This post is intended for people who do not (yet) know what it is like, but it is also interesting for all those who have already acquired the necessary insights through self-study and research. It is always useful to see some facts restated.

On April 7, 1948, the newly established UN (which was a continuation of the post-war League of Nations) established a department that would focus on world health: the WHO.
After its creation, the WHO, together with a team of experts, established data-based conditions for the declaration of a global pandemic.

  1. at least 10% of the world's population had to be or become ill from a new infectious disease
  2. at least 3% of the world's population had to die from that disease.
    Easy to verify.

The fact that a pandemic was never declared between 1948 and 2009 - although there have been flashpoints in various places in the world, such as Sars-Cov1, Mers and Ebola - is because the conditions were never met.

In May 2009, shortly before the outbreak of the Mexican flu, the WHO suddenly completely changed the conditions for a pandemic and converted them into 5 alarm phases. All previous criteria have been removed.
Since May 2009, the WHO has been able to declare a pandemic if an outbreak of a new infectious disease is detected in at least 2 Member States (out of 194) in 2 separate WHO departments. The number of sick and dead is no longer a criterion.

Not much later, the Mexican flu broke out, which was classified as a pandemic by the WHO and led to worldwide vaccination - also of babies and toddlers - but without restrictive measures, mandatory face mask requirements, quarantines and lockdowns. Not because they did not want to do this, but because there were no legal instruments to do so.

In 2011, the WHO reluctantly had to admit that the Mexican flu was not a pandemic. All countries then destroyed their stocks of vaccines (Netherlands: 13 million - Belgium: numbers unknown).

Although the conditions for a pandemic were once again completely not met, the WHO hastily declared another Pandemic on March 13, 2020, this time for Sars-Cov2, which this time was accompanied by global lockdowns, quarantines, mandatory face mask requirements and a lot of orchestrated propaganda via governments and the media that have literally pushed the people into a fear psychosis.

There was an international script. A screenplay. All media outlets spoke the exact same language in the exact same words. Daily, every hour of the day. Repetitive.

There was no legislation that allowed governments to deprive the population of their Constitutional rights and freedoms so they had to be creative and make do with existing legislation that was completely taken out of context.
In Belgium, first Maggie De Block and Pieter De Crem and then Annelies Verlinden, have systematically invoked an old law on civil protection that only applies in the event of war or disaster. The measures were determined in a series of successive Ministerial Decrees that were lifted every 14 days or a maximum of 2 months and replaced by a new Ministerial Decree so that every citizen who dared to file a claim for annulment was confronted with inadmissibility because the MB against which they filed a claim claim had been filed no longer existed. Very clever.

The WHO had predicted through public announcements in the early stages of "the pandemic" that at least 10% of the world's population (or 780 million people) would become ill and many would die.
In reality, barely a fraction of these actually became ill. Even in terms of positive tests, we have never reached 10% over the entire period (3 years).

In 2020, 25,000 people died in Belgium, or 0.0022% of the population (99% elderly with pre-existing conditions) and in 2021 barely 8,000 (also mainly elderly). To my knowledge, 2022 has not even been announced.
Although there has been frenzied testing in Belgium with PCR tests (3x as much as the total population), on average never more than 5% of all those tested tested positive and 95% of them were asymptomatic.
During the highest peak, there were never more than 8,000 people in hospital, or 0.0012% of the population.
We are very far below 3% sick and 10% dead, or in other words, there has been no epidemic in Belgium and no pandemic worldwide. It was a pretext that served another purpose.

According to the narrative, every corona death was one too many, so everyone had to be vaccinated with an experimental product that had never before been used on humans. Also perfectly healthy people and children and also people who had had the disease, had been cured of it and had clearly developed antibodies naturally.
Why ? Not for the sake of public health, but because Agenda 2030 and the UN SDGs prescribe that the entire world population must be vaccinated by 2030 (it literally says).

That was the plan and still IS the plan.

Since March 2020, we have been working furiously on legislation that will allow the population to be taken completely legally in the event of a future pandemic.
In Belgium, this has translated into a real pandemic law that, strangely enough - just like in the Netherlands - does not provide for any concrete criterion for a pandemic. No percentages, no data.
They have left the door wide open so they can go in any direction.
Citizens cannot invoke this Pandemic Act to contest a possible new pandemic with restrictive measures, because there are no concrete criteria on which they can fall back.

On May 14, 2024, a Royal Decree was published with a new national emergency plan in which the only criterion is the presence or threat of a crisis in at least 2 provinces and expressly refers several times to the cooperation with "our involved partners" or the WHO, the UN, WEF and other NGOs and private foundations.
They can go in any direction with that. Citizens cannot rely on this Royal Decree to contest the possible declaration of a new alert phase 4
because no other criteria are provided and a possible threat is sufficient.

In March 2024, the Council of Ministers also approved a real code on emergency planning and crisis management, the contents of which are not even known to the population and to which the government has not given any publicity. We have a guess.

On 24.05.2024, a Pandemic Treaty will be voted on in the WHO, to which Belgium and the Netherlands have already informally committed in 2022 and which the outgoing Rutte cabinet even formally approved a few days ago without a prior vote in the House of Representatives (!) ( = illegal).
The Pandemic Treaty gives absolute powers to the WHO and its Director General Tedros, who can make decisions on his own, without a vote in the board of directors. The Member States must implement those decisions and no longer have sovereignty.
Even worse is that art 1 and art 3 of the IHL, which explicitly provide for respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms, are being deleted, so citizens no longer have any rights. They cannot invoke the Pandemic Treaty.

In short: all doors are closed to citizens.

Not unimportant in the overall picture is that the WHO has gradually acquired more and more powers over the years.
In 2005, the Codex Alimentarius was established, which grants the WHO absolute powers in the field of everything that directly or indirectly affects food, agriculture, GMOs, food additives, fertilizers, drinks including water, soft drinks and alcohol and vitamins, food supplements and medicines (see previous post). Supplemented with insects for human consumption in 2022.
In 2018, the WHO also became competent for sexual education of children in education (from which the woke movement originated) and in 2023 a department was also established within the WHO that is responsible for everything that affects the climate. and geopolitics (in collaboration with the UN, which in turn has a cooperation agreement with the WEF).
In short, the WHO has global authority for just about everything. The Member States have voluntarily given up their sovereignty.

The most worrying thing is that the WHO is clearly aiming for a world government with a totalitarian character, while it has not been democratically elected, its directors and executives are appointed through a familiar policy and ... the WHO is mainly financed by private interest groups, including large sponsor Bill Gates who has pumped hundreds of billions of dollars into the WHO since 1985 (see previous post with evidence).

In concrete terms, this means that the citizens of all countries that participate in this charade will soon be governed by private individuals who hold the reins in the WHO and can force countries to comply with the rules they impose. Naturally, as a citizen you will continue to have your right to self-determination and you can always refuse to carry out orders, but this will have consequences that your resistance will not help.

We in Belgium owe all this to the corrupt politicians who sold their souls, betrayed the people but still have the courage to ask you to vote for them on June 9.


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