiment that could solve some of the universe's grandest mysteries

Nearly seven years ago, crews started hauling 800,000 tons of rock out of a former gold mine near Lead, South Dakota.

The three resulting, underground caverns are 500 feet long and almost tall enough to hold a seven-story building.

Estimated to cost at least $3 billion, the project DUNE (Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment), is led by scientists at the US Department of Energy's Fermilab.

Eventually, each cavern will hold 17,500 tons of liquid argon to help Fermilab physicists detect elusive particles known as neutrinos, aka "ghost particles.".

Cavern excavation at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in South Dakota began in 2017.

Sanford Underground Research Facility

Neutrinos are subatomic particles all around you, passing straight through you, unnoticed. The sun creates them; supernovae make them; even bananas produce neutrinos.

"If you hold your hand up, there are 10 billion neutrinos from the sun going through your hand," every second, physicist Mary Bishai and spokesperson for DUNE, told Business Insider.

Neutrinos are nicknamed ghost particles because they lack an electric charge and therefore rarely interact with anything they come into contact with.

This also makes them extremely difficult to study, yet scientists persist nonetheless because neutrinos may hold the key to unveiling the secrets of the universe, from what happened just after the Big Bang to observing the birth of a black hole.

A neutrino beam between Illinois and South Dakota

Researchers at Fermilab ICEBERG testbed examine cold electronics that will be used in the DUNE project.

Reidar Hahn/Fermilab

Studying a particle that doesn't emit radiation and is lighter than an electron is difficult. "Neutrino interactions are almost needles in a haystack," Bishai said.

And Fermilab scientists want to study neutrinos in unprecedented detail, like never before, with DUNE.

That's why DUNE will have the largest neutrino detectors of their type ever built.

Once complete, the experiment is designed to start with a series of particle accelerators at Fermilab outside Chicago, Illinois.

The accelerators will fire an extremely powerful beam of neutrinos first through a detector at Fermilab. The beam will then travel underground for 800 miles to the detectors at the South Dakota Sanford Underground Research Facility.

Along the way, the neutrinos will do something somewhat strange. There are three types of neutrinos, and the particles can switch back and forth between them, a phenomenon known as oscillation. One Fermilab scientist compared it to a house cat transforming into a jaguar and then a tiger before returning to its original shape.

Tracking how the neutrinos change over such long distances between Illinois and South Dakota will help scientists understand these oscillations better by giving them a more complete view than Fermilab's current 500-mile NOvA experiment between Illinois and Minnesota.

DUNE's beam is designed to create both neutrinos and antineutrinos — the antimatter version. Looking at the oscillations in each type may help scientists figure out what happened to all the antimatter.

There are currently several neutrino projects around the world, including at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).

What makes DUNE unique is its use of argon and the lengthy distance between its near and far detectors.

The project has had some budget and timeline setbacks, Scientific American reported in 2022. It's supposed to have four argon detectors but will start with two.

The first could be up and running by the end of 2028, Bishai said, with the second detector following the next year. Those will be in place in case a supernova explodes, but the beam portion won't be ready until 2031.

That said, Bishai thinks the project has already achieved one of its biggest accomplishments, a collaboration of about 1,400 people from 36 countries. "It's big science," she said. "It's also big international science."

Argon is an odorless, tasteless, and colorless gas. It is used
in arc welding, electric lamps, metals refining, and in ionization
Reasons for Citation
ď‚„ Argon is on the Right to Know Hazardous Substance List
because it is cited by ACGIH and DOT.

ď‚„ Argon can affect you when inhaled.
ď‚„ Contact can irritate and burn the skin and eyes.
ď‚„ Contact with liquefied Argon can cause skin frostbite.
ď‚„ Very high levels of Argon can decrease the amount of
Oxygen in the air and cause suffocation with symptoms of
headache, rapid breathing, dizziness, confusion, tremors,
loss of coordination and judgment, and lightheadedness.
Higher levels can cause nausea, vomiting, unconsciousness,
coma and death.

Argon decreases the amount of available Oxygen.
Routinely measure Oxygen content to make sure it is at least
19.5% by volume.

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Interview with Dr. Astrid StĂĽckelberger and La Quinta Columna: The E-factor | LQC

What is behind CERN, multidimensionality, energies and frequencies. All of this is explained by introducing the E-factor.