Artificial Intelligence (AI) - The Matrix

Another example of how Musk sometimes does get things done.

Hello guys and gals, it's me Mutahar again! This time we take a look at what appears to be the constant stream of YouTube's many changes involving AI and how some features should take more time to cook. New waves of content creators have arrived completely plagiarizing content on the platform just to game the system and it needs to also be stopped. Thanks for watching!

Elon Musk's Grok 3 AI is free to use for a while and I gave it a spin looking into this.

It searched the web and went through 140 pages about this and wrote this report in minutes. Quite powerful.

Well it would say that wouldn't it? What is so unbelievable about this, the IDF do worse than this every single day, including sniping children....AI is not your friend.

Say what?

Did I say it was unbelievable?

That it was not the old Voltaire quote says...

The page says alot. For instance shows that there are clear indications that it's a persistant urban legend that has been associated with various military units, including the Israel Defense Forces, U.S. Marines, Navy SEALs, and others

The point with my post was to see how well Elon Musk's Grok 3 Deep Search performs.

This one?

"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said." - Voltaire.

Thoughts like these have been in my mind alot greatly during these interactions here...

I do not fully understand why and how you are referring to the quote in relation to shit....

And no I am not interested in links to Snopes stating that Voltaire never said this...

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Speaking of critizising, do you have any insights into my critizing of your paragraph in the other thread, please?


You can keep it simple and frank, no need to make it complicated. Am I wrong? Is it nonsense?

How about I say you are right, just for peace?

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Obviously the quote and variations of it has some truth in it.

But, wow, I googled the quote, and even Yandexed it and.. well...

Is there any evidence that Voltaire said/wrote it or do we just accept it because it fits the narrative.

How is one supposed to deal with issues such as these? Does it speak for itself, Voltaire exposing the rulers...etc?

Like I said before, I wish for us to be at peace and not be at enmity with each others.

These issues are not only about you and me arguing, it's a few elephants in the room on this forum that I believe need to be understood and adressed. I pray that you, or someone reading this has been able to realize that.

It was only when this quote went viral around 8 years ago that the veracity of the source was questioned they then attributed to a Nazi, conveniently. It's how they operate, mind control 101. Shut it down! It's why I said I wasn't interested in Snopes links etc, I saw this happen in real time and don't want a re-written history of it.,

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Did you happen to see how "they" went into the libraries to alter all physical copies of Voltaire's works containing the quote, hacked and scrubbefd digital Internet archives to delete the quote, fabricate the evidence such as fake radio broadcasts by neo-nazi Strom and attribute the quote to him?

Of course not.

No I saw how the quote became popular for a couple of years and then their disinfo campaign started, you are an example of how well it worked. It validates the Goebels quote too...

Can you atleast explain a proper method of verifying if Voltaire wrote it or not?

Perhaps you can feed all the results here into your Grok 3 Super AI Bot and give us the answer:

"to learn who rules over you voltaire quote disinfo campaign"

And let us know the exact date when this supposed Strom quote became attributed to Voltaire and who or what publication was responsible? Thanks

Send AI Grok back to the depths of hell from whence it came.

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