I am sorry I cannot repeat the same scripture (transcript) from the same book everyone else reads. My world is different. I have spirits with me encouraging me to spread the Truth of Eternal Love I was downloaded with. My story is incredible and mostly unbelievable to the trained brain. An open mind is like a parachute, it only works when open.
The war is on folks. Besides Hollywood's and other media's psychological terror of the mind keeping people in a trance, the evil is torturing the masses using wages and bonuses for the employees of corporations who took a tax grab in order to support the feds commit genocide. Media. Medicine.Tim Hortons. McDonald's. PG& E. Nestle. To name a few old-time favorite billionaire corporations selling the goods to everyone. Food is poisoned, water is poisoned, and the air is full of heavy metal to breathe.
The genocide against the west started in Paradise with the beginning of vaccines and deadly radioactive energy. In 2018, some 50,000 lost their lives in Paradise, and thousands more in other DEW fire events called forest fires or 'campfires.' Humanity is mocked all day by propaganda media full of theatre and fear, and no truth.
Without a peep, the people walk into the poisonous gas chambers & end in a coffin of anything but vaccines (ABV). Seniors don't count at all as a loss. And now this last month, without any noise at all children and youth drop dead or come up with profitable diseases and disorders and mothers still don't protect their young from outside Gods. I see no value left.
This is why I have no hope for man as he pretends he knows all while watching others and cartoons, and thinking of Jews, Muslims, or Christians as to the reason why North America is dead. With everyone pointing fingers at each other, they have everything they need in the people. In the same way, the people allowed the government to destroy Christ's Consciousness of our Conscience 2022 years ago.
Beings of Light Message in Summary
Please make things right with your soul mate and mother. She may be the same spirit in time and part of your eternal life opportunity. Nothing you know can be trusted, and spirit guides say time is running out. There is a whole 'other world in a different mindset, and do not want to say goodbye to anyone, but no spirit can return under these conditions of motherless earth in favor of the father. We need two brains to survive.
It is up to God (Love) to fix this if there is any left after fantasy living thanks to biblical fables and fiction watching all day. LOVE is the most powerful source on earth. And man cannot get away with replacing God for profit or denying the truth about where his mind went south. I can't even tag the word 'conscience' here. SMH. Thank you, follow for updates of my Christ Conscious news from above. Or, call me a crazy b. Love is a choice, no one is chosen. Christ Consciousness is Mother Love - YouTube and Is man already a robot? Sharing is caring.