Artificial Intelligence (AI) - The Matrix

Do we need to be fearful of AI technology?

Well, better get used to it.. It's here.

Fearful? I would say very (very!) concerned and aware of IT.

It seems clear that you're discussing specifically Large Language Models (LLMs) and not AI.

AI is much broader and encompasses a range of systems with different purposes, for instance robotics, computer vision, healthcare, decision-making systems, optimization, etc.

The same concerns we have about AI today were raised when new technologies were introduced in the past. When writing emerged, it was feared that memory would decline. The printing press raised concerns about losing the art of hand-copying and personal learning. Calculators sparked worries of losing basic math skills.

I'd say that if you aren't concerned then you don't understand it, and the tremendous speed which it is being developed and some of the implications...And look at the people in control of the development.... :cold_face:

Definitely, I'm simply making a distinction between being fearful and being concerned. Concerned? Definitely, but that is perhaps more to do with the people in control of it than the technology itself. Should we be concerned fearful about a kitchen knife? Or is it the person using it

That said, there may be more to it and this is being too simple. Is AI scary? I think it can be..

Nancy actually already pointed out that we should not fear anything other than Father, which I'm sure most readers here already know.

I'm not quite sure why you brought it up again like that? Did Nancy's text seem fearful?

How are you making that distinction? I'm sorry, I don't quite understand what this means.

I can foresee/imagine quite a few AI related very scary things happening in the future...

Psalms 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou [art] with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.

This is the best article I've read so far that provides the answers to why AI is being pushed so vehemently and is so ubiquitous right now.

The macro view is very important to see AI not just as just another new technology, but to understand what role AI is supposed to play in the new world order.

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If you look up the words concern and fearful, there is a difference in meaning.

You can be very concerned about something, without being afraid/fearful of it.

Fear paralyses and can mentally torment you, while concern usually motivates.

It may be that I misunderstood the intention of the post and if so, thank you for pointing it out.

Fear not.

Seems like a bit more misunderstanding between our communication if you thought that I might not know the difference between concern and fearful....

I'll get back to this thread tomorrow to see if I can see more clearly what's going on.

Looks promising. Will continue reading it later.

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Maybe it's just being looked at differently.

Is AI for sure an inherently evil thing, like many think? Or is it just another technology, i.e. tool. One could ask other questions like, do the people at Home have it, or something like it? If it's necessarily a bad thing, that is going to destroy everything, would Father allow that? It all could be related to the question of WHY it is there. If one was say, going to do some space travel, would you want to have something like an AI computer to calculate a safe route and do other things, or would you want to do all of that manually - which would be safer? I also wonder WHY, but it seems like it could either be a good or a bad thing depending on how it's used. In TWH it says that the technology from Home is beyond what we can imagine. So, instead of deciding it's a negative thing, one could also ask if maybe it's just a thing that could be used either in a negative or positive way (like any tool or system).

I keep thinking that it will just depend, on how it gets used and by who (and so again, that to me at least, seems like the REAL concern). But.. since this is planet earth and you can't necessarily trust people (especially power hungry people).. that's not too comforting.. Then again, if one is not near a computer and doing stuff outside, where is AI? You can still get away from it completely (or at least to the point that you don't notice it) when you want to (for now, at least)..

Then again, it can also be used as a helpful learning or research tool if it's recognized to be that. But it should not just be believed, as it can (and does) make mistakes. And of course it can do other stuff like write songs and make videos, etc..

This video is from Japan's Cute Robot Cafe (LOVOT Cafe)

I still don't see how and when you made (?) a distinction between being fearful and being concerned? I was the one who used the word concerned.

You introduced the word fear and it seems that you assumed that Nancy's post was fearful?

Was it? Where is your evidence that it was fearful, full of fear?

Can you quote and explain it?

Or is this Nancy being full of fear as she is typing it only in your imagination?

As I said before, I believe there is some miscommunication here and in other posts, partly because some persons might focus on technical details and corrections, while others, who may not fully understand those details, focus on certain broader perspectives and abstractions.

I believe Nancy is correct in a certain way. By either refining how different levels of abstraction are used or leaving out technical details that aren’t fully understood, her statement could be made fully accurate.

It is too simple.

I would recommend asking AI if this analogy is entirely honest or accurate. I do not believe it is.

Isn't this already clear and understood from the discussion above ?

Why are you repeating yourself, please?

Is it because you forgot what you had just written? Or because you believe that the others reading forgot, or do not understand? Or is there another explanation?

As for electricity just like that: It's just a building block or tool that Father has created in this universe, and not inherently evil.

However, from the "weird" Garden of Eden perspective again: the Amish probably have the correct insights about the problems with electricity related to the satanic system. (How is it made, who makes it, how is it provided, how much does it cost, how do you pay for it, what do you use it for? What negative effects does it have on your daily lives (dependency, lazyness, etc)

These kind of time and resource wasting imaginings and endevours is not what we are supposed to be doing here on Earth so using this as an example doesn't quite make sense.

"Helpful" and "research" are words that I don't believe one should be using too easily.

Help whom/what and research what?

Learning and researching things like words, proper communications, logic, simple practical things seems quite helpful when done with care and if that knowledge is used for good.

If we can't imagine the technology at Home it might not be a good idea / logical to try to compare that technology (which we can't imagine) to earthly technology and try to compare and assess if human technology is good?

Imagine that you are a Being locked inside a simple golem-like machine that has been crafted from clay (human+Being) and are put inside an expertly built but simplified 8-bit virtual physics world-simulation machine with just 8 megabytes of RAM and 20megabytes of diskspace and you know nothing about the real world outside this simulation. You believe you are a clayman.

Compared to that real world has practically unlimited bits, RAM, diskspace and is made out of the real stuff, light/energy and not clay and physics, and you can't even imagine it properly with your clayman mind since you're contained in a much simpler simulation.

This might be a helpful similitude involvind virtual machines (click to expand)

A useful analogy is running the old operating system Windows 3.1 from 1992 inside a virtual machine like VirtualBox or VMware on a modern Windows 11 computer. Within this setup, Windows 3.1 exists as a tiny, limited environment, completely incapable of utilizing the advanced features of Windows 11. It lacks modern functionality, multitasking, internet connectivity, and countless other innovations. In the same way, Earth is like the simple, restricted simulation—limited in scope and capability—while Heaven is an infinitely greater reality, beyond what we can even comprehend from within this confined system.

Clay people, who should be attending schoiol have instead over the years and generations spent extreme amounts of man-hours and resources in this clay world to play with themselves, clay and rocks and built and refined gradually various mechanisms, automatons and machines that through mathematical trickery is able to brute force out all kinds of results...

With the above thought experiments loaded in your mind, doesn't the issue now look more clearer?

I believe the answer to this, free will, Father "allowing" various things, the blessings and curses of the Law, and about various inventions is contained in TWH.

This statement is just plain stupid. I'm going to leave it unanswered, perhaps someone else feels like answering it.


Terrible. Those will be in a landfill in a few weeks, if not already.

Why did you post it?

In Tokyo’s glow, a cafĂ© hums low,
Where plastic pets purr, a hollow show.
Fingers graze shells, obscene and cold,
A mockery of life, a tale retold.

Blink of an eye—LCD lies,
Cartooned mimicry, a soul’s disguise.
Whirs and chirps, a cheap charade,
Father’s nature scorned, betrayed.

Microfibers drift, unseen, unbound,
Like data snatched from sacred ground.
To CCP vaults, they glide, they stream,
A silent theft, a fractured dream.

Who forged this fraud? Hands unseen—
Slaves in haze, machines obscene.
From Earth’s torn veins, the metals weep,
Her looted womb, a wound too deep.

Forests fall, rivers choke, skies scar,
For toys that ape what wild things are.
A sparrow’s trill, a fox’s grace,
Defiled by greed’s relentless pace.

Pet the bot, feel the VOID stare back,
A soulless husk, a moral lack.
Look past the gleam, the blinking jest—
Death of the real, in plastic dressed.

I'm not good at poetry but I had the general idea, concept and rambled it in
to an AI who spat out the above poem. I suppose AI can be pretty ok at times.

Thomas 1:11 Jesus said: Know what is in thy sight, and what is hidden from thee will be revealed to thee. For there is nothing hidden which will not be manifest.

Ok :slight_smile:

Was my message Ok?

"OK" is as unclear in origin as it is in meaning. It might come from a 19th-century joke—“Oll Korrect”—or maybe from Greek, Choctaw, or West African languages. No one’s really sure.

Fitting, since "OK" never quite means one thing. It can be agreement, dismissal, uncertainty, or a passive-aggressive jab. It’s a nod, a shrug, a question, or a full stop. It fills silence without saying much. A word that’s always understood but never fully defined—just like its history.

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Like he says he's not very technical and it shows....Will be interesting to see his next video and what kind of prompts and results he is referring to.

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If you keep asking LLMs with suggestive and leading questions it will probably eventually tell you just about anything you want it to. So this guy didn't really get the LLM to "come clean".

He should watch a video like this to realize what kind of a stupid brute-force pattern-matching mechanism and non-entity he's dealing with.