Artificial Intelligence (AI) - The Matrix

Consider the following (below) when voluntarily using and supporting Artificial Intelligence:


In a story straight out of The Matrix or Terminator, environmentalist scientists are harvesting human stem cells to build "batteries" for A.I. supercomputers. But what makes this even more terrifying is how it works: The most sought-after source of the stem cells for these "organoids" is embryos, and they only last about 100 days until they die. So, are we harvesting God's creation to power man's "creation?" Blaze Media editor-at-large James Poulos joins Glenn to explain the whole story.

It’s interesting how Glen Beck went through a kind of “makeover” from being a person who extremely sarcastically attacked things like conspiracy theories to what he is now.

I have not looked much into him lately but I wouldn’t be surprised if he is false opposition designed to twist and divide.

The organic thing is terrifying science but from the brief snippets I looked at from the video it seems he believes, or is spreading the idea, that they are harvesting electricity from these things when they are used to do the processing.






This one done on the Chinese app Kling looks quite convincing. Source photo is his arrest photo. So be aware.

In between making firewood I spent only about 10 minutes creating this on my scratchy old phone using three different AIs. (Just a rough test demonstration version)

I'm hoping for co-operation with the excellent producer @JAHSongs who for instance produced the song Colder by Chyna Soulstar, the music-video which features The Way home or face The Fire.

The lyrics are inspired by today's Yoda

Do Not Rush. - June 26

Learn in the little daily things of life to delay action until you get My Guidance . . .

So many lives lack poise. For in the momentous decisions and the big things of life, they ask My help but into the small things they rush alone.

By what you do in the small things those around you are most often antagonized or attracted.


Verse 1: Take it slow, don't you know Life's a groove, find your move Little things, joy they bring Listen close, feel that flow

Chorus: Don't rush, rush, rush (Take your time) Find your rhythm, find your rhyme Small steps, big dreams (Do it right) Let the music guide your light

Verse 2: Daily dance, take a chance Seek the signs, realign Moments shine, by design Trust yourself, find balance

(Repeat Chorus)

Bridge: Poise and grace, set the pace Every choice has a voice Slow it down, wear that crown In the funk, find your space

(Repeat Chorus)

Now back to the firewood. Finnish winters are harsh.

Aren't they warming up?

According to stats the temperature here is rising.

But only because the mean temperature is rising doesn’t mean it is as simple as just the temperature rising .

As more energy has been put in the system (co2, heat) it makes it so that the climate fluctuates more violently and not as smoothly and predictably as before.

Winters are much more unpredictable, surprising, extreme in all kinds of ways, just like the summers are.

Here you can have a very long dark wet period where it rains, snows, melts, freezes, melts for months on end and it is quite miserable and for instance very tough for asphalt roads which used to be protected by ice and snow on them during the winter.

Then an atmospheric high pressure “dome” could get stuck over Finland with extreme cold weeks or in the summer very hot.

We had an extremely hot May which such a dome stuck this year that no one alive had witnessed before, and nature acted like it was May, June and July in a few weeks in May only, I.e everything sprouted and bloomed in just a few weeks in May.

Spring here is usually quite a slow, miraculous virgin time and for a sensitive person these rapid weeks were quite tough to witness.

How warm was it, was just checking this out, seems pretty cold even in summer

Finland endured exceptionally warm weather in May, with temperatures significantly higher than normal by day and night across large parts of the country. The Nordic nation officially recorded 16 heatwave days, breaking the previous high of 14 set in 2018. According to the Finnish Meteorological Institute, heatwave conditions are defined as days when temperatures reach 25C.

Average temperatures were 3-4C higher than normal in the south and west, and 1-3C above normal in the north and east. At the Hattula Lepaa observation station, 29.9C was recorded on 31 May, made it the warmest day of the month.

The high temperatures were the result of a large and persistent area of high pressure that sat across much of northern Europe, with unusually high temperatures also observed in Norway and Sweden. Human-induced climate change is likely to have played a part, with temperatures about 2C higher than they otherwise would have been in a pre-industrial climate, according to the Finnish Meteorological Institute.

It was also extremely dry, with some areas receiving less than 10% of the normal rainfall. There are fears that any sustained dry and warm weather this summer could bring an increased risk of forest fires and drought. The high temperatures have continued into the first few days of June with temperatures in excess of 20C, but they will return close to or slightly below normal by the end of this week as low pressure takes hold.

So at a quick glance, average tempearture 2C higher, 3-4C higher? That's nothing!

But no.. when we usually in May have something like day temperatures of 0-5, 10C maybe up to 15c, we now had multiple weeks of over 20 and 25 and even reaching nearly 30C. I believe we almost had a tropical night even when the temperature at night doesn't go below 20.

And the tell-tale signs that it wasn't normal were the things I described earlier.

Also, my lawn here looked like it was the end of a dry July, brown and dry at spots, instead of it being in the middle of May.

I would not say "quite", but it does look "more" convincing, only because it is washed-out with a whiteish glow covering up the perception of its fakeness.

I'm not so sure about the whiteish glow... Is the fakeness visible in this still picture too or is it just in the video, please? Looks quite convincing to me

His face is portrayed as if a white light is bouncing off of it. It is more visible in the video where the hands are shown. It seems real because we have been conditioned by all the touched-up images over the years, but if that conditioning is put aside, the fakery is seen.

Well, there is actually a very harsh light bouncing off of his face because it is a real photo of Justin Timberlake. It's his mugshot when he was arrested.

That image was used as a basis to create that fake AI image (with a simple phone-app)

Apologies if it feels like I laid a trap for you.

Here's another brand new AI product that is able to relight and change the scenery of a photo.

Again, all this just for the sake of education and warning of things to come...

Here's another interesting word that one can not quite be sure of what it means because it seems to mean two things:



to an extreme : POSITIVELY

to a considerable extent : RATHER

a little or a lot but not completely:
>"I'm quite tired, but I'm happy to walk a little further."
>"He's quite attractive but not what I'd call gorgeous."

So which is it, wholly/completely, 100% or the other alternative? Quite interesting. (not extremely, just rather)

In the Finnish language a word that the word "varma" which means "certain" or "surely"

However in the form of "varmaan" which means "certainly" people mostly use it as "probably" or "likely". So they say something like "I'll certainly/probably be there" Nuts.


  • Right now AI generated images aren't perfect so there's usually something "off" about them. Too many fingers, weird stuff going on? This one has weird feet and the eyes/look looks a bit like plastic. Everything else looks good.

  • If it looks too fantastical it might be AI (this one does)

  • If it looks like you think "wow! how come I've never seen this incredible picture before, it's so iconic, (like this one) that it should exist in the public mind by now", then it might be AI.

  • One can do a reverse image search using Google Images or Tineye to see if, and how many times and when the images have started to exist online.
    -There are AI that can detect if it is AI such as this, or this

Usually this one is able to also tell which piece of AI software was used to generate it, now it doesn't. Other detectors didn't really give a high %. (I cut off the text at the top because it was probably added there afterwards by hand which isn't AI so...)

Very soon it might not be possible to recognize them anymore...

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