Water powered motor bike generates hydrogen via electrolysis...

I have said I am not certain of that video, but I am arguing re your claim of no possibility of splitting hydrogen and oxygen from water to produce power, to wit:

Do you really think you will find the proof when THEY are actively suppressing this technology because they can't control it? I can show you countless videos of the technology in action, but you would always find an excuse not to believe it.

You’ve said that already.

You’re not certain but for some reason that you won’t explain you still chose to promote/defend it.

I did not say anything about no possibility of splitting hydrogen and oxygen from water to produce power [using less energy to do so than what comes out, I believe you meant].

There is a distinct diffence between saying:

"I claim there is no possibility of it"
"I clam that as far as I know, it bas not been proven"

which I believe are distilled version of what has been said.

Once we've cleared up these things which I have written then perhaps I can tell ou what II think about that.

Then you can also show me these videos, which I don't believe are countless.


Would be a total waste of my time....You can find them Google "Daniel Dingel". You would probably have more luck on a platform that isn't CIA controlled though

Ok, understood. Well thank you for another interesting discussion.

Hope it didn't feel like a waste of time for you and hope any possible readers of the thread learn about how to behave when discussing things.

I am sure most readers having seen how closed minded you are will understand my stance.

Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results

Well, close-mindedness is one thing.

Being gullible and believing a fraudulent video is another thing. As is not being wanting to admit that one was fooled (about the video).

The fact that there's been alot of hydrogen-water events and conspiracies ongoing for a long time does not prove that the first video you posted is real.

Ignoring questions and and doing ad-hominen attacks yet another thing.

What exactly are you referring to?

Like believing the Establishment line on everything and the MSM like you appear too?? By the way you never did answer before whether you took the Covid-19 shots, the safe and effective ones the scientists claimed? I know what I think. Being fooled in some cases is deadly.

I am referring to the fact that I would be insane to engage you thinking I would change your mind on anything. I have have already proved I am pretty nuts by doing so in the past.

Things are not always as they appear and I don't believe you have enough data on my beliefs to make that assumption.

Ok, you've asked so many times that I will reply.

Yes, I've actually been inoculated by a kind of special health-service with a kind of medicine that works against covid-19 and actually quite a few other diseeases too, and hope that I keep getting the "booster shots".

That's all up to me as outlined in their policy...

This service I'm on has 24/7 phone service too btw. You can read more about the whole program here and here. It's highly addictive though, but that's really not such a bad thing. (TWH 2:17).

You'll usually need solid and rational arguments without any logical-fallacies or ignored questions to convince me of things...

You wanna get nuts? Let's get nuts! - Bruce Wayne (Batman, 1989)

*edit: corrected hyperlink

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I have yet to observe that with myself or anybody else....

Point taken, so why when you know when they lie on such a massive scale on the vaccines, do you not think they would do it in other areas of "science"?

I cant formulate an answer completely right now.

It has to do with believing in the whole thing about the school in The Garden of Eden where the idea was not to learn "science" ...

That even though some aspects of various sciences might appear legit they might still be wrong (satanic) and not be things we should be doing here inside "The Matrix".

And here I would prefer to know exactly what you are referring to because I believe it is logical to look carefully at pieces of data individually to see what something consists of before looking at it all and proclaiming what it is.

Well who is the prince of this world and the father of lies? Good rule of thumb not to believe anything the people in charge tell you....

Ah we are banned from discussing the main example I have.....

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If you could make it easier to discard posts. Would appreciate it....

dot dot dot icon -> trashcan?

Compared to traditional ICE that burns petroleum products, electric/EV is by far the better technology for an advanced society. It wins hands down. If the Oil companies had not suppressed and held the development back for as long as they had, probably almost everything would have been electric by now.

Now that it finally being allowed, there is this great push to develop and improve it, as this was not done in previous years. It is akin to having been kept on steam locomotives while better technology was available, because the steam barons did not want to lose their monopoly on selling steam. Now don't get me wrong, steam power was truly great. But better technology does exist. Electric trains are far better.

In Tokyo, they have an electric train that does not even have a conductor. You can go and sit at the front of the train, where they have put large windows so you can see the city go by, because there is no conductor there.

Hydrogen as a fuel source has been studied and looked at a lot for many years. There have been ICE BMW's and public busses that have been tested running on hydrogen in countries like Germany and elsewhere. The problem with Hydrogen is storage. As it is such a small molecule, it is difficult to contain the gas. It will permeate the walls of a steel tank in which it is stored and could degrade the material over time.

Another technology is the use of fuel cells, that can be used turn liquid methane or other fuels into electricity, that then drives a motor, but it also has it's own set of issues.

As far as generating hydrogen "on the go", until this is proven to be feasible by someone not only showing it, but then also making it public, without asking for money, in other words giving it away so that anyone can learn the secret, it remains no more than a claim and a theory.

So far, no one has done that. Stanley Meyer may have built his car, and it may have worked, but he wanted to keep the "how-to" a secret. And so whatever he did do, died with him. The first thing people tend to want to do is get themselves a patent, so they can "own" their discovery and then hope to get wealthy from it. That is the mistake in my view. If you discover something that can benefit everyone, then it should be given away so everyone can benefit. Otherwise, the result is that no one benefits from it in the end.

So what Musk did, was to make the current EV technology that they developed open source and free, to anyone. Tesla did have patents, but then in 2014 did this:

All Our Patent Are Belong To You

Elon Musk, CEO, June 12, 2014

Yesterday, there was a wall of Tesla patents in the lobby of our Palo Alto headquarters. That is no longer the case. They have been removed, in the spirit of the open source movement, for the advancement of electric vehicle technology.


We can see the result of this now 10 years later. Now it's everywhere. There have been battery fires etc., yes, this is true. But it is because the battery technology had not yet been fully developed to be safe, with lithium ion batteries which carry a risk. The technology was held back by and in the West, for the sake of continuing oil profits for the people who owned it.

Now it is being developed by the East - mostly China. The new batteries they are making now are Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries, to replace lithium ion. These new batteries carry more energy, charge faster, last longer and they do not catch fire.

New technology always goes through a stage of trial and error. There used to be a risk of Diesel engines suffering from runaway. In fact, it still happens today. Diesel engines can run away, when they start burning the oil that is in the engine sump, and that can be quite scary for people when it happens because it's not easy to stop. It can even burst into flames if it's a big enough engine, although that does not happen normally.

Why I believe EV is better is mainly because it cuts out a big chunk of waste process (extracting, transporting, refining, transporting again, then burning it to produce propulsion). With Electric, you don't need that. Also, I've always loved electricity and have played around with it since childhood. I wanted to build an electric car, like the toy one I had. I just think it's cool

Thank you for your inspirational, well thought out and structured reply JF.

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One problem with electric cars is how they tend to build in all these other electric, digital etc features and luxury features (just look at the new Chinese ones) which then tie in to the control grid.

Perhaps a minimalistic, simple; no b-s standardized, modular, easy to repair, open source etc (affordable) car would be a good idea.