When The Bible Makes The News In A Good Way

A retired NY police officer listened to the good telepathic voice within and a cherish Bible was returned to a young man who carried it with him always. That good telepathic voice is described in The Way home or face The Fire.

Bible returned to Franklin man thanks to former NYPD officer


It’s a heartwarming story of how a Franklin police officer and a former New York City police officer helped make a young man’s day.

“If anybody knows me, they know I take it everywhere with me,” Matthew Busing said.

“The bible that was gifted to me 10 years ago. It’s the only one that I’ve ever owned that was given to me by my grandfather,” Busing said.

“I set my bible and bag on top of my car,” Busing said. About a mile up the road, he found that bag, but his bible was gone.

“I was driving down the road and I saw a book in the road, flipped I over, and it said Holy Bible, so I was excited,” Stephen Colantonio said.

But he didn’t take the bible home. Instead, Colantonio, a former New York City police officer, said he saw an embroidered name and took the book to the Franklin Police Department.

“I used the resource that I could through the police department, and we ended up actually finding an address in Franklin, so I went to it,” Franklin Police Officer Jami Lawlor said.

“He just had this weird gut feeling like God was telling him* he needed to turn back around, and he went and got it,” Lawlor told Busing.

Colantonio said he had no idea what he had done until reporters called to tell him. He was even more touched when he saw the body camera video.

Bible returned to man thanks to former NYPD officer

*The Way home or face The Fire
2:13 This encouragement and teaching, from within (IN-TUITION), by the good voice, that everyone has, and by life; circumstances and surroundings; has to be accompanied by free-will to choose. If God forced everyone to do things, they would never learn, and He would have no way of knowing, whether they were being good, because they wanted to, or because He was forcing them. The fifth God given right is the right to self-defence, from evil.

2:38 There is ABSOLUTELY no such thing as coincidence, everything is planned, down to the smallest detail, so that when things happen, you have to ask why, and the good telepathic voice within you will tell you why. Then, those who seek, will be able to make sense of their lives, and follow the right path. Similarly, there is no such thing as luck.

If you read any good, positive stories about The Bible in the News, please share. Criteria - must be a "feel-good" article/story. Thank you.


She has a Bible once treasured by a Green Bay couple. She wants their descendants to have it

The Bible, once a valued possession of a prominent Green Bay couple, has been part of a Kristine Ray's life for decades.

Now she is in the midst of moving from an island off the northern coast of Seattle to Southern California and hopes to return the Bible to the people she thinks could appreciate it most, the descendants of the Bible's original owner.

Ray can't say for sure exactly how her family came to posses the Bible. She believes that her father, a small business owner, took possession of the Bible when he was a winning bidder in an auction for the contents of a disused storage unit in northwestern Indiana.

The Bible always resonated with her, Ray said.

"There was never a time when I remember this Bible not being around," she said. "Even as a I child I would be looking at it, and it was so old. It was really cool."

Ray was older when the significance of the Bible began to dawn on her. It wasn't that it was just old, it was that it represented someone and a family who obviously once treasured it. "I thought, 'Wow, this is a historical document,'" she said.

The original owners were Michael and Mary Sutton, both originally from Ireland, an isle of Destiny steeped in Biblical History.

Matt. 5:16 Let your Light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

The Bible offers the perfect system. It unhesitatingly promises the completion of the Plan on this Earth, the overruling and the entire elimination of all evil, the ushering in of a Golden Age.

Denzel Washington: I read the Bible every day

Denzel reads Bible Daily

In an interview with GQ magazine, Washington opened up about his Christian values, telling the publication that he made sure to read his Bible every day.

"I read from the Bible every day, and I read my Daily Word," Washington revealed. "I read something great yesterday. It said, 'Don't aspire to make a living. Aspire to make a difference.'"

The Christian actor also told the publication about his experience with feeling the Holy Spirit during a service at the West Angeles Church of God in Christ.

"Spirituality is important in every aspect of my life," Washington said. "I mean, that's why I'm here. That's what I've been blessed to do."

Bullet-ridden Bible 'saved First World War soldier's life'

The daughter of a man who served in the medical corp says her father kept the scarred Bible with him for the rest of his life.

The daughter of a man who was injured in the First World War says a Bible containing two gunshot scars from a German machine gun saved her father's life.

Private Leslie Friston, who served as a nurse with the Royal Army Medical Corps, was blinded and had respiratory problems after a gas attack in 1917.

As the 23-year-old was recovering in a makeshift hospital bed, a German plane passed overhead and machine-gunned the building's tin roof.

Two of the bullets struck his soldier's Bible, which was on his bedside table.

"He said the Bible saved his life as it took the brunt of the attack," his daughter, Ena Thompson, said.

Mrs Thompson, 87, added: "If the bullets had landed just a few inches further towards him, he would not have survived - and I wouldn't be here today."

After surviving the war, Private Friston, from Surbiton in Surrey, brought the Bible home with him. He passed away in 1958.

"He was incredibly lucky and I think he knew this as he kept the Bible with him for the rest of his life," Mrs Thompson said.

He did not want to talk about his experiences, however.

Mrs Thompson explained: "I used to ask him 'Would you tell me about the war...?' and he would say 'No, I don't want to talk about it.'"

Private Friston's younger brother, Edward, died during the war at the age of 19 while his elder brother Tom survived.

His sight returned and he ran a grocery store in Hampton, southwest London.

Mrs Thompson said her father's Bible was "such as special thing", adding: "It still has his name and his service number in it which he wrote.

"When I hold the Bible I just get a special feeling. It might sound a bit strange but it makes me feel comfortable and happy.

"It's a nice feeling that it saved his life. It makes me feel close to him."

Mrs Thompson was speaking as part of the Royal British Legion's 2018 Poppy Appeal.

"I am extremely thankful to the WWI generation for all they did for us," she said.

"It's hard to imagine what the world would be like if things had gone differently all those years ago.

"We owe it to that generation to remember their sacrifices."

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How the Bible Inspires WHEN CALLS THE HEART’s Creator

“Story is food. God’s story is food. It’s the cure for everything in the universe. It’s this giant love story from heaven to earth, and is the only thing that fixes anything,” Bird told Bible Gateway. “Politics won’t fix it, activism won’t fix it, protesting in the street won’t fix it; this giant love story of impossible forgiveness is the only thing that will fix anything in our culture, in our world.”

“The opposite of [God’s story] is the result of the biggest feud in history which divides hundreds and hundreds of millions of people. The inability to forgive — eye for an eye, that doesn’t get resolved in ‘you’ve heard it said, love your enemy,’” he continued. “And [the Bible] has been sitting there for us. Sitting there for the whole world. It’s been 2,000 years, and in some ways, I despair because it’s farther away than ever from us. It’s sitting there, but we don’t embrace it. It’s like we’re blind.”

Read the entire article here.

Celebrating the King James Bible


by Jerry Newcombe

“Simply put, the Bible is the most influential book ever written. Not only is the Bible the best-selling book of all time, it is the best-selling book of the year every year.”

It’s the bedrock of Western culture.

“Any born English-speaking son or daughter of the Christian West, who has not savored, indeed, soaked him- or herself in the King James Version of the Holy Bible is irreparably ignorant and culturally deprived.”

The Bible is the best-selling book in the history of the world. And the King James Version (1611), in particular is the most widely published and distributed book of all time.

Indeed, to this day many common idioms and phrases in the English language get back to the King James Version of the Bible. Such as: “Let there be light,” “Seek and ye shall find,” and “The blind leading the blind”...

More at link.

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Creed's Scott Stapp issues call for unity, reminds fans US is 'built upon the Bible and the Word of God'

Creed lead singer Scott Stapp reminded audiences that the U.S. is a Christian nation “built upon the Bible and the Word of God” and urged Americans to unite in a rousing speech at a recent concert.

Stapp: “The only way to make change is to wake up and come together as one. Focus on what we have in common, which is life, freedom, love, happiness,” he said. “We find our common ground and we build from there. And as we’re building that common ground, we start keeping the powers that be accountable. We start reminding them of what our Constitution says. We start reminding them of what our Bill of Rights says. We start reminding them that we are a constitutional republic based upon the Bible and the Word of God, not a democracy. Go study. Go do your homework.”

While not explicitly Christian, songs like "Higher," "With Arms Wide Open" and "My Own Prison" reflect his spiritual journey and struggles with faith.

(There was also Creed's song My Sacrifice

The article is about this speech between songs at a recent concert:




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Still the greatest seller in the history of the world, still illegal in over 53 countries, and also the most shoplifted book in history. Flying off the shelves right now and still changing lives. #TheBIBLE Pick one up today, I know the Author personally.

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