πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ CHINA RISING DOCUMENTARY – Sky News Australia (Nov 2021)

China wants World Domination, and will use all means to achieve this. Repression, murder, propaganda, bribes, (PCR tests), (Trade deals, etc.)...

They believe it is their destiny.

(Gog and Magog, Russia and China, as spoken of in the Bible, who overcome and kill the two witnesses.)


Australia is aligned with the US and the UK, and as a true Israelite nation, is in enmity with China.

The deal China made with the British in 1997, to give Hong Kong back to China and to live as a two states peaceably never came to fruition. China crushed Hong Kong.
Xi Jinping may be sipping wine with the deal makers, (pharisees and scribes), but he's literally stabbing them in the back with each blow he deals economically or stealthily with psychological manipulation, starvation, and control methods, many times beyond the sight of those too brainwashed to see beyond the blinders.

When James Patterson, Australian Senator, (a prime example of a politician) spoke out against China he said he felt the repercussions.
Whilst referencing the Espionage and Foreign Intelligence Bill, and the Foreign Interference Transparency Scheme Bill, he said "If you are in a foreign government and you are seeking to influence our political debate, *YOU CAN DO SO BUT, you have to do it transparently, you have to be open about it, you CANT DO IT COVERTLY."
Mr. Patterson said all countries agreed but China.

Why would you even make a deal like this?

Like ones fingers crossed behind the back, making deals and breaking promises.


Many bribes have reached the influence of the political hand in Australia, and with the CCP reaping the benefits, and the Australian business and industries taking the hit financially.

A major export from Australia to China is the iron ore industry.
Wile the economic glove seems to fit the politicians hand, this same material is used to make tanks, missiles, drones, Telecom equipment, etc., and China's 200 million man standing army will be the ultimate beneficiaries of the trade schemes made by these politicians.

Huwei, the Chinese Telecom Company has been accused of espionage, stealing secrets and intelligence, yet it is Government policy in China, as a citizen or business, you are OBLIGATED TO PROVIDE INTELLIGENCE to the Chinese government.
Huweis technology, can wipe out an entire race of people, or 1 lone captive, being tied to 5G, corona virus and IOT... Their track and trace methods are control means beyond measure.

Should this come as a surprise to the Australian politicians.
Its best that Huwei were asked to leave, as they are a threat to the human race let alone national security.

When you do business with the communist party, what should you expect? Communism means without God, therefore all the deals being made with the CCP are done without the blessing of God. Nothing done this way will last. Nor bring anything good to fruition.


23:33 (Ye) serpents, (ye) generation of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell-fire?

Chinese tarrifs have wiped out billions of dollars of Australian exports, yet the politicians state that trade deals are NOT NECESSARY, just mutually beneficial. Beneficial for who? It certainly is not the Australian people.

With all the influence of the CCP in Australia, when the people start to push back, "odd" things tend to happen. Like those raging fires in Australia last year, or the way Australia is being lead to the slaughter by the beyond extreme covid measures taking place now.

The people of Australia need to STOP COMPLYING with these TYRANTS.
As one man from the Bush put it, we've a squeeze hold on China, (in regards to the production of the iron ore that China so desperately needs), it would be interesting if we did...(SQUEEZE).

The Australians have been subverted from within, as with many other countries. And as stated in the video there will be no where to hide, that same statement was made by Olga Sheehan, when warning about the dangers of 5G, "The WHO cover-up that is costing us the Earth"...
The earth is literally being turned into a death star.

See Gibraltar's Gamble with 5G on Gibraltar Messenger Gibraltar Messenger

The Dalia Lama was able to overcome and beat the Brits at their own game by declining to deal with the British Imperialism, so he hit them most where it hurt, in the purse strings. This truly was about non compliance, and the ways in which you can overcome and win. This needs to be a Worldwide occurrence, for we are at war, truly a war of good against evil.

History repeats itself, the west really created the murderous ruthless leader Mao Zedong, responsible for over 45 million deaths. As we are just as responsible today, for feeding the insatiable appetite of Xi Jinping, as governments all over the world sell out their citizens, ports, utilities, resources, and anything else imaginable to this red hand communist,
whose genocidal and world domination agendas have reached new heights. Australia is but one of many countries being bought to their knees...

Its time...