🛸 UFOs Have Been Here Longer Than You Think

In the clip below, (full interview is here), Tucker Carlson talks about a frightening spiritual aspect to the UFO phenomena. There is a satanic component to the UFO research that some claim are bad, evil aliens from another planet; but, a more clear explanation, and it has been verified by abductee accounts, is the summoning of demons. He is correct when he says it is very dark and not quick to tell his wife for example; but, will he come forth to expose the satanists working within the military industrial complex and the association with the UFO phenomena or will he be part of the cover-up that denies MK-Ultra/CIA/high-level gov't officials/Deep State worship of satan and all that entails. He is correct in referring to it as a 'spiritual' aspect; so, if he knows that, then he might know more. Authors on the subject, like Carlson, upon years of research discovered things they found frightening (dared not say?). Will it be exposed? Time will tell.

Tucker Carlson says ‘Aliens’ are one of the few topics he is scared to cover, says the things he has learned are so dark that he can’t even tell his wife.

“There's a spiritual component there that I don't fully understand.”

“There are parts of that story that I do not understand at all that are really, really, really dark. It's so dark that I haven't told my wife about it.”

“Parts of the government don't want you to know about it, but part of it is the public can't deal with it. It's too far out. The implications are too profound.”
