@Cybe, @Susannah extending a warm welome (glad you found your way here)
God's Love, unlike the world's counterfeit satanically inspired emotions, is so Amazing when concentrated on deeply in thought changing us in those magical moments for the better and hopefully everyone sees the need for that.
Amazing YoDa, words of LIFE when lived out daily.
While considering these words of LIFE and seeing them from a certain point of view; no one will deliberately hurt another, then Love One Another abounds while gladly seeing the need to put others first and themselves last Thomas 1:10 For many who are first shall become last and they shall become a single one no matter the skin color. Please see Christ explanations The Gospel of Thomas Explained | Time To Think
The force of Love. God, Who is pure love and the source and controller of His “Force”; love, the
greatest force in creation will grow, go round, without bias or compromise,among us making brotherly Love as KINGChrist Teaches.