UK official: Citizens will comply with future lockdowns

Professor David Halpern, head of the “nudge unit” for the United Kingdom during the Covid-19 pandemic, believes citizens will comply with future lockdown restrictions after having “practiced the drill.”

In an interview on the “Lockdown Files” podcast, Halpern told The Telegraph that since the Covid-19 pandemic allowed the citizens of the United Kingdom to “practice” wearing face masks and following lockdown restrictions, the country “could redo it” in the future.

Halpern’s “nudge unit,” the Behavioral Insights Team, was recruited by Matt Hancock, former secretary of state for health and social care, to provide the government with “frictionless access to behavioral expertise.”

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Trained like DOGS: Britons will readily comply with future lockdowns and mask mandates, “Nudge Unit” chief says

He pointed out that since the country had "practiced the drill" of the pandemic's restrictive government mandates like wearing facemasks as well as following other health protocols such as social distancing and working from home, it would be easy to "redo it" in a future crisis because people are now "conditioned to do what they are told." Thanks to the engineered globalists' pandemic.

The people got so used to the restrictions and mandates that they find it hard to "unlearn them." He cited mask-wearing as an example.

"Major disasters leave this enduring trace on society," the professor further explained. As well as knowing the drill, this "quasi-evolutionary" impact is a strong indicator of future behavior, he claimed.

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