Artificial Intelligence (AI) - The Matrix

My use of the word "seek" was not an AI independent of human influence, but rather it was used as to how it is being utilized and more importantly FOLLOWED as in OBEYED. Society has no need of (necessity for) AI, so, why is it there??? WHY??? Where did it come from? What is its purpose? Consider the answers to those questions first and foremost. AI does more than give an answer like an advanced calculator. It ASSIMILATES data. In that respect, IT is becoming an entity in society. IT is a mechanical Frankenstein. Connect to AI and not your own conscience (not to God) is the goal and ultimate result IT SEEKS (as in programmed and placed to do). Sound extreme? Look around. People are thinking less and obeying more. Who/what are they obeying? Are they obeying Father or something else under the guise of a so-called helpful software program. Consider that and the implications of assimilating our data. We are being catalogued. It is serious. Every time AI is used, it gets fed more information that it assesses and ASSIMILATES to draw conclusions that people are required / will be required to obey. It is already happening and its outreach is expanding. Where AI is present, there is not an override feature or option to opt out. It was not created with an override feature. Using AI, is consenting to it. User beware! Thinking it is a helpful or useful tool is what is sought by its creators to replace us. It is getting increasingly more difficult to opt out of it because there is no opt out feature. It is gaining speed in its use. It will be everywhere in the near future.