πŸ’‰ VACCINATIONS: Direct, Adverse Effects, and Deaths

Medscape Forum: 90% Report Adverse Reaction

Medscape has a forum where medical professionals can report adverse vaccine reactions, personal or patients.

About 90% of the nearly 500 responses report deaths, cramps, convulsions, miscarriages, headaches and more.

About 10% say there were no problems.

90% Report Adverse Reactions to Forum

Dr. Amanada Hahn

As far as short term data goes, I have had 4 patients and 2 friends now die unexpectedly shortly (day of to 7 days) after receiving the therapy. At what point is it no longer coincidence. It concerns me very much that there is blatant coercion and pressure to get this experimental injection (ingredients still not fully divulged) especially in children and pregnant/breastfeeding women. Pregnant women were not included in the testing leading up to the EUA. Since when do we inject experimental therapies into pregnant women and children, especially when they are not affected by the virus and they are not superspreaders?

Annette Donald-

I’m So sorry for all you poor people suffering. I too am still suffering 12 weeks after 1st Astra vaccination. I have been to hospital several times, undergone tests and head scan and told it is vaccine effects and should go away. I am still suffering with severe constant headache and electric like shocks through head. I never suffered with headaches prior to this.

Rebecca Sandoz

I am a biologist from Switzerland. I had my first dose of Pfizer vaccination on May 3, 2021. The next day my symptoms started:

Continued at link.

Life or Death: Pharmaceutical β€œPlandemic” Poisonous Vaccines, or the Healing of the Holy Spirit – Your choice