Dear everyone,
Apologies (click to expand)
Apologies if anyone feels that I've been wasting their time.
That has never been my intention.
The topics I participated in, which seem to have been considered insufficiently related to Gibraltar, were not always the main focus. Additionally, I did not aim to always be right to my own amusement, or have the last word.
Work in progress
Defending Gibraltar
This thread was inspired to me by @Ayesa writing:-
" opportunity to reflect on how things will be when we, as people from all over the world with different levels of English*, (hopefully) meet in Gibraltar one day. Do we want to dismiss everyone who can't express themselves perfectly?" (source)
And of course one of the main purposes of this forum;-
"...Early on we asked people politely to stick to things relating to, or affecting Gibraltar, and how to defend it,..."
"...Gibraltar needs defending, and the corruption ending by reinstating God's Perfect Law of Liberty, so please stick to doing that...."
Perhaps some pondering and discussions about how Je/Di could, and should influence Gibraltar positively and temper it's defences and strenghten it.
Is not the best, and in fact only defence that really works reinstating The Law?
How do we reinstate God's Perfect Laws of Libery?
How do we get the people to bring the politicians and pharmaceutical and medical people to justice, under The Law that empowers them to do so? Insread of being hamstrung by fraudulent legislation designed to disempower and enslave them.
How do we make the people make the RGP get off their backsides and start arresting these people and their accomplices who have harmed the entire population with their poisonous jabs and corruption?
Would a school where The Law is taught and the Blessings and cursings of The Law explained and witnessed be a good idea?
We start small here by co-operating harmoniously and lovingly (I love you all) like brothers and sisters of the same family, with Father and The Lord coordinating.
Please, let us forget our past differences and transgressions and become and focus on the same goal. If we all talk to Father and ask what should be done about this I believe things will start happening.
Perhaps this thread and how we interact should be more of a work document, a bit like a Wiki, to start with?
*Perhaps spiritual levels is a more important than the levels of English?
TWH 2:20 There would also be higher and lower spiritual levels, like in human schools, which go from nursery to university (Mark 12:32-34), with A-Z classes, and all grades in between. What humans call intelligence and levels of intelligence, or awareness, are really spiritual levels.
2:21 The upper levels were to help to teach the lower ones, by example and not words, whilst ALL levels are being taught by God (Head-teacher). All the students should be helping one another, and becoming less selfish (love your neighbour as much as yourself - Matt. 19:19), thereby earning more points and responsibilities, climbing higher up the spiritual ladder, until they become enough like God (like Jesus demonstrated), graduate and go home (John 8:32 / King of kings’ Bible, John 8:23)