CENSORED: COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless – Everything We’ve Been Told about COVID is a HOAX!

WHO Finally Admits COVID19 PCR Test Has a ‘Problem’

In a statement released on December 14, 2020 the World Health Organization finally owned up to what 100,000’s of doctors and medical professionals have been saying for months: the PCR test used to diagnose COVID-19 is a hit and miss process with way too many false positives.

This [WHO-admitted “Problem”](https://www.who.int/news/item/14-12-2020-who-information-notice-for-ivd-users) comes in the wake of international lawsuits exposing the incompetence and malfeasance of public health officials and policymakers for reliance on a diagnostic test not fit for purpose.

This insanity of testing anyone and everyone, even without symptoms has been an unmitigated global public health scandal and must be stopped. All officials in high places complicit in this crime must be prosecuted.


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