UK Covid-19 Inquiry

Update: UK Covid-19 Inquiry to hear evidence in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in early 2024

Public hearings for the Inquiry’s investigations into core UK decision-making and political governance in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (Modules 2A, 2B and 2C) will take place in January, February and April 2024 respectively.

Module 2 is divided into four parts, to reflect the different decision-making powers across four nations separately. The first set of Module 2 hearings, from October to December, will focus on UK decision-making. Module 2A looking at decision-making in Scotland, 2B at decision-making in Wales, and 2C at decision-making in Northern Ireland. Public hearings will be held in each of the nations that they concern.

The hearings will be open to the public to attend. Information on how to attend can be found on our website. The witness timetable will be published on our website nearer the time.

Module 2A: Core political and administrative decision making in Scotland.

Module 2B: Core political and administrative decision making in Wales.

Module 2C: Core political and administrative decision making in Northern Ireland.

The final preliminary hearings for these investigations will take place this year at the Inquiry’s Hearing Centre, Dorland House, London, W2 6BU :

  • Module 2A: Core political and administrative decision making in Scotland, Thursday 26 October 2023 at 10:30am.
  • Module 2B: Core political and administrative decision making in Wales, Tuesday 12 December 2023 at 10:30am (updated) – previously, Thursday 16 November 2023.
  • Module 2C: Core political and administrative decision making in Northern Ireland, Tuesday 12 December 2023 at 1:45pm (updated) – previously, Tuesday 12 December 2023 at 10:30am.

At preliminary hearings, the Inquiry Chair makes decisions about how investigations will run. The Inquiry does not hear evidence at these hearings. There will be submissions from the Counsel to the Inquiry and Core Participants to help prepare for the public hearings, where evidence is heard.

The hearings will be available to watch on the Inquiry’s YouTube channel, subject to a three minute delay.

We will publish a transcript of hearing proceedings at the end of each day. A recording of the hearing will be published on the Inquiry’s website at a later date.

Alternative formats, including a Welsh language translation, are available on request.

A full list of hearings dates is available on our website timetable.

Youtube channel

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