Child and Human Sex Trafficking is Against God's Law

Mel Gibson Speaks Out On Oprah's Secret Agenda

Mel Gibson Speaks Out On Oprah's Secret Agenda

Watch: The Southern Border Is Literally Wide Open

by Tyler Durden

Friday, Aug 25, 2023 - 12:05 PM

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

Thousands of illegal immigrants are simply walking over the border into the U.S. after the federal government decided to leave the gates wide open, saying that there is a risk of floods and resulting environmental hazards.

The New York Post reports “The US Border Patrol has now admitted it’s responsible for the decision to leave giant flood gates in the border wall wide open — giving thousands of illegal immigrants an easy opportunity to stream into Arizona.”

The report notes that “Border Patrol agents, acting on superiors’ orders, welded some 114 gates open to stop anyone from closing them — which the agents had repeatedly been doing in a bid to stop people from being able to cross the border.”

The CBP claims that “High water flow combined with excessive sediment and debris buildup can stress or comprise the design integrity of the barrier,” and therefore they have literally left the border wide open.

As a result, cartels are taking migrants by the busload and just dropping them off so they can walk into the country:

Brandon Judd, the president of the national Border Patrol union is enraged, stating that “Those gates should never be open,” adding “In my opinion and in the Border Patrol agent’s opinion, those gates should never come open.”

“We thought the agents were going to tell us something,” one Ecuadorean migrant said. “But we just walked in.”

Said another from Cuba: “It was so easy to get into the U.S.”

“Nothing like our journey through Mexico. That part was hard,” she added. “I thought there was going to be more security.”

NEWSNATION: "The floodgates are literally open here in the Tucson [border] sector," where illegal immigrants are "coming through an open door."

"There are a 141 different gates along the southern border ... and the majority of those are open by the federal government."

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 24, 2023

Journalist Bill Melugin has been documenting the fallout of the gates being wide open for days now:

Top Border Patrol 3 sectors yesterday:

  1. Rio Grande Valley - 1,700+
  2. Tucson, AZ - 1,500+ (this is where the federal government has welded open border gates and masses of migrants are coming through daily, see attached article.)
  3. Del Rio - 1,300+

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) August 24, 2023
1:03 / 4:29

Arizona’s open floodgates allow thousands of migrants into US | Morning in America

Arizona open floodgates allow thousands of migrants into US Morning in America

At US/Mexico Border With Texas Sheriff (exclusive access)

At US-Mexico Border With Texas Sheriff (exclusive access) :us: :mexico:

Ex-FBI HQ Contractor Arrested for Child Porn, Grooming Gamers
By Ken Silva

August 25, 2023

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) The Justice Department announced Wednesday that a former FBI contractor has been charged with sexual exploitation of children and child pornography charges.

According to the DOJ, Virginia man Brett Janes, 26, contacted roughly a dozen minor boys over Discord and Snapchat.

Janes allegedly groomed the minors by telling them he worked for a U.S. intelligence agency before repeatedly threatening suicide if the minors did not continue to communicate with him.

In one instance, he allegedly enticed a 13-year-old boy whom he met through the first-person shooter game Valorant, to strip and masturbate over a live video Discord call by threatening to kill himself and by paying him money over CashApp.

Janes also allegedly enticed a 12-year-old boy to create and send him child sexual abuse material, or CSAM, over Discord through flattery and repeated begging—sending messages such as “please just answer so i am not being crazy and stupid for sending 500 bucks to a 14 yr old.”

The DOJ said Janes was successful in manipulating some boys in sending him porn.

“Janes allegedly received child sexual abuse material from these two minors, as well as two separate minor victims, and attempted to meet up with a minor,” the DOJ said in a press release.

“He also allegedly purchased hundreds of videos and images of child sexual abuse material from Telegram.”

According to an FBI affidavit, Janes’s crimes were discovered by the father of one of the victims. The father contacted local police, who then relayed the case to the FBI around April.

By May, the FBI confirmed that Janes was a contractor within a headquarters unit in the FBI, the affidavit said.

Janes is charged with two counts of sexual exploitation of children and production of CSAM, one count of attempted coercion and enticement, and one count of receipt of child pornography. He faces a mandatory minimum of 15 years in prison and a maximum penalty of life in prison.

There appears to be an epidemic of child predators working as contractors for federal agencies. Buzzfeed revealed in December 2021 that the CIA has secretly amassed credible evidence that at least 10 of its employees and contractors committed sexual crimes involving children.

Ken Silva is a staff writer at Headline USA. Follow him at

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Scriptures that are applicable:

Wisdom 18:30 Go not after thy lusts, but refrain thyself from thine appetites.

Wisdom 19:2 Wine and women will make men of Understanding to fall away: and he that cleaveth to harlots will become impudent.

Wisdom 25:21 Stumble not at the beauty of a woman, and desire her not for pleasure.

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Ann Vandersteel joins Mike Adams to expose government TYRANNY and TREASON against the people

Taken from video:
Cities being built in Texas for illegals. Ms.Vandwesteele calls the city Abbott/Colonial city, located in north east Houston near The Woodlands in Liberty county. It's a giant multi-phase development, done haphazardly......a beachhead for illegals to occupy Texas. 200 thousand people can fit in this city and there are more popping up all over Texas outside Laredo, and Roma.

Ann Vandersteel joins Mike Adams to expose government TYRANNY and TREASON...

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2 Esdras 16:46 For strangers shall reap their fruits, and spoil their goods, overthrow their houses, and take their children captives, for in captivity (slavery - Deut. 28:68) and famine shall they get children.

Elon Musk: Adults who facilitate body mutilations on children should get life in prison

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: 'I agree'

By Bob Unruh
Published April 14, 2023

SpaceX and Tesla founder Elon Musk, now also the chief of Twitter, has delivered his verdict for those adults, parents or doctors, who do or facilitate body mutilations on children as part of the transgender ideology:

Life in prison.

Any parent or doctor who sterilizes a child before they are a consenting adult should go to prison for life

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 14, 2023

Musk was responding to the protections the state of Florida is working on to deliver children from the grasp of those who would impose transgender ideologies – and those chemical and surgical treatments – on them.

On that topic, The Redheaded libertarian had said, "Governor DeSantis: you can't sex change for your child in Florida."
"Any parent or doctor who sterilizes a child before they are a consenting adult should go to prison for life," he said. A report at National File described his comment as "speaking out against the child-destroying trans lobby."

It continued, "The transgender sterilization and castration of children have been militantly endorsed by the LGBT lobby and are being widely called out as parts of a demonic movement specifically targeting kids for destruction."

The report explained The Redheaded liberatarian" had "retweeted an MSNBC column that claimed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who has taken measures to combat the transgender lobby’s targeting, sterilization, and mutilation of kids in Florida, has a 'desperation for power' that is 'destroying an entire state.'"

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The pro-child comment from Musk triggered several advocates for transgender mutilations, including one who wildly claimed that children "cannot decide for themselves many things" but "a community" should make those rulings.

The report noted Musk has first-hand experience with the issue, as one of his adult children has claimed to be transgender.

Online, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., said, "I agree. That's why I introduced the Protect Children's Innocence Act that makes it a felony to perform gender affirming care on children under the age of 18."


24:7 If a man be found stealing any of his brethren of the children of Israel, and maketh merchandise of him, or selleth him; then that thief shall die; and thou shalt put evil away from among you.

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July 21, 2023, 12:50 PM CDT / Source: The Associated Press

By The Associated Press

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — A former investigative journalist for ABC News pleaded guilty Friday to federal child pornography charges.

James Gordon Meek, 53, of Arlington, Virginia, admitted in U.S. District Court in Alexandria that he illegally possessed and transported child pornography. He covered national security issues for the network until he resigned last year.

Court papers indicate the investigation began when the FBI received a tip from Dropbox about videos showing the sexual abuse of children in an account associated with Meek.

As part of a plea agreement, Meek admitted he used an iPhone to exchange child pornography, including a video showing the sexual abuse of an infant, during a chat session with two other individuals.

An FBI affidavit indicates that agents founds dozens of child pornography images and videos when they searched Meek’s home last year, going back to at least 2014.

The affidavit says evidence was also seized showing Meek used Snapchat and other apps to pressure minors into sending him sexually explicit images, and that Meek sometimes portrayed himself as a girl in some of those communications. Those allegations are not explicitly referenced in his plea deal.

Continued at link....

18 Inmates Tell How They Killed Child Molesters

18 Inmates Tell How They Killed Child Molesters

Deuteronomy 24:7 If a man be found stealing any of his brethren of the children of Israel, and maketh merchandise of him, or selleth him; then that thief shall die; and thou shalt put evil away from among you.

Leviticus 18:21 And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through [the fire] to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I [am] the "I AM".
18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [homosexuality] [is] abomination.

Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.

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Our borders are a playground for cartels
Our open borders are a playground for gangs, cartels and traffickers. It's time to: 1️) End the Biden/Harris open-border policy, 2️) reinstate Trump's effective Remain in Mexico policy, 3️) secure our border with physical barriers, high tech, and more border guards, 4️) demand Congress overhaul our archaic immigration laws.

Our borders are a playground for cartels

Mystery as nearly FIFTY schoolchildren go missing in Cleveland in September alone while over ONE THOUSAND have vanished so far this year in 'alarming' trend that's left Ohio cops baffled

Police say the number of runaways and missing kids is unusually high this year
Last year, 1,600 kids were reported missing in the state of 11million 
In Georgia and North Carolina, which have similar populations, the number was less than 700
Police say they are concerned the youths are being trafficked or becoming involved in gang activity  

Mystery as nearly FIFTY schoolchildren go missing in Cleveland in September alone while over ONE THOUSAND have vanished so far this year in 'alarming' trend that's left Ohio cops baffled

  • Police say the number of runaways and missing kids is unusually high this year
  • Last year, 1,600 kids were reported missing in the state of 11million
  • In Georgia and North Carolina, which have similar populations, the number was less than 700
  • Police say they are concerned the youths are being trafficked or becoming involved in gang activity

By Joe Hutchison For Dailymail.Com

Published: 02:18 EDT, 26 September 2023 | Updated: 08:51 EDT, 26 September 2023

](Mystery as nearly FIFTY schoolchildren go missing in Cleveland in September alone while over ONE THOUSAND have vanished so far this year in 'alarming' trend that's left Ohio cops baffled | Daily Mail Online)

The number of missing and runaway children in Ohio for 2023 is nearly double that of states with similar populations, sparking panic among parents and police who in some towns can't keep up with the number of teenagers running away.

In this month alone, 45 children have been reported missing in the Cleveland area.

They join the total number of 1,072 who have been reported missing since the start of the year.
Continued at link...

Federal Child Trafficking Pipeline Exposed -


Muckraker has obtained exclusive never-before-seen footage of US federal government contractors escorting children across the country, possibly delivering them into the hands of human traffickers. At least one of these contractors is CIA-affiliated.

Every month, thousands of foreign children are trafficked into the United States. They are drugged and smuggled across the US-Mexico border, detained by border patrol, held in top-secret compounds, and finally, escorted to various locations across the country. Since 2021, 85,000 of these children have gone missing. This report exposes the entire child processing pipeline with irrefutable video evidence.

Through exclusive footage, whistleblower testimony, and other documentation, Muckraker has exposed how the United States federal government is facilitating the largest child trafficking ring in the world.

Thank you to the brave whistleblowers @taraleerodas and @carlosstex for their courage to stand up and speak the truth, and thank you to @Michael_Yon and @annvandersteel for their continued efforts to expose this and other critical issues.





CHILDREN BEING TAKEN: Horrific video reveals U.S. government is actively facilitating a HUGE child trafficking ring across America

A disturbing expose shows how the U.S. federal government is supporting the world’s biggest child trafficking ring with a steady stream of migrant children.

Muckraker released a video on X showing unsettling footage of young children being placed in large vans with tinted windows as their shady escorts hid their name badges and instructed them not to speak to reporters. Unfortunately, these children's fate is a big mystery, and there are thousands more just like them who disappear in the U.S. on a regular basis.

According to the publication, around 350,000 children enter the country unaccompanied every year, and 85,000 of those children have gone missing. Many are forced into a life of involuntary servitude, commercial sex trafficking and other horrors that potentially include organ harvesting.

Many of these children come from remote areas of South and Central America. While some children are lured from their villages by radio ads that tempt them with the idea of enjoying a better life in the U.S., other children are kidnapped or even sold to traffickers by their own parents.

The kids are tagged by the cartel trafficking them, and some are actually carried across the border incapacitated. Border Patrol often looks the other way and books them anyway. Some are given to single adults who want to enter the U.S. to make them appear to be a family and improve their chances of getting into the country; they may be smuggled back into Mexico and then used for this purpose multiple times.

Border Patrol must release unaccompanied children to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) within 72 hours. As they wait to be processed and placed with a sponsor in the U.S., they are held in compounds run by government contractors that Muckraker likens to concentration camps. These centers can be found in places like Eagle Pass, El Paso, Los Fresnos, Carrizo Springs and Pecos.

Many of these compounds have guard towers, double fencing, flood lights and other security features that seem very excessive for a place that is just holding children and has no nefarious connections.

Some children are also held in makeshift compounds in former shopping centers. For example, the NGO Southwest Key keeps children in former Walmart stores. Unfortunately, this particular NGO has a horrible track record, including employees who have been charged with child molestation and sexual assault against children at their facilities. One employee was sentenced to 19 years in prison after sexually abusing kids at the facility and exposing them to the HIV virus. Yet the NGO is still getting funding, receiving $770 million this year alone.

Continued at link....

(There are some things worse than death.)

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

A 9-year-old boy with Type 1 diabetes died 18 days after he was medically kidnapped from his father and put into the Arizona Foster Care system, and into a group home.

His father had been arrested for possession of illegal drugs, which prompted the State to kidnap his son.

Richard Blodgett admits he was using fentanyl illegally. The single father told the Associated Press he had to in order to control pain enough to support his 9-year-old diabetic son, Jakob.

“I wasn’t getting high. I wasn’t abusing them. I was using them to be able to work and provide for my son,” Blodgett said. “Unfortunately, they are illegal. I can’t get around that. But they were stronger than my meds, and they were working.”

This is yet another clear case where neither the parent nor the child requested any “help”, but the State moved in anyway to take the child away from the father whom he loved, against the wishes of both the father and the child.

18 days later, he was DEAD in State custody.

The child’s grandmother who lived in another state and would have surely welcomed the stay of her grandson, was apparently never even considered as a placement for the 9-year-old boy.

ABC15 has published an investigation they conducted on the Arizona Foster Care system, and found that other children have died after being removed from their parents and put into Foster Care.

Continued at link...

The video is 6 minutes long:

Arizona children dying in the care of the DCS


Coca-Cola Company Linked To Child Trafficking In Ukraine

Over 100 Survivors Rescued and 160 Arrests Made in North East Ohio Human Trafficking Sting, Including EMTs, Nurses, and Educators (VIDEO)

by Jim Hᴏft Oct. 3, 2023
Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost announced Monday the sweeping success of a weeklong statewide human trafficking operation, aptly named ‘Operation Buyer’s Remorse.’ The operation aimed to arrest individuals attempting to purchase sex and identify survivors of human trafficking.

“Operation Buyer’s Remorse” is a weeklong statewide human trafficking crackdown in Ohio. The operation was led by the Southeastern Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force and local law enforcement agencies.

“Law enforcement across Ohio teamed up in a concerted effort to stem the demand that fuels human trafficking,” Yost said in a press release.

“The success of this operation is measured not only by the number of arrests but also by the resources offered to survivors of human trafficking and the intelligence gathered that will propel long-term investigations forward.”

Operation Buyer's Remorse

Muckraker founder Anthony Rubin exposes US government-funded child trafficking in America

October 24, 2023

America’s Child Abuse Problem: Medically Kidnapping Children and Putting them on Psych Drugs is a $23 BILLION-a-Year Industry as Children Are Raped and Abused in Foster Care

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Every baby born in the U.S. immediately becomes a customer for the U.S. Satanic medical system. If the baby is born in a U.S. hospital, as most are, they automatically become a target for the pharmaceutical cartel which will seek to earn money off of that child through vaccines and drugs, primarily psych drugs, as they are assigned to an ordained priest in the medical system carrying the title of “Pediatrician.”
There is an entire tax-payer funded division of the U.S. Government that employs a child policing network called “Child Welfare” that does their best to hunt down children who are not part of their pharmaceutical cartel, and they have vast resources at their disposal to medically kidnap your child and force your children into this system if the parents dare to disagree with any of these priests called “medical doctors.”

This system brings in $BILLIONS to the U.S. economy to traffick children.

One of the largest sectors of this demonic system is the field of psychiatry where their priests, “psychiatrists”, are given more power to kidnap children than perhaps any other medical priest, because they don’t need laboratory tests or medical symptoms to kidnap your children. Their word and reputation are enough to trump parental decisions and remove your children from your custody.

They are also arrested for criminal charges more often than any other medical doctors.

Psychiatrists Are Among Top Criminals in the U.S.

Psychiatrists Are Among Top Criminals in the US

Julia Lurie, writing for Mother Jones, has just published the results of a year-long investigation into the role of the country’s largest psychiatric hospital chains, Universal Health Services (UHS), finding shocking abuse of foster care children who were taken away from their families and put on psych drugs in what is reportedly a $23 billion-a-year ‘child abuse’ industry.

Inside the Psychiatric Hospitals Where Foster Kids Are a “Gold Mine”: How a scandal-plagued health care giant profits off a failing child welfare system.

The psychiatric watch dog group, Citizens Commission on Human Rights International (CCHR), which has reported on the abuses and scandals of UHS for almost a decade now, writes:

CCHR International applauds the recent year-long investigation that Mother Jones journalist, Julia Lurie, conducted into one of the country’s largest for-profit psychiatric hospital chains, Universal Health Services (UHS), finding shocking abuse of foster care children. The results of Lurie’s compelling investigation reveal a culture of child exploitation, including staffers in one facility allegedly repeatedly beat and dragged young patients, and a 10-year-old placed there by Child Protective Services in 2021, received a broken collarbone and black eye.

Mother Jones reported that UHS brought in $13.4 billion in 2022 and profited from the treatment of foster kids. They provide a lucrative patient base because they’re vulnerable: “There’s rarely an adult on the outside clamoring to get them out, and often, they don’t have anywhere else to go.” Medicaid typically foots the bill.

“Universal Health Services, similar for-profit psychiatric hospital chains, and the mental health practitioners who treat foster children profit from a $23 billion a year ‘child abuse’ industry,” says Jan Eastgate, president of CCHR International. (Full article.)

Drugging Our Kids

America’s Child Abuse Problem: Medically Kidnapping Children and Putting them on Psych Drugs is a $23 BILLION-a-Year Industry as Children Are Raped and Abused in Foster Care

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Every baby born in the U.S. immediately becomes a customer for the U.S. Satanic medical system. If the baby is born in a U.S. hospital, as most are, they automatically become a target for the pharmaceutical cartel which will seek to earn money off of that child through vaccines and drugs, primarily psych drugs, as they are assigned to an ordained priest in the medical system carrying the title of “Pediatrician.”


There is an entire tax-payer funded division of the U.S. Government that employs a child policing network called “Child Welfare” that does their best to hunt down children who are not part of their pharmaceutical cartel, and they have vast resources at their disposal to medically kidnap your child and force your children into this system if the parents dare to disagree with any of these priests called “medical doctors.”

This system brings in $BILLIONS to the U.S. economy to traffick children.

One of the largest sectors of this demonic system is the field of psychiatry where their priests, “psychiatrists”, are given more power to kidnap children than perhaps any other medical priest, because they don’t need laboratory tests or medical symptoms to kidnap your children. Their word and reputation are enough to trump parental decisions and remove your children from your custody.

They are also arrested for criminal charges more often than any other medical doctors.
(Full article.)

Continued at link..