Verdemar EA proposes to the Government protection for cetaceans in the Bay of Algeciras

The conservation group Verdemar Ecologists in Action is going to propose to the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge a "protection" for cetaceans in the Bay of Algeciras.

The ecologists emphasize that the Bay of Algeciras "is used as a refuge by resident and semi-resident species of cetaceans and as a migratory corridor by other species, and that "a large number of common dolphins (delphinus delphis) concentrate in the bay because it is rich in ichthyos and malacofauna and provides all the qualities for giving birth and raising. This species is considered resident in the bay and can be observed every month of the year." They also point out that the number of individuals "increases considerably during the summer, autumn, and winter months."

Verdemar notes that other species such as the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) also use the bay to feed on fish and benthic cephalopods such as conger eels and cuttlefish, and the presence of newborns is observed in the groups that frequent the bay more sporadically than the common dolphin.

The environmental group adds that "there are local groups of Risso's dolphin, as well as groups of calves and juveniles in the northern part of the bay."

Verdemar adds that the southern axis of the bay is used by migratory species such as the fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) in its migrations towards the Atlantic, approaching the coasts of Algeciras by Punta Carnero and San García, and sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus).

In addition, they indicate that it is possible to observe a large number of sea turtles such as the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) during their migrations and stops for feeding in the Strait.

They conclude by stating that the Bay of Algeciras "is considered a critical area for these species, as it is necessary for the development and growth of species considered critically endangered, endangered, threatened, and vulnerable in the Mediterranean according to the criteria of the IUCN."