I'm glad to see that you are spreading links to TWH on your videos.
However, something that I've been pondering upon lately is that if poor quality content is used there is a possibility that the receiver of the link might so to say throw out the baby with the bath water.
In other words, is it a good idea to spread The Word using substandard material? Do the details not matter? Would a disclaimer and explanation be a good idea? Also, in relation to this; what is a "truth forum"?
I'm pointing out this kind of channel/videos/AI-usage to hone your, the reader's perception and prepare you for the very near future when it will be impossible to know if a video is real or AI....Just this wee
...and of course the theory that "they" have technology atleast 50 year ahead of what they release to the general public has a paranoid mind thinking what this could imply (?!).
We're clearly at the point where it's becoming impossible to hear if it's a real voice or not, which is the main reason I brought it up here.
He....or she, or judging by how quickly new videos are released; they. This is probably a so called "content farm", a team of people or fiverr workers producing this stuff.
Or it could even be something more nefarious, for instance use expert virality techniques to gather a huge following, then when the time is right start producing something more nefarious...
In order for you to know that you would have to have gone through all of his videos to verify that.
I checked about 10 and they did not have links to articles.
Or perhaps you mean the ones you publish on your channel?
All of them? Directly "borrowed" articles without mentioning them?
Sorry, there's a bit of confusion here. Have you noticed and confirmed that his videos are not written by AI by finding the original articles written by someone else?
Then there is the question if these articles are any good and whether "Everything inside" rewrote them using AI.
Something else generated by AI on his channel are some of the thumbnail images. Examples:-
Their thumbnail styles vary and they seem to be experimenting with various kinds. And of course there are various kinds of algoritmic methods and A-B testing to see which thumbnail is the most viral one.
I have not studied the videos in detail but
BTW, the one you posted today claims that the Azimuthal projection map, the one that many flat earthers believe is their map, is how the earth really looks. This is a lie.
Here's another channel that I recently came across that can be labeled "content farm". 3.19M subscribers. A new video released every 2-3 day or so. Monthly revenue: 50K or so?
This one has much more blatant AI generated images.
These videos feature a man wearing a mask pretending gesturing and pretending to talk and/or is overdubbed with a smooth voice that people don't seem to know whether it is AI or not. I've seen atleast two long discussions about this channel and the voice.
The guy has a Russian keyboard is one known detail...