World War 3 - News and Reports

Israel Goes to Court for the Crime of Genocide

by Philip Giraldi | Jan 14, 2024

Philip Giraldi – The Unz Review Jan 13, 2024

A friend of mine who follows international developments closely recently observed that the United States and Israel have “own goaled” themselves to become widely perceived as together the two most evil governments on earth. It is a judgement that is hard to disagree with regarding the Jewish state if one examines the abundant evidence that Israel is systematically committing war crimes against the largely unarmed Palestinian civilian population in an effort to bring about ethnic cleansing or even genocide in Gaza and on the West Bank. The process would include removing the Palestinians physically and/or killing them if they resist, which is what is currently taking place. Something like 10,000 dead Palestinian children attest to the brutality and inhumanity of the effort, together with nearly 400 doctors and nurses who were directly targeted plus more than 100 UN employees trying to bring aid to the civilians. What Israel is doing is monstrous, almost unimaginable. A number of senior Israeli officials have confirmed their government’s view, supported by public opinion, that a land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea swept clean of Arabs would be the most desirable outcome of current developments.

The United States is at the same time loathed alongside Israel because it is enabling the slaughter by the Israelis while simultaneously spewing the lies that it is somehow restraining or even making somehow more “humanitarian” Israel’s attack. Nothing could be farther from the truth as the White House recently worked hard to defang a major UN-led diplomatic effort that had global support to bring about a ceasefire that would enable emergency relief supplies to be introduced into the battered enclave. Instead, Israel now continues its daily bombardment of Gaza and controls entering supplies, slowing the process down while watching people die of famine and disease, not to mention from artillery shells and bombs. Oh, and the United States both funds the Israeli war effort and supplies the munitions that make it all possible. That makes Washington an accessory to the war crimes and to what most of the world considers to be a genocide being perpetrated openly and with malice.

In spite of all that, and the tons of evidence of atrocities of all kinds which even includes “friendly fire” killing of Jewish hostages, the Joe Biden Administration continues to spout the nonsense that neither war crimes nor a genocide are taking place. Thursday saw the opening of the International Court of Justice hearings on evidence filed by South Africa demonstrating that Israel’s slaughter of the Palestinians amounts to a genocide as defined by the 1948 “UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide” which both Israel and the US have signed. On the day before it opened at the Hague, US National Security Council Spokesman John Kirby preemptively stated that the charges were “meritless, counterproductive and completely without any basis in fact whatsoever.” State Department spokesman Matt Miller added that the United States is “not seeing any acts that constitute genocide” in Israel’s bombing and physical destruction of Gaza. Both comments are contrary to the fact that Israel is clearly creating at a minimum “conditions that don’t allow the survival of the population,” which is a definition of genocide. It all means that the United States will be fighting hard on behalf of its favorite son, doing whatever lying, coercing and cheating that it might take to protect Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the crimes-against-humanity crew that he has surrounded himself with. As it is not a US interest to become a nation that condones the killing of tens of thousands of helpless civilians, one must ask the question “Who owns you Joe and why are your top officials lying about what is taking place?”

As an American, what I find most offensive about the current state of play is that my country has been turned into a war criminal by a group of politicians and staff appointees controlled by a foreign government and its lobby whose ignorance is so profound that they should not be running a hot dog stand. In particular, it is soul-destroying to hear the pathetic squealing coming out of a subservient White House every time Israel kills another hundred or so Palestinian children and women cowering in the ruins of a hospital, church or school. Each squeal in support of more “humane” or “restrained” warfare is followed by an assertion from Netanyahu to the effect that Israel’s war cabinet will make its own decisions about who it will kill and when. One senior official Itamar Ben-Gvir even warned Biden that Israel is “no longer a star on the American flag.” Indeed, but it is not that Israel is ungrateful, as those two-thousand pound bunker buster bombs supplied by Biden can really do a number on them “terrorists.” The Biden Administration has now expedited two shipments of munitions to Israel worth about $253 million, relying on another lying rascal Antony Blinken of the State Department’s claim that the weapons were urgently needed for poor “victim” Israel to “defend itself, allowing circumvention of existing Congressional authority requiring legislative approval of arms sales. There is no step so low when pandering to Israel that the Biden Administration will not take it!

It is all as if Genocide Joe is in a hurry to get the job done on those pesky Palestinians so he can get back to the serious work of fooling the US electorate into voting for him a second time.

Continued at link...



Qatar halts several LNG shipments via Red Sea

QatarEnergy reportedly paused five of its liquefied natural gas shipments via the Red Sea, while continuing its production, following strikes on Yemen by the United States and United Kingdom.

Col Douglas Macgregor: Important observation

Col Douglas Macgregor; Important observation

Secret German MoD Document Lays Out Path to World War III

The Germany military is preparing for a potential attack by Russia in February which culminates in a wider war after the U.S. presidential election.

German newspaper Bild reports on the details of a hitherto classified Berlin Ministry of Defense document called Alliance Defence 2025 with alarming implications.

The secret strategy document wargames a hybrid Russian attack on NATO’s eastern flank as soon as next month and then lays out the steps on how the conflict would escalate month by month.




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Vice President of the Ansarallah Media Authority, Nasr El-Din Amer:

The time when you would strike without response has gone forever.

Now, you strike and we strike.

It is war. Either the aggression against Gaza stops, or it will be a war until the end of time.

Either peace for us, Palestine, and Gaza, or there is no peace and no security for you in our region.

Escalation for escalation.

New Air Strikes Against Yemen; New Missile Hits against US Base at Conico Oil Field, Syria

At approximately 4:00 PM eastern US time Saturday, 3 February 2024, new air strikes began in Yemen. About the same time, eight missiles were said to have hit the US military base at the Conico Oil Field in Syria. The fighting is back on again.

Multiple reports indicate the targeted locations in Yemen so far, are:

  • Sanaa
  • Hajjah
  • Taizz
  • Hodeidah
  • Dhamar
  • Al-Bayda


Kremlin threatens to unleash Armageddon on the West if it loses in Ukraine: Moscow warns it will fire nuclear missiles on London, Washington, Berlin and Kyiv if Russia is forced to give up territory it has invaded

Dmitry Medvedev - a close Putin ally who served as president from 2008 to 2012 - said if a military defeat led to a return to the 1991 frontiers, when the Soviet Union collapsed, Moscow would unleash Armageddon.

'Attempts to return Russia to the borders of 1991 will lead to only one thing,' he said. 'Towards a global war with Western countries using the entire strategic arsenal of our state. In Kyiv, Berlin, London, Washington.'

Hypersonic nuclear missiles would also strike 'all other beautiful historical places that have long been included in the flight targets of our nuclear triad'.

Royal Navy's 16,000 ton Trident-class nuclear submarine Vanguard

British nuclear Trident submarine missile launch fails and ‘plops’ into sea yards away

The Ministry of Defence has admitted to an "anomaly" that occurred during nuclear missile test but refused to provide further details on the grounds of national security

A British nuclear missile misfired and crashed into the ocean near the submarine that launched it during a test last month, it has been revealed

The Sun, which first reported the test failure, said the incident occurred during an exercise off the coast of Florida, United States, last month. The newspaper reported that a dummy Trident 2 missile was propelled into the air by compressed gas in its launch tube, but that its so-called first-stage boosters did not ignite.

An anonymous source quoted by The Sun said: "It left the submarine but it just went plop, right next to them." The MoD said the "anomaly" during the exercise was "event specific". It is said to be the second misfiring in a row, with a test launch of a Trident missile by the Royal Navy off the coast of the US in June 2016 also reported to have been a failure.