Artificial Intelligence (AI) - The Matrix

Thank you for your reply and apologies if what if the following sounds hurtful. I’m only writing this believing that I’ve made a vital insight and in the spirit of helpfulness. If anyone believes I am at fault here please let me know, thank you.

Your reply raises the question:

Is this way of replying as you just did, and quite often have done in the past when interacting with me, something that we should be doing?

With we, I mean Followers, and a people that should set an example to others.

Is it fair? Honest? Is it balanced? Does it pass the “Do unto others” test?

The way of replying that I’m referring to is the cherry-picking, selective engagement.

The rhetorical tactic where someone only addresses the weaker or easier points while avoiding the stronger, more challenging arguments which would weaken their position. This can create the illusion of refutation.

That said, not every selective reply is necessarily bad. Sometimes, focusing on what is most relevant, most productive, or within one’s capacity to address is the right choice.

And recently there was discussion together with scripture here about silence.

But when done to avoid tough points while maintaining a position, it becomes dishonest.

Also, if someone has said something that is very wrong, illogical or irrelevant, and one has the intelligence to see and understand that, is not the right cause of action then to use that skill to show and explain it to them (and anyone else reading it) instead of ignoring them?