Where's the meat?

Vegan influencer Zhanna Samsonova 'dies of starvation' after decade of only eating raw fruit and vegetables

A "raw vegan" influencer has reportedly died from starvation after a decade of only eating fruit and vegetables.

Originally from Russia, Zhanna Samsonova - known as Zhanna D'Art on social media - used Instagram, where she had more than 10,000 followers before she died, to highlight the benefits of a raw vegan diet.

Speaking to a Russian newspaper following the 39-year-old's death in Malaysia on 21 July, her mother said Samsonova died from a "cholera-like infection" that was made worse by her restrictive diet.

Her official cause of death has not been revealed, but her friends had expressed worries about her extreme style of veganism to local media.

One friend told 116.ru: "Ms Samsonova's idle starvation was causing her to melt before our eyes, but she believed everything was fine.

"Only her eyes, merry eyes, and gorgeous hair compensated for the dreadful sight of a body tortured by idiocy. Forgive me if it sounds harsh."

Another added: "I lived one floor above her and every day I feared finding her lifeless body in the morning. I convinced her to seek treatment, but she didn't make it."

Friends also said she refused to get medical attention before her death, and described how she was bed bound and struggled to walk, according to local media.

They also claimed she had not drunk any water for six years, choosing instead to drink fruit and vegetable juice.

Quotes from the above post, by the Gibraltar Messenger:

Humans are omnivores, not herbivores or carnivores, but a combination of both because the human body needs both.

That is why in The Law (Deuteronomy 14) you are told what you can eat and what you cannot eat.

You were given God's Law to keep you healthy and and the environment pristine.

You break it at your own peril and destruction.

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