Why are they always targeting schools? - Answer to Wayne Capps question on 5GGUA to Simon (McIntosh)


Gib Messenger to Wayne Capps: One of the effects of WiFi and especially 5G is that it sterilises people, and if they sterilise the children before or during puberty then they will significantly reduce the population, as the Eugenicists like Kill Gates are determined to do.

This is the follow-up to the Gardasil HPV vaccinations they give to 11-12 year old little girls to sterilise them, and make sure they never have babies. Why 11-12 year old girls, instead of 16-18 year old girls? The answer is obvious: they are just becoming fertile.

Gardasil has killed and maimed tens of thousands of young girls. MMR vaccines have destroyed millions of lives by causing Autism. The Flu vaccine has killed millions of pensioners so they don’t have to pay their pensions. Still think vaccines are safe? Wake-up! Is HPV a 'Manufactured Crisis?' A New Documentary Explores Just That. - The Tenpenny Report

Gardasil is also injected into young boys now, for the same reason - to sterilise them too: Gardasil and Male Infertility - The Tenpenny Report

5G in schools and elsewhere will react with the aluminium in the Gardasil.

So who is behind this? FOLLOW THE MONEY:

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) funded the Gardasil and Cervarix trials conducted by The Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) in India. It also funds GAVI and co-founded Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) both involved in India immunization programme Controversial vaccine studies: Why is Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation under fire from critics in India? - The Economic Times

BMGF has awarded $50 million to the Alliance for Cervical Cancer Prevention for a major new effort to prevent cervical cancer worldwide: Alliance for Cervical Cancer Prevention Receives $50 Million Gift From Bill and Melinda Gates | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


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Oh, and don’t forget that everyone’s lungs now contain aluminium nano-particles from the years of chemtrails being sprayed, and people’s brains from aluminium in shampoos, and women’s breasts (think breast-cancer) from aluminium in underarm (the most porous part of your body) deodorants, that will also react to 5G. Why would T.H.E.Y. put aluminium in these hygiene products, except to poison you? Use only organic ones from now on.

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Oh, and, don’t forget all the aluminium pots and pans in which you cook your food, some coated with poisonous Teflon, and by the way, T.H.E.Y. KNOW that aluminium causes alzheimers disease/dementia.

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