Artificial Intelligence (AI) - The Matrix


I am glad you brought this up Cybe, you admit we are imprisoned on planet EARTH, and not other PLANETS, this is not what you have claimed previously. You have claimed we have visited other celestal bodies/planets/moons.

From TWH:
2:6 Planet Earth was chosen for the prison, because it was far enough away; being on the far side of the galaxy

And of course the Van Allen Radiation belts keep us here on PLANET EARTH.

I could ignore your message.
I could say pass
I could say ok
….etc etc

But as I read it the following came to mind and replying thusly, and in precise detail feels like the right thing to do (for now):-

In what way does this make you glad?

Do you believe it was a sudden admittance/confession?

Or was it perhaps a certain kind of irrelevant slip up?

I recall that you also believe that it is possible?

I believe that humans briefly going to the moon at this time, is inconsequential. They are still in their human cells, do not have their superhuman powers are barely holding on to their puny human lives with the help of their human technology and they did not escape prison in any meaningful way.

Where they to have died on the moon their Beings would have been returned to dimension of Paradise and they would have me been given new bodies/cells and their prison sentences would have continued.

Do you please have an answer to the other question?

That question was made in genuine curiosity and hopes of gaining insight. Not to acost.

I’m sensing a pattern of you replying to certain bits of a certain quality in my messages whilst ignoring others.

Or you could put me on "The LIST" :grinning:


I believe this forum could use clearer guidelines and a better sense of understanding.

Right now, it feels like there’s an atmosphere where anyone can make any claim—credible or not—without question, and discussion gets dismissed and bizarre behavior is seen.

It creates a bit of a gaslight-y vibe, which isn’t great for something calling itself a truth forum.

[quote="Cybe, post:472, topic:3233"]
t creates a bit of a gaslight-y vibe, which isn’t great for something calling itself a truth forum.

This I will agree with, though I suspect we are looking at it from opposite directions. Most truth forums quoting Jew controlled MSM articles would fall apart through lack of credibilty. You may as well quote the CIA. That is true gaslighting.

I was referring to for instance the discussion above.

Turning the argument around and bringing in what you brought above does not feel very helpful in this situation.

We’re talking about the future of this forum.

Perhaps one way of letting the forum thrive is perhaps by not attacking everyone who has views different than your own? Do you think it helps the forum thrive? No one gave you the authority to pronounce the "Truth" so stop pretending you have it. No human knows 100% the truth, me and you included.

Owning a newspaper in Satan's world does not make one a trusted source, exactly the opposite is true.

I feel there is one issue here though. It might not always be wise to bring up this quote without great care because it can easily be interpreted as…. Well, do you know what I mean, please?

Attack? What do you mean and can you show me some examples?

Are you sure they are attacks or is that only in your mind?

Do you feel that I’ve attacked you in this thread asking about the demons?

Or as another example, am I attacking Nancy in this thread?

Can we then just post anything here and say that it’s just my view that is different from yours?

What are you referring to? When have I “pronounced the truth” and have I claimed to know 100% the truth?

I don’t know what your are referring to.

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I do not wish for this message to be perceived as a personal attack nor am I claiming that I'm pronouncing the 100% Truth.

I believe that you've written a so called straw-man argument.

You've misrepresented my position—claiming I'm asserting absolute truth or authority, when I do not believe I have. Instead of addressing what I actually said, you've argued against a distorted version of it.

These kinds of fallacies in logic as specifically mentioned in the guidelines.

What I mean is that if one has a discussion or argument with someone and then refers to the beam in the eye parable it can subtly (or not so subtly) imply that the other person is guilty of hypocrisy or self-blindness.

The passage is about self-examination before criticizing others, so invoking it can be seen as a way to suggest that the other person has a "beam" in their own eye—i.e., that their judgment is impaired by their own faults.

It might be more constructive to phrase it in a way that includes oneself, like:

" I should check if I have a beam in my own eye."

This I will do and return after Passover, hopefully with clear sight.

I also hope that some of my messages where I've pointed out some issues here are read with clear sight without preconceived ideas.

Leave it to human nature to have a fight about whose beam is bigger. Yours or mine. [ Note: "Yours and mine" in this instance is meant in general terms in regards to human nature and is not meant to be understood as between you and me. ]


"Crucify the Self daily" The Divine in me
Luke 9:23 And he said to [them] all, If any [man] will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. King of kings' Bible - Luke

When I posted the Beam and Mote verses, it was not directed at a particular person. To the contrary, it was a reminder to me about my own "beam". Quite frankly, it is a privilege to be here; to share, communicate, discuss and sometimes debate. Hopefully it will continue in the best way possible. I strive for that.

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Danger, danger. The Quantum System is not what you think

"You have no idea what's here." "The rest who hand themselves over to this will be under the dominion of the system itself which is an entity."

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