Discussion on the World Situation in Biblical Terms

Western, allopathic medicine can pretend to know how diseases are spread, but when they use wording like “spread is thought to occur through a cough or contact with fluid from the nose of a person infected...” it should be immediately recognized as an admission they don't know what they're talking about. Or worse, that they do know, and are intentionally peddling that lie so they can continue making trillions selling their failed remedies (drugs, chemo and radiation).

The excerpt below from "The Invisible Rainbow" by Arthur Firstenberg (p. 100-105), is about the testing done during the "Spanish flu", which thoroughly investigated the notion that diseases are spread through contact with the bodily fluids of others:-

The Spanish influenza apparently originated in the United States in early 1918, seemed to spread around the world on Navy ships, and first appeared on board those ships and in seaports and Naval stations. The largest early outbreak, laying low about 400 people, occurred in February in the Naval Radio School at Cambridge, Massachusetts.8 In March, influenza spread to Army camps where the Signal Corps was being trained in the use of the wireless: 1,127 men contracted influenza in Camp Funston, in Kansas, and 2,900 men in the Oglethorpe camps in Georgia. In late March and April, the disease spread to the civilian population, and around the world.

Mild at first, the epidemic exploded with death in September, everywhere in the world at once. Waves of mortality traveled with astonishing speed over the global ocean of humanity, again and again until their force was finally spent three years later. Its victims were often sick repeatedly for months at a time. One of the things that puzzled doctors the most was all of the bleeding. Ten to fifteen percent of flu patients seen in private practice,9 and up to forty percent of flu patients in the Navy10 suffered from nosebleeds, doctors sometimes describing the blood as “gushing” from the nostrils.11 Others bled from their gums, ears, skin, stomach, intestines, uterus, or kidneys, the most common and rapid route to death being hemorrhage in the lungs: flu victims drowned in their own blood. Autopsies revealed that as many as one-third of fatal cases had also hemorrhaged into their brain,12 and occasionally a patient appeared to be recovering from respiratory symptoms only to die of a brain hemorrhage.

“The regularity with which these various hemorrhages appeared suggested the possibility of there being a change in the blood itself,” wrote Drs. Arthur Erskine and B. L. Knight of Cedar Rapids, Iowa in late 1918. So they tested the blood from a large number of patients with influenza and pneumonia. “In every case tested without a single exception,” they wrote, “the coagulability of the blood was lessened, the increase in time required for coagulation varying from two and one-half to eight minutes more than normal. Blood was tested as early as the second day of infection, and as late as the twentieth day of convalescence from pneumonia, with the same results… Several local physicians also tested blood from their patients, and, while our records are at this time necessarily incomplete, we have yet to receive a report of a case in which the time of coagulation was not prolonged.”

This is consistent not with any respiratory virus, but with what has been known about electricity ever since Gerhard did the first experiment on human blood in 1779. It is consistent with what is known about the effects of radio waves on blood coagulation. 13 Erskine and Knight saved their patients not by fighting infection, but by giving them large doses of calcium lactate to facilitate blood clotting.

Another astonishing fact that makes no sense if this pandemic was infectious, but that makes good sense if it was caused by radio waves, is that instead of striking down the old and the infirm like most diseases, this one killed mostly healthy, vigorous young people between the ages of eighteen and forty—just as the previous pandemic had done, with a little less vehemence, in 1889. This, as we saw in chapter 5, is the same as the predominant age range for neurasthenia, the chronic form of electrical illness. Two-thirds of all influenza deaths were in this age range.14 Elderly patients were rare.15 One doctor in Switzerland wrote that he “knew of no case in an infant and no severe case in persons over 50,” but that “one robust person showed the first symptoms at 4 p.m. and died before 10 the next morning.”16 A reporter in Paris went so far as to say that “only persons between 15 and 40 years of age are affected.”17 The prognosis was better if you were in poor physical condition. If you were undernourished, physically handicapped, anemic, or tuberculous, you were much less likely to get the flu and much less likely to die from it if you did.18 This was such a common observation that Dr. D. B. Armstrong wrote a provocative article, published in the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, titled “Influenza: Is it a Hazard to Be Healthy?” Doctors were seriously discussing whether they were actually giving their patients a death sentence by advising them to keep fit!

The flu was reported to be even more fatal for pregnant women.

A further peculiarity that had doctors scratching their heads was that in most cases, after the patients’ temperature had returned to normal, their pulse rate fell below 60 and remained there for a number of days. In more serious cases the pulse rate fell to between 36 and 48, an indication of heart block.19 This too is puzzling for a respiratory virus, but will make sense when we learn about radio wave sickness.

Patients also regularly lost some of their hair two to three months after recovering from the flu. According to Samuel Ayres, a dermatologist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, this was an almost daily occurrence, most of these patients being young women. This is not an expected after-effect of respiratory viruses either, but hair loss has been widely reported from exposure to radio waves.20

Yet another puzzling observation was that so few patients in 1918 had sore throats, runny noses, or other initial respiratory symptoms.21 But neurological symptoms, just as in the pandemic of 1889, were rampant, even in mild cases. They ranged from insomnia, stupor, dulled perceptions, unusually heightened perceptions, tingling, itching, and impairment of hearing to weakness or partial paralysis of the palate, eyelids, eyes, and various other muscles.22 The famous Karl Menninger reported on 100 cases of psychosis triggered by influenza, including 35 of schizophrenia, that he saw during a three-month period.23

Although the infectious nature of this illness was widely assumed, masks, quarantines, and isolation were all without effect. 24 Even in an isolated country like Iceland the flu spread universally, in spite of the quarantining of its victims. 25

The disease seemed to spread impossibly fast. “There is no reason to suppose that it traveled more rapidly than persons could travel [but] it has appeared to do so,” wrote Dr. George A. Soper, Major in the United States Army.26

But most revealing of all were the various heroic attempts to prove the infectious nature of this disease, using volunteers. ALL these attempts, made in November and December 1918 and in February and March 1919, FAILED. One medical team in Boston, working for the United States Public Health Service, tried to infect one hundred healthy volunteers between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five.

Their efforts were impressive and make entertaining reading: “We collected the material and mucous secretions of the mouth and nose and throat and bronchi from cases of the disease and transferred this to our volunteers. We always obtained this material in the same way. The patient with fever, in bed, had a large, shallow, traylike arrangement before him or her, and we washed out one nostril with some sterile salt solutions, using perhaps 5 c.c., which is allowed to run into the tray; and that nostril is blown vigorously into the tray. This is repeated with the other nostril. The patient then gargles with some of the solution.

Next we obtain some bronchial mucus through coughing, and then we swab the mucous surface of each nares and also the mucous surface of the throat… Each one of the volunteers…received 6 c.c. of the mixed stuff that I have described. They received it into each nostril; received it in the throat, and on the eye; and when you think that 6 c.c. in all was used, you will understand that some of it was swallowed. NONE OF THEM TOOK SICK.”

In a further experiment with new volunteers and donors, the salt solution was eliminated, and with cotton swabs, the material was transferred directly from nose to nose and from throat to throat, using donors in the first, second, or third day of the disease. “None of these volunteers who received the material thus directly transferred from cases took sick in any way…All of the volunteers received at least two, and some of them three ‘shots’ as they expressed it.”

In a further experiment 20 c.c. of blood from each of five sick donors were mixed and injected into each volunteer. “NONE OF THEM TOOK SICK IN ANY WAY.”

“Then we collected a lot of mucous material from the upper respiratory tract, and filtered it through Mandler filters. This filtrate was injected into ten volunteers, each one receiving 3.5 c.c. subcutaneously, and NONE OF THESE TOOK SICK IN ANY WAY.”

Then a further attempt was made to transfer the disease “in the natural way,” using fresh volunteers and donors: “The volunteer was led up to the bedside of the patient; he was introduced. He sat down alongside the bed of the patients. They shook hands, and by instructions, he got as close as he conveniently could, and they talked for five minutes. At the end of the five minutes, the patient breathed out as hard as he could, while the volunteer, muzzle to muzzle (in accordance with his instructions, about 2 inches between the two), received this expired breath, and at the same time was breathing in as the patient breathed out… After they had done this for five times, the patient coughed directly into the face of the volunteer, face to face, five different times… [Then] he moved to the next patient whom we had selected, and repeated this, and so on, until this volunteer had had that sort of contact with ten different cases of influenza, in different stages of the disease, mostly fresh cases, none of them more than three days old… NONE OF THEM TOOK SICK IN ANY WAY.”

“We entered the outbreak with a notion that we knew the cause of the disease, and were quite sure we knew how it was transmitted from person to person. Perhaps,” concluded Dr. Milton Rosenau, “if we have learned anything, it is that we are not quite sure what we know about the disease.” 27

Earlier attempts to demonstrate contagion in horses had met with the same resounding failure. Healthy horses were kept in close contact with sick ones during all stages of the disease. Nose bags were kept on horses that had nasal discharges and high temperatures. Those nose bags were used to contain food for other horses which, however, stubbornly remained healthy.

As a result of these and other attempts, Lieutenant Colonel Herbert Watkins-Pitchford of the British Army Veterinary Corps wrote in July 1917 that he could find no evidence that influenza was ever spread directly from one horse to another.

It should be self-evident that wearing a mask restricts the free-flow of CO2 being exhaled (particularly if the mask is of higher quality, e.g. an N95 mask), which in turn reduces the amount of O2 being breathed in. Do that for several hours a day, several days a week and you have a guaranteed recipe for actually making people sick, by thoughtlessly depriving their bodies of the O2 they need.

So we're being advised by the medical “experts” that to curb the spread of a virus, which in truth isn't what we've been told it is, and cannot be spread in the manner we've been told it can, we should be using methods that have been proven to be completely ineffectual. And we've known this for over 100 years.

Sadly, because the medical industry is, in fact, a VERY profitable business, this inconvenient truth has been supressed, so the chemical, pharmaceutical, medical equipment and military industrial complex can continue to make trillions upon trillions. We were warned about this too.

Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and materialism.

How can anyone in their right-mind believe that our all-powerful, all-knowing, loving and merciful Creator – Who is The Best Planner – designed an environment with submicroscopic predators foreign to the body that not only injure and kill both animals and humans indiscriminately, but also require the formulation and use of toxic substances to defend against them? And how would this purportedly random process square with the accepted Biblical fact that sin (spiritual uncleanliness before God) causes sickness and dis-ease?

Has anyone actually ever seen any of these submicroscopic predators? No. We have composite, CGI formed from selected SEMs and TEMs (scanning electron microscopes and transmission electron microscopes) images of tissue samples that have been soaked in poisons and then smashed into a single, cellular layer before being irradiated, which are ASSUMED (“thought”) to be of "viruses". These images are neither reproducible nor proof of that what's being viewed is actually a virus that has invaded and infected the body; nor has the entry of any of these alleged viruses into a cell ever been observed.

A brief summary of the Dr. Stefan Lanka trial, where the court ruled that the six published medical papers on the alleged measles virus did NOT meet the minimum requirements to legally prove its existence:

A few sources offering an in-depth look into whether what is being called HIV actually causes "AIDS":

HIV=AIDS? Fact or Fraud?

HIV=AIDS: Fact or Fraud? A Stephen Allen film.

Deadly Deception Lecture – Dr. Robert Willner

Deadly Deception Lecture - Dr. Robert E. Willner MD, PHD Mar 31, 2020


If it's understood that EVERYTHING that happens on this planet has been very carefully planned and is for a reason: to help us learn to differentiate between what is clean/good/truth and what is unclean/evil/lies so that Satan can no longer con us into believing his upside down and backwards version of things, does it really make any sense that allopathic medicine is the one and only exception to this rule (Rev. 12:9)?

Wouldn't it make much more sense to consider the design of the macroscopic planetary waste management system that we can see, to gain some insight into the submicroscopic, cellular waste management system that we cannot see?

In nature, certain creatures have been specifically designed to take out the trash. On land they process the dead and decaying matter, and in the waterways they vacuum the river bottoms and ocean floor to do the same. These creatures actually help regenerate the dead matter into the living in a never-ending (eternal) cycle (the circle of life), creating the nutrient-rich earth needed for healthy plant-life, trees and produce, while purifying the water ways to provide and maintain the essential components of a healthy environment. Healthy animals, including humans, require a clean, healthy environment for their continued survival.

Of course these creatures, which are designed to be the garbage collectors, and NOT to be eaten, are referred to as being UNCLEAN to humans; i.e. not fit for human consumption (Lev. 11, Deut. 14).

So what has spiritual uncleanliness/disobedience to Father, aka sin (Satan with-IN) produced? An environment filled with toxic filth, which not only poisons our bodies, but more importantly our minds. Which is why we need to learn to “take out the trash” or, even better, learn not to keep filling our minds with trash (garbage in, garbage out).

We know we're poisoning the earth with toxic chemical fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, etc., all of which are designed to kill things we don't really understand. We then poison the food and water with chemicals, and the air and skies too, so we can rain down toxic chemicals on everything. And that's before mentioning the radio (RF), radar and microwave radiation, or the fallout from all of the nuclear bombs that have been exploded.

Poisoning anyone or anything is a sin. Knowingly doing it for profit only makes it worse. Radiation in a known carcinogen. Drugs are known to be poisonous. Constant exposure to these toxins can and does sometimes exceed the capability of the body's natural immune system to cleanse itself, which causes prolonged sickness or even death. Particularly when those toxins are directly absorbed into the bloodstream or injected into living tissue. So it is exactly as we've been warned; our sins are making us sicker and sicker, and are killing us, both physically and spiritually, by separating us from Father and His Cleanliness, Righteousness, Purity and Perfection.

Knowing two of the most important goals of life here on Earth are: 1) learning to be unselfish; and 2) learning to work together and share what we've been given (love one another) -- which would eliminate crime and the poverty that causes it (Deut. 15:4) -- does it really make any sense that Father would want us to lock ourselves inside our homes and think only of ourselves?

Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell-fire.

Blatantly false or misleading propaganda right now, about this manufactured crisis, is fueling unprecedented levels of irrational fear. People are literally terrified of each other, which can be seen in the stores and other public settings in people's eyes. Can they repeat the word “pandemic” any more often in the government mouthpiece mainstream media?


“Social distancing saves lives”? “Masks save lives”?

Can lies ever really save lives?

Differentiating between the clean (what is good, holy and truthful) and the unclean (what is filthy, unholy and deceitful) is a recurring theme throughout Scripture. If it's from Father, it's holy, just, clean and good. If it's from this world, then it's likely unholy, unjust, unclean and evil, based on who's running it (John 12:31, 14:30, 16:11, Rev. 12:9).

Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good (Truth) and evil (lies), thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die (in confusion).

It's understood this is a lot of information to process, particularly for those in the medical field.

But deep down people know that vaccines don't work, despite what they tell us, as we've watched one “miracle” drug after another suffer the same legal fate once they injure, cripple and/or kill enough people. As thick as the manuals on drug interactions are it should be self-evident the entire charade is self-defeating.

If the medical establishment (medical mafia really) got all of that wrong, then why would anyone think they got a bunch of other, even more complicated stuff right? Particularly if the one (drugs) depends upon the other (the reason for the drugs – to fight “germs”). The work is always going to look impressive, just like the courtrooms look impressive to someone who doesn't know they're meting out injustice everyday for the very same reasons: money and control.

J For Justice

This is no reflection on anyone who has chosen to be a nurse for their career. There are many doctors and nurses who, after years of practice, have come to the conclusion allopathic medicine is all wrong, and have switched to naturopathic/homeopathic remedies instead. Or become whistleblowers and/or advocates against the medical mafia. Many have even had the guts to go forward knowing they will be ostracized for doing it, because they cannot live with the lies and the blood on our hands any longer.

The educational system has likewise been commandeered to ensure we all learn just enough to be able to do our jobs, but not enough to question why we're doing those jobs or who they serve. That's how we got to this point. While it's important to understand how we got here (believing that the lies are truth and that the truth is a lie - Isa. 5:20-21), what is of immediate relevance is what we do now, knowing we've been duped. As Mark Twain said: “it's easier to fool someone than to convince them they've been fooled”.