Do Videos Show Magnets Sticking to People’s Arms After COVID-19 Vaccine?

Magnetofection is Real

The Stew Peters Show

Stew Peters: Social media blew up with stories about people sticking magnets to their injections sites; some of it seemed fringe; and skeptics had a hard time believing it was credible - We can't say that anymore. It's real. It's scary. And it's becoming undeniable to everyone who would like you to believe it's a hoax.

Peters interviews Dr. Jane Ruby, a health economist with over 20 years experience in pharmaceutical research.

Dr. Jane Ruby: It's real. We know it's real. There is an entire science in the literature about it. And we also know something else that is really tragic and horrific.

It was intentionally added to these injections.

Why? Because it is a more aggressive delivery mechanism to get it in every cell of your body.

It's a process called magnetofection.